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Вопрос: LoadKeyboardLayout как получить KLID
Добавлено: 09.02.06 13:40
Автор вопроса: Alex | Web-сайт:
Private Declare Function LoadKeyboardLayout Lib "user32" Alias "LoadKeyboardLayoutA" (ByVal pwszKLID As String, ByVal flags As Long) As Long
Как получить весь перечень KLID для этой функции.
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Профиль | | #1
Добавлено: 09.02.06 14:16
[in] Pointer to the buffer that specifies the name of the input locale identifier to load. This name is a string composed of the hexadecimal value of the Language Identifier (low word) and a device identifier (high word). For example, U.S. English has a language identifier of 0x0409, so the primary U.S. English layout is named "00000409". Variants of U.S. English layout (such as the Dvorak layout) are named "00010409", "00020409", and so on.