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  Вопрос: | Отправка данных | Добавлено: 05.10.05 11:47  

Автор вопроса:  «UL.eXe» | ICQ: 197.895.916.247 
Доброго дня, уважаемые программисты!
 У меня возник один маленький вопросик..
 Есть на форме User.Text Pass.Text
 Мне необходимо отправить эти данные
 мне на сервер в скажем: log.cgi
 а главное, необходимо, чтобы пароль
 при передаче записывался в зашифрованном виде:
 MD5 или SHA1..
 Подскажите пожалуйста ссылки, как это осуществить?

В общем:
1. Как отправить данные на сервер в файл?
2. Как их зашифровать при передаче?

 Всем, кто ответит - огромное дружеское СПАСИБО!.


  Ответы Всего ответов: 17  

Номер ответа: 1
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #1 Добавлено: 05.10.05 13:31

Option Explicit

' *  Copyright (C) 2000 by Robert Hubley.                                      *
' *  All rights reserved.                                                      *
' *                                                                            *
' *  This software is provided ``AS IS'' and any express or implied            *
' *  warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of      *
' *  merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed.     *
' *  In no event shall the authors be liable for any direct, indirect,         *
' *  incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but  *
' *  not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, *
' *  data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any     *
' *  theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort       *
' *  ;(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of  *
' *  this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.         *
' *                                                                            *
' ******************************************************************************
'     This is a class which encapsulates a set of MD5 Message Digest functions.
'     MD5 algorithm produces a 128 bit digital fingerprint (signature) from an
'     dataset of arbitrary length.  For details see RFC 1321 (summarized below).
'     This implementation is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
'     algorithm reference implementation (originally written in C)
'     Robert M. Hubley 12/1999
'      Network Working Group                                    R. Rivest
'      Request for Comments: 1321     MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
'                                             and RSA Data Security, Inc.
'                                                              April 1992
'                           The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
'      Summary
'         This document describes the MD5 message-digest algorithm. The
'         algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces
'         as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input.
'         It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce
'         two messages having the same message digest, or to produce any
'         message having a given prespecified target message digest. The MD5
'         algorithm is intended for digital signature applications, where a
'         large file must be "compressed" in a secure manner before being
'         encrypted with a private (secret) key under a public-key cryptosystem
'         such as RSA.
'         The MD5 algorithm is designed to be quite fast on 32-bit machines. In
'         addition, the MD5 algorithm does not require any large substitution
'         tables; the algorithm can be coded quite compactly.
'         The MD5 algorithm is an extension of the MD4 message-digest algorithm
'         1,2]. MD5 is slightly slower than MD4, but is more "conservative" in
'         design. MD5 was designed because it was felt that MD4 was perhaps
'         being adopted for use more quickly than justified by the existing
'         critical review; because MD4 was designed to be exceptionally fast,
'         it is "at the edge" in terms of risking successful cryptanalytic
'         attack. MD5 backs off a bit, giving up a little in speed for a much
'         greater likelihood of ultimate security. It incorporates some
'         suggestions made by various reviewers, and contains additional
'         optimizations. The MD5 algorithm is being placed in the public domain
'         for review and possible adoption as a standard.
'         RFC Author:
'         Ronald L.Rivest
'         Massachusetts Institute of Technology
'         Laboratory for Computer Science
'         NE43 -324545    Technology Square
'         Cambridge, MA  02139-1986
'         Phone: (617) 253-5880
'         EMail:    Rivest@
'     0.1.0  RMH    1999/12/29      Original version

'= Class Constants
Private Const OFFSET_4 = 4294967296#
Private Const MAXINT_4 = 2147483647

Private Const S11 = 7
Private Const S12 = 12
Private Const S13 = 17
Private Const S14 = 22
Private Const S21 = 5
Private Const S22 = 9
Private Const S23 = 14
Private Const S24 = 20
Private Const S31 = 4
Private Const S32 = 11
Private Const S33 = 16
Private Const S34 = 23
Private Const S41 = 6
Private Const S42 = 10
Private Const S43 = 15
Private Const S44 = 21

'= Class Variables
Private State(4) As Long
Private ByteCounter As Long
Private ByteBuffer(63) As Byte

'= Class Properties
Property Get RegisterA() As String
    RegisterA = State(1)
End Property

Property Get RegisterB() As String
    RegisterB = State(2)
End Property

Property Get RegisterC() As String
    RegisterC = State(3)
End Property

Property Get RegisterD() As String
    RegisterD = State(4)
End Property

'= Class Functions

' Function to quickly digest a file into a hex string
Public Function DigestFileToHexStr(FileName As String) As String
    Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
        Get #1, , ByteBuffer
        If Loc(1) < LOF(1) Then
            ByteCounter = ByteCounter + 64
            MD5Transform ByteBuffer
        End If
    ByteCounter = ByteCounter + (LOF(1) Mod 64)
    Close #1
    ;DigestFileToHexStr = GetValues
End Function

' Function to digest a text string and output the result as a string
' of hexadecimal characters.
Public Function DigestStrToHexStr(SourceString As String) As String
    MD5Update Len(SourceString), StringToArray(SourceString)
    ;DigestStrToHexStr = GetValues
End Function

' A utility function which converts a string into an array of
' bytes.
Private Function StringToArray(InString As String) As Byte()
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim bytBuffer() As Byte
    ReDim bytBuffer(Len(InString))
    For I = 0 To Len(InString) - 1
        bytBuffer(I) = Asc(Mid(InString, I + 1, 1))
    Next I
    StringToArray = bytBuffer
End Function

' Concatenate the four state vaules into one string
Public Function GetValues() As String
    GetValues = LongToString(State(1)) & LongToString(State(2)) & LongToString(State(3)) & LongToString(State(4))
End Function

' Convert a Long to a Hex string
Private Function LongToString(Num As Long) As String
        Dim a As Byte
        Dim b As Byte
        Dim c As Byte
        Dim d As Byte
        a = Num And &HFF&
        If a < 16 Then
            LongToString = "0" & Hex(a)
            LongToString = Hex(a)
        End If
        b = (Num And &HFF00&;) \ 256
        If b < 16 Then
            LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(b)
            LongToString = LongToString & Hex(b)
        End If
        c = (Num And &HFF0000) \ 65536
        If c < 16 Then
            LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(c)
            LongToString = LongToString & Hex(c)
        End If
        If Num < 0 Then
            d = ((Num And &H7F000000) \ 16777216) Or &H80&
            d = (Num And &HFF000000) \ 16777216
        End If
        If d < 16 Then
            LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(d)
            LongToString = LongToString & Hex(d)
        End If
End Function

' Initialize the class
'   This must be called before a digest calculation is started
Public Sub MD5Init()
    ByteCounter = 0
    State(1) = UnsignedToLong(1732584193#)
    State(2) = UnsignedToLong(4023233417#)
    State(3) = UnsignedToLong(2562383102#)
    State(4) = UnsignedToLong(271733878#)
End Sub

' MD5 Final
Public Sub MD5Final()
    Dim dblBits As Double
    Dim padding(72) As Byte
    Dim lngBytesBuffered As Long
    padding(0) = &H80
    dblBits = ByteCounter * 8
    ' Pad out
    lngBytesBuffered = ByteCounter Mod 64
    If lngBytesBuffered <= 56 Then
        MD5Update 56 - lngBytesBuffered, padding
        MD5Update 120 - ByteCounter, padding
    End If
    padding(0) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) And &HFF&
    padding(1) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) \ 256 And &HFF&
    padding(2) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) \ 65536 And &HFF&
    padding(3) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) \ 16777216 And &HFF&
    padding(4) = 0
    padding(5) = 0
    padding(6) = 0
    padding(7) = 0
    MD5Update 8, padding
End Sub

' Break up input stream into 64 byte chunks
Public Sub MD5Update(InputLen As Long, InputBuffer() As Byte)
    Dim II As Integer
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim K As Integer
    Dim lngBufferedBytes As Long
    Dim lngBufferRemaining As Long
    Dim lngRem As Long
    lngBufferedBytes = ByteCounter Mod 64
    lngBufferRemaining = 64 - lngBufferedBytes
    ByteCounter = ByteCounter + InputLen
    ' Use up old buffer results first
    If InputLen >= lngBufferRemaining Then
        For II = 0 To lngBufferRemaining - 1
            ByteBuffer(lngBufferedBytes + II) = InputBuffer(II)
        Next II
        MD5Transform ByteBuffer
        lngRem = (InputLen) Mod 64
        ' The transfer is a multiple of 64 lets do some transformations
        For I = lngBufferRemaining To InputLen - II - lngRem Step 64
            For J = 0 To 63
                ByteBuffer(J) = InputBuffer(I + J)
            Next J
            MD5Transform ByteBuffer
        Next I
        lngBufferedBytes = 0
      I = 0
    End If
    ' Buffer any remaining input
    For K = 0 To InputLen - I - 1
        ByteBuffer(lngBufferedBytes + K) = InputBuffer(I + K)
    Next K
End Sub

' MD5 Transform
Private Sub MD5Transform(Buffer() As Byte)
    Dim x(16) As Long
    Dim a As Long
    Dim b As Long
    Dim c As Long
    Dim d As Long
    a = State(1)
    b = State(2)
    c = State(3)
    d = State(4)
    ;Decode 64, x, Buffer

    ' Round 1
    FF a, b, c, d, x(0), S11, -680876936
    FF d, a, b, c, x(1), S12, -389564586
    FF c, d, a, b, x(2), S13, 606105819
    FF b, c, d, a, x(3), S14, -1044525330
    FF a, b, c, d, x(4), S11, -176418897
    FF d, a, b, c, x(5), S12, 1200080426
    FF c, d, a, b, x(6), S13, -1473231341
    FF b, c, d, a, x(7), S14, -45705983
    FF a, b, c, d, x(8), S11, 1770035416
    FF d, a, b, c, x(9), S12, -1958414417
    FF c, d, a, b, x(10), S13, -42063
    FF b, c, d, a, x(11), S14, -1990404162
    FF a, b, c, d, x(12), S11, 1804603682
    FF d, a, b, c, x(13), S12, -40341101
    FF c, d, a, b, x(14), S13, -1502002290
    FF b, c, d, a, x(15), S14, 1236535329
    ' Round 2
    GG a, b, c, d, x(1), S21, -165796510
    GG d, a, b, c, x(6), S22, -1069501632
    GG c, d, a, b, x(11), S23, 643717713
    GG b, c, d, a, x(0), S24, -373897302
    GG a, b, c, d, x(5), S21, -701558691
    GG d, a, b, c, x(10), S22, 38016083
    GG c, d, a, b, x(15), S23, -660478335
    GG b, c, d, a, x(4), S24, -405537848
    GG a, b, c, d, x(9), S21, 568446438
    GG d, a, b, c, x(14), S22, -1019803690
    GG c, d, a, b, x(3), S23, -187363961
    GG b, c, d, a, x(8), S24, 1163531501
    GG a, b, c, d, x(13), S21, -1444681467
    GG d, a, b, c, x(2), S22, -51403784
    GG c, d, a, b, x(7), S23, 1735328473
    GG b, c, d, a, x(12), S24, -1926607734
    ' Round 3
    HH a, b, c, d, x(5), S31, -378558
    HH d, a, b, c, x(8), S32, -2022574463
    HH c, d, a, b, x(11), S33, 1839030562
    HH b, c, d, a, x(14), S34, -35309556
    HH a, b, c, d, x(1), S31, -1530992060
    HH d, a, b, c, x(4), S32, 1272893353
    HH c, d, a, b, x(7), S33, -155497632
    HH b, c, d, a, x(10), S34, -1094730640
    HH a, b, c, d, x(13), S31, 681279174
    HH d, a, b, c, x(0), S32, -358537222
    HH c, d, a, b, x(3), S33, -722521979
    HH b, c, d, a, x(6), S34, 76029189
    HH a, b, c, d, x(9), S31, -640364487
    HH d, a, b, c, x(12), S32, -421815835
    HH c, d, a, b, x(15), S33, 530742520
    HH b, c, d, a, x(2), S34, -995338651
    ' Round 4
    II a, b, c, d, x(0), S41, -198630844
    II d, a, b, c, x(7), S42, 1126891415
    II c, d, a, b, x(14), S43, -1416354905
    II b, c, d, a, x(5), S44, -57434055
    II a, b, c, d, x(12), S41, 1700485571
    II d, a, b, c, x(3), S42, -1894986606
    II c, d, a, b, x(10), S43, -1051523
    II b, c, d, a, x(1), S44, -2054922799
    II a, b, c, d, x(8), S41, 1873313359
    II d, a, b, c, x(15), S42, -30611744
    II c, d, a, b, x(6), S43, -1560198380
    II b, c, d, a, x(13), S44, 1309151649
    II a, b, c, d, x(4), S41, -145523070
    II d, a, b, c, x(11), S42, -1120210379
    II c, d, a, b, x(2), S43, 718787259
    II b, c, d, a, x(9), S44, -343485551
    State(1) = LongOverflowAdd(State(1), a)
    State(2) = LongOverflowAdd(State(2), b)
    State(3) = LongOverflowAdd(State(3), c)
    State(4) = LongOverflowAdd(State(4), d)

'  /* Zeroize sensitive information.
'  MD5_memset ((POINTER)x, 0, sizeof (x));
End Sub

Private Sub Decode(Length As Integer, OutputBuffer() As Long, InputBuffer() As Byte)
    Dim intDblIndex As Integer
    Dim intByteIndex As Integer
    Dim dblSum As Double
    intDblIndex = 0
    For intByteIndex = 0 To Length - 1 Step 4
        dblSum = InputBuffer(intByteIndex) + _
                                    InputBuffer(intByteIndex + 1) * 256# + _
                                    InputBuffer(intByteIndex + 2) * 65536# + _
                                    InputBuffer(intByteIndex + 3) * 16777216#
        OutputBuffer(intDblIndex) = UnsignedToLong(dblSum)
        intDblIndex = intDblIndex + 1
    Next intByteIndex
End Sub

' FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4.
' Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation.
Private Function FF(a As Long, _
                    b As Long, _
                    c As Long, _
                    d As Long, _
                    x As Long, _
                    s As Long, _
                    ac As Long) As Long
    a = LongOverflowAdd4(a, (b And c) Or (Not (b) And d), x, ac)
    a = LongLeftRotate(a, s)
    a = LongOverflowAdd(a, b)
End Function

Private Function GG(a As Long, _
                    b As Long, _
                    c As Long, _
                    d As Long, _
                    x As Long, _
                    s As Long, _
                    ac As Long) As Long
    a = LongOverflowAdd4(a, (b And d) Or (c And Not (d)), x, ac)
    a = LongLeftRotate(a, s)
    a = LongOverflowAdd(a, b)
End Function

Private Function HH(a As Long, _
                    b As Long, _
                    c As Long, _
                    d As Long, _
                    x As Long, _
                    s As Long, _
                    ac As Long) As Long
    a = LongOverflowAdd4(a, b Xor c Xor d, x, ac)
    a = LongLeftRotate(a, s)
    a = LongOverflowAdd(a, b)
End Function

Private Function II(a As Long, _
                    b As Long, _
                    c As Long, _
                    d As Long, _
                    x As Long, _
                    s As Long, _
                    ac As Long) As Long
    a = LongOverflowAdd4(a, c Xor (b Or Not (d)), x, ac)
    a = LongLeftRotate(a, s)
    a = LongOverflowAdd(a, b)
End Function

' Rotate a long to the right
Function LongLeftRotate(value As Long, bits As Long) As Long
    Dim lngSign As Long
    Dim lngI As Long
    bits = bits Mod 32
    If bits = 0 Then LongLeftRotate = value: Exit Function
    For lngI = 1 To bits
        lngSign = value And &HC0000000
        value = (value And &H3FFFFFFF) * 2
        value = value Or ((lngSign < 0) And 1) Or (CBool(lngSign And _
                &H40000000) And &H80000000)
    LongLeftRotate = value
End Function

' Function to add two unsigned numbers together as in C.
' Overflows are ignored!
Private Function LongOverflowAdd(Val1 As Long, Val2 As Long) As Long
    Dim lngHighWord As Long
    Dim lngLowWord As Long
    Dim lngOverflow As Long

    lngLowWord = (Val1 And &HFFFF&;) + (Val2 And &HFFFF&;)
    lngOverflow = lngLowWord \ 65536
    lngHighWord = (((Val1 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + ((Val2 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + lngOverflow) And &HFFFF&
    LongOverflowAdd = UnsignedToLong((lngHighWord * 65536#) + (lngLowWord And &HFFFF&;))
End Function

' Function to add two unsigned numbers together as in C.
' Overflows are ignored!
Private Function LongOverflowAdd4(Val1 As Long, Val2 As Long, val3 As Long, val4 As Long) As Long
    Dim lngHighWord As Long
    Dim lngLowWord As Long
    Dim lngOverflow As Long

    lngLowWord = (Val1 And &HFFFF&;) + (Val2 And &HFFFF&;) + (val3 And &HFFFF&;) + (val4 And &HFFFF&;)
    lngOverflow = lngLowWord \ 65536
    lngHighWord = (((Val1 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + _
                   ;((Val2 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + _
                   ;((val3 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + _
                   ;((val4 And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536) + _
                   lngOverflow) And &HFFFF&
    LongOverflowAdd4 = UnsignedToLong((lngHighWord * 65536#) + (lngLowWord And &HFFFF&;))
End Function

' Convert an unsigned double into a long
Private Function UnsignedToLong(value As Double) As Long
        If value < 0 Or value >= OFFSET_4 Then Error 6 ' Overflow
        If value <= MAXINT_4 Then
          UnsignedToLong = value
          UnsignedToLong = value - OFFSET_4
        End If
      End Function

' Convert a long to an unsigned Double
Private Function LongToUnsigned(value As Long) As Double
        If value < 0 Then
          LongToUnsigned = value + OFFSET_4
          LongToUnsigned = value
        End If
End Function

Dim md5Test As MD5

Private Sub btnRunTest_Click()
    lblResults(0).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("";))
    lblResults(1).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("a";))
    lblResults(2).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("abc";))
    lblResults(3).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("message digest";))
    lblResults(4).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";))
    lblResults(5).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";))
    lblResults(6).Caption = LCase(md5Test.DigestStrToHexStr("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";))
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Instantiate our class
    Set md5Test = New MD5
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Winsock1.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
Winsock1.LocalPort = 0
Winsock1.Connect "", 80
While Not Winsock1.State = 7
Parametrs = "Username=Vasya&Password=XXX"
Winsock1.SendData "POST HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Referer:" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Host:" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Connection: close" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Content-Length: " & CStr(Parametrs) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Pragma: no-cache" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData Parametrs & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim Data As String
Winsock1.GetData Data
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Data$
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Close()
End Sub

Винсок моно на API заменть, это тебе Home Task :)


Номер ответа: 2
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #2 Добавлено: 05.10.05 13:33
блин не а свой подставиш


Номер ответа: 3
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 237822510 

Вопросов: 28
Ответов: 1182
 Профиль | | #3 Добавлено: 05.10.05 18:31
Ни фига себе. Линк на этот сайт дай?


Номер ответа: 4
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #4 Добавлено: 05.10.05 19:20

а я то думаю :) что за линк? :)


Номер ответа: 5
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #5 Добавлено: 05.10.05 19:20

а я то думаю :) что за ссылочка? :)


Номер ответа: 6
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #6 Добавлено: 05.10.05 19:52
Огромное спасибо!!

А ты разбираешься в cgi
Как бы мне еще чтобы на сервере обрабатывался этот логин и пасс?
Если лог\пасс верны, в VB прогу возвращается инфа о подключении, если же нет, отказ?

VB (лог\пасс) > Сервер (обработка и проверка) >> VB (ответ)

ЗЫ: С меня 2л пива, если когда-то свидимся ;)
 Буду очень признателен


Номер ответа: 7
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #7 Добавлено: 05.10.05 20:39
линка непомню, кажись вб.киев.ua ну как точно х.з. набери чё-то похожее в яндексе.

нет я больше в PHP разбираюсь, чем в cgi...
ответ - это то что выведет твой cgi (php) скрипт. И это то что он выведет словит ф-ция Winsock1_DataArrival, т.е. весь ответ будет в Text1. И того передаём из проги на нащ скрипт Parametrs = "Username=Vasya&Password=XXX" в скрипте их с чем-то сравнивает и выводим типа False или True. На PHP вся канитель - пару строк:

$l = "vasya"; //наш логин
$p = "blya"; //пароль
if ($Username == $l and $Password ==$p){
print "True";
print "False";

Т.е. из проги передаём параметры Parametrs = "Username=Vasya&Password=XXX" и потом смотрим что нам придёт в text1, если True знач ввели то что надо, если False... ну понятно короче...


Номер ответа: 8
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #8 Добавлено: 05.10.05 22:57


Номер ответа: 9
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #9 Добавлено: 05.10.05 23:49
хм.. при попытке подключения выдает ошибку..

Invalid Request
Some aspect of the HTTP Request is invalid. Possible problems:

Missing or unknown request method
Missing URL
Missing HTTP Identifier (HTTP/1.0)
Request is too large
Content-Length missing for POST or PUT requests
Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed



Номер ответа: 10
Автор ответа:

Разработчик Offline Client

ICQ: 343368641 

Вопросов: 17
Ответов: 686
 Профиль | | #10
Добавлено: 06.10.05 12:03
может не туды конектишся


Номер ответа: 11
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #11 Добавлено: 06.10.05 12:23

Private Sub Form_Load()
Winsock1.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
Winsock1.LocalPort = 0
Winsock1.Connect "", 80
While Not Winsock1.State = 7
Parametrs = "Username=dangersoft&Password=???"
Winsock1.SendData "POST HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Referer:" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Host:" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Connection: close" & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Content-Length: " & CStr(Parametrs) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData "Pragma: no-cache" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData Parametrs & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim Data As String
Winsock1.GetData Data
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Data$
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Close()
End Sub


Номер ответа: 12
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #12 Добавлено: 06.10.05 20:43
попробуй заменить
Winsock1.SendData "Content-Length: " & len(Parametrs) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf


Номер ответа: 13
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #13 Добавлено: 06.10.05 22:09
не помогло...
выдает такое вот:

HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
Server: squid/2.5.STABLE9
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 18:31:38 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1083
Expires: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 18:31:38 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from localhost.localdomain
X-Cache-Lookup: NONE from localhost.localdomain:80
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<TITLE>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css"><!--BODY{background-color:#ffffff;font-family:verdana,sans-serif}PRE{font-family:sans-serif}--></STYLE>
<H2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</H2>
<HR noshade size="1px">
While trying to retrieve the URL:
<A HREF=""></A>
The following error was encountered:
Access Denied.
Access control configuration prevents your request from
being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if
you feel this is incorrect.
<P>Your cache administrator is <A HREF="mailto:webmaster">webmaster</A>.

<BR clear="all">
<HR noshade size="1px">
Generated Thu, 06 Oct 2005 18:31:38 GMT by localhost.localdomain (squid/2.5.STABLE9)


Номер ответа: 14
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #14 Добавлено: 08.10.05 16:58
:))))))))))))) угагагагыгыгы!!!!!!!!!!!


Удачи тебе!!!!


Номер ответа: 15
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197.895.916.247 

Вопросов: 72
Ответов: 540
 Профиль | | #15 Добавлено: 09.10.05 17:50

Неважно какой хост..! Главное смысл!
Ну пусть будет - какая разница?! Главное смысл.


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