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  Вопрос: Как прочитать строку из реестра? Добавлено: 14.01.06 00:21  

Автор вопроса:  alex

Подскажите пожалуйста, как прочитать текстовую строку из ветки:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
Параметр: Startup

С реестром никогда не работал, и функции RegOpenKeyEx и RegQueryValueEx уже просто
сводят меня с ума! :-(((


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 Профиль | | #1 Добавлено: 14.01.06 01:40
вот пример модуля для работы с реестром.

im r
Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Public Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
Public Const HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004
Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&

' Registry API prototypes

Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal Hkey As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" (ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegDeleteKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteKeyA" (ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String) As Long
Declare Function RegDeleteValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteValueA" (ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long
Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Public Const REG_SZ = 1                         ' Unicode nul terminated string
Public Const REG_DWORD = 4                      ' 32-bit number

Public Sub SaveKey(Hkey As Long, strPath As String)
Dim keyhand&
r = RegCreateKey(Hkey, strPath, keyhand&;)
r = RegCloseKey(keyhand&;)
End Sub

Public Function GetString(Hkey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String)

Dim keyhand As Long
Dim datatype As Long
Dim lResult As Long
Dim strBuf As String
Dim lDataBufSize As Long
Dim intZeroPos As Integer
r = RegOpenKey(Hkey, strPath, keyhand)
lResult = RegQueryValueEx(keyhand, strValue, 0&, lValueType, ByVal 0&, lDataBufSize)
If lValueType = REG_SZ Then
    strBuf = String(lDataBufSize, " ";)
    lResult = RegQueryValueEx(keyhand, strValue, 0&, 0&, ByVal strBuf, lDataBufSize)
    If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        intZeroPos = InStr(strBuf, Chr$(0))
        If intZeroPos > 0 Then
            GetString = Left$(strBuf, intZeroPos - 1)
            GetString = strBuf
        End If
    End If
End If
RegCloseKey keyhand
End Function

Public Sub SaveString(Hkey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String, strdata As String)
Dim keyhand As Long
Dim r As Long
r = RegCreateKey(Hkey, strPath, keyhand)
r = RegSetValueEx(keyhand, strValue, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, Len(strdata))
r = RegCloseKey(keyhand)
End Sub

Function GetDword(ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strValueName As String) As Long
Dim lResult As Long
Dim lValueType As Long
Dim lBuf As Long
Dim lDataBufSize As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim keyhand As Long

r = RegOpenKey(Hkey, strPath, keyhand)

 ' Get length/data type
lDataBufSize = 4
lResult = RegQueryValueEx(keyhand, strValueName, 0&, lValueType, lBuf, lDataBufSize)

If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
    If lValueType = REG_DWORD Then
        GetDword = lBuf
    End If
'    Call errlog("GetDWORD-" & strPath, False)
End If

r = RegCloseKey(keyhand)
End Function

Function SaveDword(ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strValueName As String, ByVal lData As Long)
    Dim lResult As Long
    Dim keyhand As Long
    Dim r As Long
    r = RegCreateKey(Hkey, strPath, keyhand)
    lResult = RegSetValueEx(keyhand, strValueName, 0&, REG_DWORD, lData, 4)
    'If lResult <> error_success Then Call errlog("SetDWORD", False)
    r = RegCloseKey(keyhand)
End Function

Public Function DeleteKey(ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal strKey As String)
Dim r As Long
r = RegDeleteKey(Hkey, strKey)
End Function

Public Function DeleteValue(ByVal Hkey As Long, ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strValue As String)
Dim keyhand As Long
r = RegOpenKey(Hkey, strPath, keyhand)
r = RegDeleteValue(keyhand, strValue)
r = RegCloseKey(keyhand)
End Function


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 Профиль | | #2 Добавлено: 14.01.06 10:40

Спасибо за код! Хотя конечно, желательно в этой ветке давать примеры на PowerBASIC а не на VB..



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 Профиль | | #3 Добавлено: 14.01.06 12:49
Вот простой пример кода, который я пытаюсь использовать, вместо параметра всегда возвращается пустая строка. Подскажите, где тут ошибка?
#Compile Exe
#Dim All
#Include "WIN32API.INC"

Function RegGetValuePB(MainKey As Long, SubKey As Asciiz * 255, Value As Asciiz * 255, ByVal pData As Long, ByVal cbDataSize As Long) As Long
   Dim lValueType     As Long
   Dim lRet           As Long
   Dim lpHKey         As Long
   If MainKey >= &H80000000 And MainKey <= &H80000006 Then
      lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(MainKey, SubKey, 0&, %KEY_READ, lpHKey)
      lRet = RegQueryValueEx(lpHKey, Value, ByVal %Null, lValueType, ByVal pData, cbDataSize)
      If lRet = %ERROR_MORE_DATA Then GoTo readmore
      lRet = RegCloseKey(lpHKey)
   End If
End Function

Function PBMain () As Long
  Dim  sMsg As String
  sMsg = Space$(2048)
  RegGetValuePB(%HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders", "REG_EXPAND_SZ Startup", StrPtr(sMsg), 1024)
  MsgBox   sMsg
End Function


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 Профиль | | #4 Добавлено: 14.01.06 13:18
Ой, не заметил, что это не форум VB


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 Профиль | | #5 Добавлено: 14.01.06 21:16
Вообще-то Startup может быть и не REG_EXPAND_SZ, а REG_SZ, кроме того, он может называться "Common Startup"
Поэтому неплохо было бы проверить на тип значения, и на ERROR_SUCCESS. И кроме того, буферы строк делать AS ASCIIZ * 256

  ;DIM  sMsg       AS ASCIIZ * 256
  ;DIM  KeyName    AS ASCIIZ * 256
  ;DIM  ValueName  AS ASCIIZ * 256
  ;DIM  res  AS LONG
  ;DIM  lValueType     AS LONG
  ;DIM  lRet           AS LONG
  ;DIM  lpHKey         AS LONG

  KeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
  ValueName = "Personal"
  lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(%HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyName, 0&, %KEY_READ, lpHKey)
  lRet = RegQueryValueEx(lpHKey, ValueName, 0, lValueType, sMsg, 2048)
       MSGBOX   sMsg
  lRet = RegCloseKey(lpHKey)

Этот код показывает путь к папке "Мои документы"


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Разработчик Offline Client

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 Профиль | | #6 Добавлено: 14.01.06 21:18
'==============================================================================''  Registry routines for 32-bit PB/DLL'  Copyright (c) 1997,98 by PowerBASIC, Inc. All Rights Reserved.''  Note:  Requires WIN32API.INC file''==============================================================================%HK = %HKEY_CURRENT_USER   'Class where entries are saved and retrieved'------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' SaveSetting - Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows registry.'' Syntax:'   Result = SaveSetting(AppName, Section, Key, Setting)''   SaveSetting AppName, Section, Key, Setting'' Where:''  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the'            key setting is being saved.'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being'            saved.'  Setting = String expression containing the value that 'key' is being set'            to.'FUNCTION SaveSetting(BYVAL AppName AS STRING, BYVAL Section AS STRING, _                     BYVAL Key AS STRING, BYVAL Setting AS STRING) AS LONG  LOCAL hKey   AS LONG  LOCAL Result AS LONG  LOCAL zText  AS ASCIIZ * 2048' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Create the section  IF RegCreateKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, "", _                    %REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, %KEY_ALL_ACCESS, BYVAL %NULL, _                    hKey, Result) <> %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Save the value for the key  IF LEN(Setting) THEN    zText = Setting    RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_SZ, zText, LEN(Setting)+1  ELSE    RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_SZ, BYVAL %NULL, 0  END IF' ** Close the key  RegCloseKey hKey  FUNCTION = %TRUEEND FUNCTION'------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' SaveSettingDW - Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows registry.'' Syntax:'   Result = SaveSettingDW(AppName, Section, Key, Setting)''   SaveSettingDW AppName, Section, Key, Setting'' Where:''  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the'            key setting is being saved.'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being'            saved.'  Setting = Numeric expression containing the value that 'key' is being set'            to.'FUNCTION SaveSettingDW(BYVAL AppName AS STRING, BYVAL Section AS STRING, _                       BYVAL Key AS STRING, BYVAL Setting AS LONG) AS LONG  LOCAL hKey   AS LONG  LOCAL Result AS LONG' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Create the section  IF RegCreateKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, "", _                    %REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, %KEY_ALL_ACCESS, BYVAL %NULL, _                    hKey, Result) <> %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Save the value for the key  RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_DWORD, Setting, 4' ** Close the key  RegCloseKey hKey  FUNCTION = %TRUEEND FUNCTION'------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' SaveSettingB - Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows registry.'' Syntax:'   Result = SaveSettingB(AppName, Section, Key, Setting, Length)''   SaveSettingB AppName, Section, Key, Setting, Length'' Where:''  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the'            key setting is being saved.'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being'            saved.'  Setting = Binary expression containing the value that 'key' is being set'            to.'  Length  = Length of binary data in Setting'FUNCTION SaveSettingB(BYVAL AppName AS STRING, BYVAL Section AS STRING, _                      BYVAL Key AS STRING, ANY, BYVAL Length AS LONG) AS LONG  LOCAL hKey     AS LONG  LOCAL Result   AS LONG  LOCAL pSetting AS DWORD' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Get a pointer to the setting value  ! mov EAX, [EBP+20]  ! mov pSetting, EAX' ** Create the section  IF RegCreateKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, "", _                    %REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, %KEY_ALL_ACCESS, BYVAL %NULL, _                    hKey, Result) <> %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Save the value for the key  RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_BINARY, BYVAL pSetting, Length' ** Close the key  RegCloseKey hKey  FUNCTION = %TRUEEND FUNCTION'------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' GetSetting - Retrieves application entry in the Windows registry.'' Syntax:'   Value = GetSetting(AppName, Section, Key)'' Where:''  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the'            key setting is being saved.'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being'            saved.'  ;Default = Default value if no registry value is found.'' Returns:''  Value   = Value from the registry.  If the value is DWORD, use the CVL()'            or CVDWD() functions to convert from string to numeric.'FUNCTION GetSetting(BYVAL AppName AS STRING, BYVAL Section AS STRING, _                    BYVAL Key AS STRING, BYVAL Default AS STRING) AS STRING  LOCAL hKey    AS LONG  LOCAL Result  AS LONG  LOCAL KeyType AS LONG  LOCAL Buffer  AS STRING * 2048  LOCAL Size    AS LONG' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN    FUNCTION = Default    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Open the section  IF RegOpenKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, %KEY_ALL_ACCESS, _                  hKey) <> %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN    FUNCTION = Default    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Get the key value  Size = SIZEOF(Buffer)  Result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, KeyType, Buffer, Size)' ** Close the registry  RegCloseKey hKey' ** Exit if not successful or nothing there  IF (Result <> %ERROR_SUCCESS) OR (Size = 0) THEN    FUNCTION = Default    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF' ** Return the data  IF KeyType = %REG_SZ THEN    FUNCTION = LEFT$(Buffer, Size - 1)  ELSE    FUNCTION = LEFT$(Buffer, Size)  END IFEND FUNCTION


Номер ответа: 7
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Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
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 Профиль | | #7 Добавлено: 14.01.06 21:23
мдя... простите засранца... :)

'  Registry routines for 32-bit PB/DLL
'  Copyright (c) 1997,98 by PowerBASIC, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
'  Note:  Requires WIN32API.INC file
'==============================================================================<p>%HK = %HKEY_CURRENT_USER   'Class where entries are saved and retrieved<p>'------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' SaveSetting - Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows registry.
' Syntax:
'   Result = SaveSetting(AppName, Section, Key, Setting)
'   SaveSetting AppName, Section, Key, Setting
' Where:
'  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.
'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the
'            key setting is being saved.
'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being
'            saved.
'  Setting = String expression containing the value that 'key' is being set
'            to.
                     BYVAL Key AS STRING, BYVAL Setting AS STRING) AS LONG<p>  LOCAL hKey   AS LONG
  LOCAL zText  AS ASCIIZ * 2048<p>' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null
  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN
  END IF<p>' ** Create the section
  IF RegCreateKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, "", _
                    hKey, Result) &lt;&gt; %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN
  END IF<p>' ** Save the value for the key
  IF LEN(Setting) THEN
    zText = Setting
    RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_SZ, zText, LEN(Setting)+1
    RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_SZ, BYVAL %NULL, 0
  END IF<p>' ** Close the key
  RegCloseKey hKey<p>  FUNCTION = %TRUE<p>END FUNCTION<p>
' SaveSettingDW - Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows registry.
' Syntax:
'   Result = SaveSettingDW(AppName, Section, Key, Setting)
'   SaveSettingDW AppName, Section, Key, Setting
' Where:
'  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.
'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the
'            key setting is being saved.
'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being
'            saved.
'  Setting = Numeric expression containing the value that 'key' is being set
'            to.
                       BYVAL Key AS STRING, BYVAL Setting AS LONG) AS LONG<p>  LOCAL hKey   AS LONG
  LOCAL Result AS LONG<p>' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null
  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN
  END IF<p>' ** Create the section
  IF RegCreateKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, "", _
                    hKey, Result) &lt;&gt; %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN
  END IF<p>' ** Save the value for the key
  RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_DWORD, Setting, 4<p>' ** Close the key
  RegCloseKey hKey<p>  FUNCTION = %TRUE<p>END FUNCTION<p>
' SaveSettingB - Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows registry.
' Syntax:
'   Result = SaveSettingB(AppName, Section, Key, Setting, Length)
'   SaveSettingB AppName, Section, Key, Setting, Length
' Where:
'  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.
'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the
'            key setting is being saved.
'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being
'            saved.
'  Setting = Binary expression containing the value that 'key' is being set
'            to.
'  Length  = Length of binary data in Setting
                      BYVAL Key AS STRING, ANY, BYVAL Length AS LONG) AS LONG<p>  LOCAL hKey     AS LONG
  LOCAL Result   AS LONG
  LOCAL pSetting AS DWORD<p>' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null
  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN
  END IF<p>' ** Get a pointer to the setting value
  ! mov EAX, [EBP+20]
  ! mov pSetting, EAX<p>' ** Create the section
  IF RegCreateKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, "", _
                    hKey, Result) &lt;&gt; %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN
  END IF<p>' ** Save the value for the key
  RegSetValueEx hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, %REG_BINARY, BYVAL pSetting, Length<p>' ** Close the key
  RegCloseKey hKey<p>  FUNCTION = %TRUE<p>END FUNCTION<p>
' GetSetting - Retrieves application entry in the Windows registry.
' Syntax:
'   Value = GetSetting(AppName, Section, Key)
' Where:
'  AppName = String expression containing the name of the application.
'  Section = String expression containing the name of the section where the
'            key setting is being saved.
'  Key     = String expression containing the name of the key setting being
'            saved.
'  ;Default = Default value if no registry value is found.
' Returns:
'  Value   = Value from the registry.  If the value is DWORD, use the CVL()
'            or CVDWD() functions to convert from string to numeric.
                    BYVAL Key AS STRING, BYVAL Default AS STRING) AS STRING<p>  LOCAL hKey    AS LONG
  LOCAL Buffer  AS STRING * 2048
  LOCAL Size    AS LONG<p>' ** Exit is AppName, Section or Key are null
  IF (LEN(AppName) * LEN(Section) * LEN(Key)) = 0 THEN
    FUNCTION = Default
  END IF<p>' ** Open the section
  IF RegOpenKeyEx(%HK, "SOFTWARE\"+AppName+"\"+Section, 0, %KEY_ALL_ACCESS, _
                  hKey) &lt;&gt; %ERROR_SUCCESS THEN
    FUNCTION = Default
  END IF<p>' ** Get the key value
  Size = SIZEOF(Buffer)
  Result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, Key+CHR$(0), 0, KeyType, Buffer, Size)<p>' ** Close the registry
  RegCloseKey hKey<p>' ** Exit if not successful or nothing there
  IF (Result &lt;&gt; %ERROR_SUCCESS) OR (Size = 0) THEN
    FUNCTION = Default
  END IF<p>' ** Return the data
  IF KeyType = %REG_SZ THEN
    FUNCTION = LEFT$(Buffer, Size - 1)
    FUNCTION = LEFT$(Buffer, Size)


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 Профиль | | #8 Добавлено: 15.01.06 22:08

Спасибо! Твой код вроде нормально работает..


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