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  Вопрос: запись графики в файл Добавлено: 27.06.05 16:27  

Автор вопроса:  nicolai | ICQ: 197368786 
 "Создание нового формата для графики" нужна информация к размышлению (тексты, исходники, ...)


  Ответы Всего ответов: 6  

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Вопросов: 20
Ответов: 285
 Профиль | | #1 Добавлено: 03.07.05 20:45
Есть оче-е-е-е-ень извращенная идея: сделай тип для занесения в него инфы про точку на рисунке, например такой:
Type PointInfo
 rgb as ole_color
 x as long
 y as long
End Type

Потом грузани рисунок в ПикчерБокс и пройдись по точкам рисунка и каждую занеси в эту структуру и запиши ее в файл. Вот тебе и формат в простейшем варианте. JPG отдыхает...


Номер ответа: 2
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 295002202 

Вопросов: 87
Ответов: 1684
 Профиль | | #2 Добавлено: 04.07.05 06:44
WOLF, зачем X и Y?
Достаточно записать размер рисунка, а потом набор цветов точек (количество точек =Width*Height)

Файл с содержанием

Получаемый рисунок:



Номер ответа: 3
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 295002202 

Вопросов: 87
Ответов: 1684
 Профиль | | #3 Добавлено: 04.07.05 08:03
nicolai, а вообще... зачем растровые рисунки?
Векторный и места меньше занимает и масштабируется сколько угодно!

Виды объектов:
1 - Эллипс, 2 - Линия, 3 - Квадрат

Тип объекта:

Можно записывать в файл:

Получится кружок 20x20 залитый красным и с синим бордюром

Можно потом ввести еще и толщину линии и ее тип (пунктир, сплошная...)

кстати еще информация к размышлению: Поищипро EMF или WMF - они очень похожи на то что я выше привел


Номер ответа: 4
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197368786 

Вопросов: 6
Ответов: 91
 Профиль | | #4 Добавлено: 04.07.05 10:33

простой формат сам с горем по полам сделал, как BMP пример кода

    Open name For Binary As #1
            Put #1, , dat
            Put #1, 100, my()
    Close #1

так себе, в среднем в 10 раз больше jpg оригинала щаз пытаюсь сжатие придумать


Номер ответа: 5
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 197368786 

Вопросов: 6
Ответов: 91
 Профиль | | #5 Добавлено: 04.07.05 10:39
про EMF или WMF ничего стоящего не нащел...


Номер ответа: 6
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 295002202 

Вопросов: 87
Ответов: 1684
 Профиль | | #6 Добавлено: 05.07.05 02:58
У меня вроде на английском было... а! вот:

.WMF Metafile Format

A metafile for the Microsoft Windows operating system consists of a
collection of graphics device interface (GDI) functions that
describe an image. Because metafiles take up less space and are more
device-independent than bitmaps, they provide
convenient storage for images that appear repeatedly in an application or
need to be moved from one application to another.
To generate a metafile, a Windows application creates a special device
context that sends GDI commands to a file or memory for
storage. The application can later play back the metafile and display the
During playback, Windows breaks the metafile down into records and
identifies each object with an index to a handle table. When
a META_DELETEOBJECT record is encountered during playback, the associated
object is deleted from the handle table. The
entry is then reused by the next object that the metafile creates. To ensure
compatibility, an application that explicitly manipulates
records or builds its own metafile should manage the handle table in the
same way. For more information on the format of the
handle table, see the HANDLETABLE structure.

In some cases, there are two variants of a metafile record, one representing
the record created by Windows versions before 3.0
and the second representing the record created by Windows versions 3.0 and
later. Windows versions 3.0 and later play all
metafile versions but store only 3.0 and later versions. Windows versions
earlier than 3.0 do not play metafiles recorded by
Windows versions 3.0 and later.
A metafile consists of two parts: a header and a list of records. The header
and records are described in the remainder of this
topic. For a list of function-specific records, see Metafile Records.

Metafile Header

The metafile header contains a description of the size of the metafile and
the number of drawing objects it uses. The drawing
objects can be pens, brushes, bitmaps, or fonts.
The metafile header has the following form:

typedef struct tagMETAHEADER {
    WORD mtType;
    WORD mtHeaderSize;
    WORD mtVersion;
    ;DWORD mtSize;
    WORD mtNoObjects;
    ;DWORD mtMaxRecord;
    WORD mtNoParameters;

Following are the members in the metafile header:

mtType Specifies whether the metafile is stored in memory or recorded in a
file. This member has one of the
following values:

Value Meaning

0 Metafile is in memory.
1 Metafile is in a file.

mtHeaderSize Specifies the size, in words, of the metafile header.
mtVersion Specifies the Windows version number. The version number for
Windows version 3.0 and later is 0x300.
mtSize Specifies the size, in words, of the file.
mtNoObjects Specifies the maximum number of objects that can exist in the
metafile at the same time.
mtMaxRecord Specifies the size, in words, of the largest record in the
mtNoParameters Not used.

Typical Metafile Record

The graphics device interface stores most of the GDI functions that an
application can use to create metafiles in typical records.
A typical metafile record has the following form:

struct {
    ;DWORD rdSize;
    WORD rdFunction;
    WORD rdParm[];

Following are the members in a typical metafile record:

rdSize Specifies the size, in words, of the record.
rdFunction Specifies the function number. This value may be the number of
any function in the table at the end of this section.
rdParm Identifies an array of words containing the function parameters
(listed in the reverse order in which they are
passed to the function).

Following are the GDI functions found in typical records, along with their
hexadecimal values:

GDI function Value

Arc 0x0817
Chord 0x0830
Ellipse 0x0418
ExcludeClipRect 0x0415
FloodFill 0x0419
IntersectClipRect 0x0416
LineTo 0x0213
MoveTo 0x0214
OffsetClipRgn 0x0220
OffsetViewportOrg 0x0211
OffsetWindowOrg 0x020F
PatBlt 0x061D
Pie 0x081A
RealizePalette (3.0 and later) 0x0035

Rectangle 0x041B
ResizePalette (3.0 and later) 0x0139
RestoreDC 0x0127
RoundRect 0x061C
SaveDC 0x001E
ScaleViewportExt 0x0412
ScaleWindowExt 0x0400
SetBkColor 0x0201
SetBkMode 0x0102
SetMapMode 0x0103
SetMapperFlags 0x0231
SetPixel 0x041F
SetPolyFillMode 0x0106
SetROP2 0x0104

SetStretchBltMode 0x0107
SetTextAlign 0x012E
SetTextCharacterExtra 0x0108
SetTextColor 0x0209
SetTextJustification 0x020A
SetViewportExt 0x020E
SetViewportOrg 0x020D
SetWindowExt 0x020C
SetWindowOrg 0x020B

Placeable Windows Metafiles

A placeable Windows metafile is a standard Windows metafile that has an
additional 22-byte header. The header contains
information about the aspect ratio and original size of the metafile,
permitting applications to display the metafile in its intended
The header for a placeable Windows metafile has the following form:

typedef struct {
    ;DWORD key;
    HANDLE hmf;
    RECT bbox;
    WORD inch;
    ;DWORD reserved;
    WORD checksum;

Following are the members of a placeable metafile header:

key Specifies the binary key that uniquely identifies this file type. This
member must be set to 0x9AC6CDD7L.
hmf Unused; must be zero.
bbox Specifies the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that encloses the
picture. The coordinates are in metafile units
as defined by the inch member.
inch Specifies the number of metafile units to the inch. To avoid numeric
overflow, this value should be less than 1440.
Most applications use 576 or 1000.
reserved Unused; must be zero.
checksum Specifies the checksum. It is the sum (using the XOR operator) of
the first 10 words of the header.

The actual content of the Windows metafile immediately follows the header.
The format for this content is identical to that for
standard Windows metafiles. For some applications, a placeable Windows
metafile must not exceed 64K.

Note: Placeable Windows metafiles are not compatible with the GetMetaFile
function. Applications that intend to use the metafile
functions to read and play placeable Windows metafiles must read the file by
using an input function (such as _lread), strip
the 22-byte header, and create a standard Windows metafile by using the
remaining bytes and the SetMetaFileBits

Guidelines for Windows Metafiles

To ensure that metafiles can be transported between different computers and
applications, any application that creates a
metafile should make sure the metafile is device-independent and sizable.
The following guidelines ensure that every metafile can be accepted and
manipulated by other applications:

 Set a mapping mode as one of the first records. Many applications,
including OLE applications, only accept metafiles that are

 Call the SetWindowOrg and SetWindowExt functions. Do not call the
SetViewportExt or SetViewportOrg functions if
the user will be able to resize or change the dimensions of the object.

 Use the MFCOMMENT printer escape to add comments to the metafile.

 Rely primarily on the functions listed in Typical Metafile Record. Observe
the following limitations on the functions you use:

 ;Do not use functions that retrieve data (for example, GetActiveWindow or

 ;Do not use any of the region functions (because they are device dependent).

 Use StretchBlt or StretchDIB instead of BitBlt.

Sample of Metafile Program Output

This section describes a sample program and the metafile that it creates.
The sample program creates a small metafile that
draws a purple rectangle with a green border and writes the words "Hello
People" in the rectangle.

    HPEN hMetaGreenPen;
    HBRUSH hMetaVioletBrush;
    HDC hDCMeta;
    HANDLE hMeta;

    /* Create the metafile with output going to the disk. */

    hDCMeta = CreateMetaFile( (LPSTR) "sample.met";);

    hMetaGreenPen = CreatePen(0, 0, (DWORD) 0x0000FF00);
    SelectObject(hDCMeta, hMetaGreenPen);

    hMetaVioletBrush = CreateSolidBrush((DWORD) 0x00FF00FF);
    SelectObject(hDCMeta, hMetaVioletBrush);

    Rectangle(hDCMeta, 0, 0, 150, 70);

    TextOut(hDCMeta, 10, 10, (LPSTR) "Hello People", 12);

    /* We are done with the metafile. */

    hMeta = CloseMetaFile(hDCMeta);

    /* Play the metafile that we just created. */

    PlayMetaFile(hDC, hMeta);

The resulting metafile, SAMPLE.MET, consists of a metafile header and six
records. It has the following binary form:

0001 mtType... disk metafile
0009 mtSize...
0300 mtVersion
0000 0036 mtSize
0002 mtNoObjects
0000 000C mtMaxRecord
0000 mtNoParameters

0000 0008 rdSize
02FA rdFunction (CreatePenIndirect function)
0000 0000 0000 0000 FF00 rdParm (LOGPEN structure defining pen)

0000 0004 rdSize
012D rdFunction (SelectObject)
0000 rdParm (index to object #0... the above pen)

0000 0007 rdSize
02FC rdFunction (CreateBrushIndirect)

0000 00FF 00FF 0000 rdParm (LOGBRUSH structure defining the brush)

0000 0004 rdSize
012D rdFunction (SelectObject)
0001 rdParm (index to object #1... the brush)

0000 0007 rdSize
041B rdFunction (Rectangle)
0046 0096 0000 0000 rdParm (parameters sent to Rectangle...
                    in reverse order)

0000 000C rdSize
0521 rdFunction (TextOut)
000C count
48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 50 65 6F 70 6C 65 "Hello People"
000A y-value

000A x-value


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