Attribute VB_Name = "modDUN"
' **********************************************************************
' Modul : Dial-up networking capabilities for VB
' Author: Andreas Schubert
' Date : 2002 / 09 / 15
' You have the royalty free right to use this module in your applications
' as long as you provide this copyright notice with it
' If you find bugs or change the code, please e-mail me a copy of it to
' I would like to know where this was used, so if you integrate this in your applications,
' I would be glad if you give me a short note.
' Of course, I take no responsibility for any damage the use of this code could do.
' Use at your own risk!
' Visit also my new homepage at!
' I am truly sorry for the -not so long - sample project, but I've got loads of work to do.
' So, If you have any questions, feel free to send me a mail, I will try to answer all questions!
' **********************************************************************
' Declares from RASAPI32.DLL
Public Declare Function RasEnumEntries
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasEnumEntriesA" _
ByVal lpStrNull
As String,
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String, _
As Any, lpCb
As Long, lpCEntries
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasRenameEntry
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasRenameEntryA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String,
ByVal lpszOldEntry
As String, _
ByVal lpszNewEntry
As String)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasDeleteEntry
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasDeleteEntryA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String,
ByVal lpszEntry
As String)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasValidateEntryName
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasValidateEntryNameA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String,
ByVal lpszEntry
As String)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasCreatePhonebookEntry
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasCreatePhonebookEntryA" _
ByVal hwnd
As Long,
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasEditPhonebookEntry
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasEditPhonebookEntryA" _
ByVal hwnd
As Long,
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String, _
ByVal lpszEntryName
As String)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetEntryProperties
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasGetEntryPropertiesA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String,
ByVal lpszEntry
As String, _
As Any, lpdwEntryInfoSize
As Long, _
As Any, lpdwDeviceInfoSize
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasSetEntryProperties
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasSetEntryPropertiesA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String,
ByVal lpszEntry
As String, _
As Any,
ByVal dwEntryInfoSize
As Long, _
As Any,
ByVal dwDeviceInfoSize
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetEntryDialParams
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasGetEntryDialParamsA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String, lpRasDialParams
As Any, _
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasSetEntryDialParams
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasSetEntryDialParamsA" _
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String, lpRasDialParams
As Any, _
ByVal blnRemovePassword
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasDial
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasDialA" _
As Any,
ByVal lpszPhonebook
As String, _
As Any,
ByVal dwNotifierType
As Long, _
ByVal hwndNotifier
As Long, lphRasConn
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasHangUp
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasHangUpA" (
ByVal hRasConn
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasEnumConnections
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasEnumConnectionsA" _
As Any, lpCb
As Long, lpcConnections
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetConnectStatus
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasGetConnectStatusA" _
ByVal hRasConn
As Long, lpRasConnStatus
As Any)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetProjectionInfo
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasGetProjectionInfoA" _
ByVal hRasConn
As Long,
ByVal rasProjectionType
As Long, _
As Any, lpCb
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasEnumDevices
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasEnumDevicesA" ( _
As Any, lpCb
As Long, _
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Function RasGetErrorString
Lib "rasapi32.dll"
Alias "RasGetErrorStringA" _
ByVal uErrorValue
As Long,
ByVal lpszErrorString
As String, _
As Long)
As Long
' end declarations from rasapi32.dll
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' Declarations from kernel32.dll
Public Declare Function FormatMessage _
Lib "kernel32"
Alias "FormatMessageA" _
ByVal dwFlags
As Long, lpSource
As Any, _
ByVal dwMessageId
As Long,
ByVal dwLanguageId
As Long, _
ByVal lpBuffer
As String,
ByVal nSize
As Long, _
As Long)
As Long
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory
Lib "kernel32"
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
As Any, Source
As Any,
ByVal Length
As Long)
Public Declare Sub Sleep
Lib "kernel32" (
ByVal dwMilliseconds
As Long)
' end declarations from kernel32.dll
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Constants
' end constants
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Data types:
' RasEntryname structure getting filled by RasEnumEntries
Public Type tRasEntryName
As String
As Boolean
As String
End Type
' RasDialParams is used in the RasDial function to specify the entry to dial
Public Type tRasDialParams
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As Long
As Long
End Type
' **********************************************************************
' Enums needed by RASEntry
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
End Type
Public Enum RasEntryOptions
RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes = &H1
RASEO_SpecificIpAddr = &H2
RASEO_SpecificNameServers = &H4
RASEO_IpHeaderCompression = &H8
RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway = &H10
RASEO_DisableLcpExtensions = &H20
RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial = &H40
RASEO_TerminalAfterDial = &H80
RASEO_ModemLights = &H100
RASEO_SwCompression = &H200
RASEO_RequireEncryptedPw = &H400
RASEO_RequireMsEncryptedPw = &H800
RASEO_RequireDataEncryption = &H1000
RASEO_NetworkLogon = &H2000
RASEO_UseLogonCredentials = &H4000
RASEO_PromoteAlternates = &H8000
RASEO_SecureLocalFiles = &H10000
RASEO_RequireEAP = &H20000
RASEO_RequirePAP = &H40000
RASEO_RequireSPAP = &H80000
RASEO_Custom = &H100000
RASEO_PreviewPhoneNumber = &H200000
RASEO_SharedPhoneNumbers = &H800000
RASEO_PreviewUserPw = &H1000000
RASEO_PreviewDomain = &H2000000
RASEO_ShowDialingProgress = &H4000000
RASEO_RequireCHAP = &H8000000
RASEO_RequireMsCHAP = &H10000000
RASEO_RequireMsCHAP2 = &H20000000
RASEO_RequireW95MSCHAP = &H40000000
RASEO_CustomScript = &H80000000
End Enum
Public Enum RASNetProtocols
RASNP_Ipx = &H2
RASNP_Ip = &H4
End Enum
Public Enum RasFramingProtocols
RASFP_Ppp = &H1
RASFP_Slip = &H2
RASFP_Ras = &H4
End Enum
'end enums for RasEntry
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' translated RasEntry structure
' for details see Platform SDK
' the RasEntry structure is used by RASGetEntryProperties and RASSetEntryProperties
Public Type tRasEntry
As RasEntryOptions
As Long
As Long
As String
As String
As String
As Long
As RASNetProtocols
As RasFramingProtocols
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As String
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
As Long
To 15)
As Byte
As String
As Long
End Type
' Type RasConnStatus
' is used by RASGetConnectStatus
As Long
As String
As String
As String
End Type
' Enum RasConnstate
' states that may occur during a RAS connection operation
' when dialing asyncronous, the state is passed to the callback function
' can also be used by calling RASGetConnecStatus
RASCS_OpenPort = 0
RASCS_PortOpened = 1
RASCS_ConnectDevice = 2
RASCS_DeviceConnected = 3
RASCS_AllDevicesConnected = 4
RASCS_Authenticate = 5
RASCS_AuthNotify = 6
RASCS_AuthRetry = 7
RASCS_AuthCallback = 8
RASCS_AuthChangePassword = 9
RASCS_AuthProject = 10
RASCS_AuthLinkSpeed = 11
RASCS_AuthAck = 12
RASCS_ReAuthenticate = 13
RASCS_Authenticated = 14
RASCS_PrepareForCallback = 15
RASCS_WaitForModemReset = 16
RASCS_WaitForCallback = 17
RASCS_Projected = 18
RASCS_StartAuthentication = 19
RASCS_CallbackComplete = 20
RASCS_LogonNetwork = 21
RASCS_SubEntryConnected = 22
RASCS_SubEntryDisconnected = 23
RASCS_Interactive = &H1000
RASCS_RetryAuthentication = &H1001
RASCS_CallbackSetByCaller = &H1002
RASCS_PasswordExpired = &H1003
RASCS_InvokeEapUI = &H1004
RASCS_Connected = &H2000
RASCS_Disconnected = &H2001
End Enum
' end enum RasConnState
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' type RasConn
' used by RasEnumConnections
As Long
As String
As String
As String
As String
As Long
As Byte
End Type
'The RASAMB projection info describes the result of a RAS AMB (Authentication Message Block) projection. This protocol is used with NT 3.1 and OS/2 1.3 downlevel RAS servers.
As Long
As String
As Byte
End Type
' describes result of a PPP NBF (NetBEUI) projection
As Long
As Long
As String
As String
As Byte
End Type
' describes results of a PPP IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) projection.
As Long
As String
End Type
' describes results of a PPP IP (Internet) projection
As Long
As String
As String
End Type
' describes the results of a SLIP (Serial Line IP) projection
As Long
As String
End Type
' The RASEnumDevices function returns a list of all RAS capable devices, with name and type
' The returned names and device types are stored in a RASDEVINFO structure
As String
As String
End Type
' end data types and enums
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasErrorHandler
' Purpose: returns a RAS errorcode as plaintext
' Input: an Errorcode you received
' Return: plaintext according to the errorcode
' usage:
' retVal = yourRASFunction()
' If retVal <> 0 Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRASErrorHandler(retVal
As Long)
As String
Dim strError
As String, i
As Long
strError =
String(512, 0)
If retVal > 600
RasGetErrorString retVal, strError, 512&
FormatMessage &H1000,
ByVal 0&, retVal, 0&, strError, 512,
ByVal 0&
End If
i = InStr(strError, Chr$(0))
If i > 1
Then fRASErrorHandler = Left$(strError, i - 1)
End Function
'fRasErrorHandler ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetAllEntries
' Purpose: Retrieve a list of all dial-up connections on the machine
' Return: Returns the number of entries
' usage:
'  im myEntries() as tRasEntryName
'  im lngCount as long
' lngCount = fRasGetAllEntries(myEntries)
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetAllEntries(clsRasEntryName()
As tRasEntryName, _
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim i
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long 'count of bytes
Dim lpCEntries
As Long 'count of entries
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim strTemp
As String
Dim dwSize
As Long 'size of each entry
Dim lngLen
As Long
Dim lngBLen
As Variant
ReDim b(3)
'determine appropiate size for b()
lngBLen = Array(532&, 264&, 28&
For i = 0
To 2
CopyMemory b(0),
CLng(lngBLen(i)), 4
retVal = RasEnumEntries(vbNullString, strPhonebook, b(0), lpCb, lpCEntries)
If retVal <> 632
Then Exit For
Next i
fRasGetAllEntries = lpCEntries
If lpCEntries = 0
Then Exit Function
dwSize = lpCb \ lpCEntries
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
retVal = RasEnumEntries(vbNullString, strPhonebook, b(0), lpCb, lpCEntries)
If retVal <> 0
Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
strTemp =
String(dwSize - 4, 0)
ReDim clsRasEntryName(lpCEntries - 1)
If dwSize = 28
Then lngLen = 21
Else lngLen = 257
For i = 0
To lpCEntries - 1
ByVal strTemp, b((i * dwSize) + 4), lngLen
clsRasEntryName(i).EntryName = _
Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, Chr$(0)) - 1)
Next i
If dwSize > 264
For i = 0
To lpCEntries - 1
CopyMemory clsRasEntryName(i).Win2000_SystemPhonebook, b((i * dwSize) + 264), 2&
ByVal strTemp, b((i * dwSize) + 268), 260&
clsRasEntryName(i).PhonebookPath = _
Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, Chr$(0)) - 1)
Next i
For i = 0
To lpCEntries - 1
clsRasEntryName(i).PhonebookPath = strPhonebook
Next i
End If
End Function
'fRasGetAllEntries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetEntryProperties
' Purpose: Returns detailed information about an existing entry
' Return: 0 if the function succeded, elsewise the errorcode
' a filled tRasEntry structure
' usage:
'  im clsRasEntry as tRasEntry
'  im retVal as long
' retVal = fRasGetEntryProperties("MyConnection", clsRasEntry)
' If retVal <> 0 Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetEntryProperties(strEntryName
As String, clsRasEntry
As tRasEntry, _
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lngCb
As Long
Dim lngBuffLen
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim lngPos
As Long
Dim lngStrLen
As Long
retVal = RasGetEntryProperties(vbNullString, vbNullString,
ByVal 0&, lngCb,
ByVal 0&,
ByVal 0&
retVal = RasGetEntryProperties(strPhonebook, strEntryName,
ByVal 0&, lngBuffLen,
ByVal 0&,
ByVal 0&
If retVal <> 603
Then fRasGetEntryProperties = retVal:
Exit Function
ReDim b(lngBuffLen - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), lngCb, 4
retVal = RasGetEntryProperties(strPhonebook, strEntryName, b(0), lngBuffLen,
ByVal 0&,
ByVal 0&
fRasGetEntryProperties = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Options, b(4), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.CountryID, b(8), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.CountryCode, b(12), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.AreaCode, b(16), 11
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.LocalPhoneNumber, b(27), 129
CopyMemory lngPos, b(156), 4
If lngPos <> 0
lngStrLen = lngBuffLen - lngPos
clsRasEntry.AlternateNumbers =
String(lngStrLen, 0)
ByVal clsRasEntry.AlternateNumbers, b(lngPos), lngStrLen
End If
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.ipAddr, b(160), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.ipAddrDns, b(164), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt, b(168), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.ipAddrWins, b(172), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt, b(176), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.FrameSize, b(180), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.fNetProtocols, b(184), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.FramingProtocol, b(188), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.ScriptName, b(192), 260
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.AutodialDll, b(452), 260
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.AutodialFunc, b(712), 260
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.DeviceType, b(972), 17
If lngCb = 1672&
Then lngStrLen = 33
Else lngStrLen = 129
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.DeviceName, b(989), lngStrLen
lngPos = 989 + lngStrLen
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.X25PadType, b(lngPos), 33
lngPos = lngPos + 33
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.X25Address, b(lngPos), 201
lngPos = lngPos + 201
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.X25Facilities, b(lngPos), 201
lngPos = lngPos + 201
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsRasEntry.X25UserData, b(lngPos), 201
lngPos = lngPos + 203
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Channels, b(lngPos), 4
If lngCb > 1768
Then 'NT4 Enhancements & Win2000
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_SubEntries, b(1768), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_DialMode, b(1772), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraPercent, b(1776), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraSampleSeconds, b(1780), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraPercent, b(1784), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraSampleSeconds, b(1788), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.NT4En_IdleDisconnectSeconds, b(1792), 4
If lngCb > 1796
Then ' Win2000
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Win2000_Type, b(1796), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Win2000_EncryptionType, b(1800), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Win2000_CustomAuthKey, b(1804), 4
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Win2000_guidId(0), b(1808), 16
CopyByteToTrimmedString _
clsRasEntry.Win2000_CustomDialDll, b(1824), 260
CopyMemory clsRasEntry.Win2000_VpnStrategy, b(2084), 4
End If
End If
End Function
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasSetEntryProperties
' Purpose: Set information for an existing entry or creates a new entry
' Return: 0 if the function succeded, elsewise the errorcode
' Input: a valid tRasEntry structure
' usage:
'  im clsRasEntry as tRasEntry
'  im retVal as long
' retVal = fRasSetEntryProperties("MyConnection", clsRasEntry)
' If retVal <> 0 Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' Note: you will probably have to specify some values of the tRasEntry structur
' in order to successfully create an entry
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasSetEntryProperties(strEntryName
As String, clsRasEntry
As tRasEntry, _
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lngCb
As Long
Dim lngBuffLen
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim lngPos
As Long
Dim lngStrLen
As Long
retVal = RasGetEntryProperties(vbNullString, vbNullString,
ByVal 0&, lngCb,
ByVal 0&,
ByVal 0&
If retVal <> 603
Then fRasSetEntryProperties = retVal:
Exit Function
lngStrLen = Len(clsRasEntry.AlternateNumbers)
lngBuffLen = lngCb + lngStrLen + 1
ReDim b(lngBuffLen)
CopyMemory b(0), lngCb, 4
CopyMemory b(4), clsRasEntry.Options, 4
CopyMemory b(8), clsRasEntry.CountryID, 4
CopyMemory b(12), clsRasEntry.CountryCode, 4
CopyStringToByte b(16), clsRasEntry.AreaCode, 11
CopyStringToByte b(27), clsRasEntry.LocalPhoneNumber, 129
If lngStrLen > 0
CopyMemory b(lngCb),
ByVal clsRasEntry.AlternateNumbers, lngStrLen
CopyMemory b(156), lngCb, 4
End If
CopyMemory b(160), clsRasEntry.ipAddr, 4
CopyMemory b(164), clsRasEntry.ipAddrDns, 4
CopyMemory b(168), clsRasEntry.ipAddrDnsAlt, 4
CopyMemory b(172), clsRasEntry.ipAddrWins, 4
CopyMemory b(176), clsRasEntry.ipAddrWinsAlt, 4
CopyMemory b(180), clsRasEntry.FrameSize, 4
CopyMemory b(184), clsRasEntry.fNetProtocols, 4
CopyMemory b(188), clsRasEntry.FramingProtocol, 4
CopyStringToByte b(192), clsRasEntry.ScriptName, 260
CopyStringToByte b(452), clsRasEntry.AutodialDll, 260
CopyStringToByte b(712), clsRasEntry.AutodialFunc, 260
CopyStringToByte b(972), clsRasEntry.DeviceType, 17
If lngCb = 1672&
Then lngStrLen = 33
Else lngStrLen = 129
CopyStringToByte b(989), clsRasEntry.DeviceName, lngStrLen
lngPos = 989 + lngStrLen
CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), clsRasEntry.X25PadType, 33
lngPos = lngPos + 33
CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), clsRasEntry.X25Address, 201
lngPos = lngPos + 201
CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), clsRasEntry.X25Facilities, 201
lngPos = lngPos + 201
CopyStringToByte b(lngPos), clsRasEntry.X25UserData, 201
lngPos = lngPos + 203
CopyMemory b(lngPos), clsRasEntry.Channels, 4
If lngCb > 1768
Then 'NT4 Enhancements & Win2000
CopyMemory b(1768), clsRasEntry.NT4En_SubEntries, 4
CopyMemory b(1772), clsRasEntry.NT4En_DialMode, 4
CopyMemory b(1776), clsRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraPercent, 4
CopyMemory b(1780), clsRasEntry.NT4En_DialExtraSampleSeconds, 4
CopyMemory b(1784), clsRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraPercent, 4
CopyMemory b(1788), clsRasEntry.NT4En_HangUpExtraSampleSeconds, 4
CopyMemory b(1792), clsRasEntry.NT4En_IdleDisconnectSeconds, 4
If lngCb > 1796
Then ' Win2000
CopyMemory b(1796), clsRasEntry.Win2000_Type, 4
CopyMemory b(1800), clsRasEntry.Win2000_EncryptionType, 4
CopyMemory b(1804), clsRasEntry.Win2000_CustomAuthKey, 4
CopyMemory b(1808), clsRasEntry.Win2000_guidId(0), 16
CopyStringToByte b(1824), clsRasEntry.Win2000_CustomDialDll, 260
CopyMemory b(2084), clsRasEntry.Win2000_VpnStrategy, 4
End If
End If
retVal = RasSetEntryProperties(strPhonebook, strEntryName, b(0), lngCb,
ByVal 0&,
ByVal 0&
fRasSetEntryProperties = retVal
End Function
'fRasSetEntryProperties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetEntryDialParams
' Purpose: Get dial information for an existing entry
' Return: 0 if the function succeded, elsewise the errorcode
' a bytearray containing the dial information
' usage:
'  im b() as Byte
'  im retVal as long
' retVal = fRasGetEntryDialParams(b, vbNullString, "MyConnection"
' If retVal <> 0 Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' the bytearray can be transformed with fBytesToRasDialParams
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetEntryDialParams(bytesOut()
As Byte, strPhonebook
As String, strEntryName
As String, _
Optional blnPasswordRetrieved
As Boolean)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim blnPsswrd
As Long
Dim bLens
As Variant
Dim lngLen
As Long
Dim i
As Long
bLens = Array(1060&, 1052&, 816&
'try out the three different sizes for RasDialParams
For i = 0
To 2
lngLen = bLens(i)
ReDim bytesOut(lngLen - 1)
CopyMemory bytesOut(0), lngLen, 4
If lngLen = 816&
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(4), strEntryName, 20
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(4), strEntryName, 257
End If
retVal = RasGetEntryDialParams(strPhonebook, bytesOut(0), blnPsswrd)
If retVal = 0
Then Exit For
Next i
blnPasswordRetrieved = blnPsswrd
fRasGetEntryDialParams = retVal
End Function
'fRasGetEntryDialParams ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasSetEntryDialParams
' Purpose: Set dial information for an existing entry
' Return: 0 if the function succeded, elsewise the errorcode
' Input a bytearray containing the dial information
' usage:
'  im b() as Byte
'  im retVal as long
'  im tDialP As tRasDialParams
' tdialp.UserName = "XXX" ' set your information here
' retval=fRasDialParamsToBytes(tdialp,b)
' retVal = fRasSetEntryDialParams(vbNullString, b)
' If retVal <> 0 Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasSetEntryDialParams(strPhonebook
As String, bytesIn()
As Byte, blnRemovePassword
As Boolean)
As Long
fRasSetEntryDialParams = RasSetEntryDialParams _
strPhonebook, bytesIn(0), blnRemovePassword)
End Function
' **********************************************************************
' Function fBytesToRasDialParams
' Purpose: Transform the bytearray received by fRasGetEntryDialParams into a user-friendly structure
' Return: True if the function succeded, elsewise false
' a tRasdialParams structure
' Input: a bytearray containing the dial information
' usage:
'  im b as Byte()
'  im retVal as long
'  im RasDialParams as tRasDialParams
' retVal = fRasGetEntryDialParams(b, vbNullString, "MyConnection"
' If retVal <> 0 Then MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' if fBytesToRasDialParams(b, rasdialparams) then
' ' do whatever you want here
' else
' msgbox "Structure could not be transformed!",vbError
' endif
' **********************************************************************
Function fBytesToRasDialParams(bytesIn()
As Byte, udtRasDialParamsOUT
As tRasDialParams)
As Boolean
Dim iPos
As Long
Dim lngLen
As Long
Dim dwSize
As Long
Dim a
As String
On Error GoTo badBytes
CopyMemory dwSize, bytesIn(0), 4
If dwSize = 816&
lngLen = 21&
ElseIf dwSize = 1060&
Or dwSize = 1052&
lngLen = 257&
'unkown size
Exit Function
End If
iPos = 4
With udtRasDialParamsOUT
CopyByteToTrimmedString .EntryName, bytesIn(iPos), lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 129
CopyByteToTrimmedString .PhoneNumber, bytesIn(iPos), lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 129
CopyByteToTrimmedString .CallbackNumber, bytesIn(iPos), lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 257
CopyByteToTrimmedString .UserName, bytesIn(iPos), lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 257
CopyByteToTrimmedString .Password, bytesIn(iPos), lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 16
CopyByteToTrimmedString .Domain, bytesIn(iPos), lngLen
If dwSize > 1052&
CopyMemory .SubEntryIndex, bytesIn(1052), 4&
CopyMemory .RasDialFunc2CallbackId, bytesIn(1056), 4&
End If
End With
fBytesToRasDialParams =
Exit Function
'error handling goes here ??
fBytesToRasDialParams =
End Function
'fBytesToRasDialParams ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasDialParamsToBytes
' Purpose: transfer a tRasDialParams structure into a bytearray
' Return: True if the function succeded, elsewise false
' a bytearray
' Input: a tRasDialParams structure containing the dial information
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasDialParamsToBytes(udtRasDialParamsIN
As tRasDialParams, bytesOut()
As Byte)
As Boolean
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim blnPsswrd
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim bLens
As Variant
Dim dwSize
As Long
Dim i
As Long
Dim iPos
As Long
Dim lngLen
As Long
bLens = Array(1060&, 1052&, 816&
For i = 0
To 2
dwSize = bLens(i)
ReDim b(dwSize - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
retVal = RasGetEntryDialParams(vbNullString, b(0), blnPsswrd)
If retVal = 623&
Then Exit For
Next i
If retVal <> 623&
Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo badBytes
ReDim bytesOut(dwSize - 1)
CopyMemory bytesOut(0), dwSize, 4
If dwSize = 816&
lngLen = 21&
ElseIf dwSize = 1060&
Or dwSize = 1052&
lngLen = 257&
'unkown size
Exit Function
End If
iPos = 4
With udtRasDialParamsIN
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(iPos), .EntryName, lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 129
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(iPos), .PhoneNumber, lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 129
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(iPos), .CallbackNumber, lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 257
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(iPos), .UserName, lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 257
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(iPos), .Password, lngLen
iPos = iPos + lngLen: lngLen = 16
CopyStringToByte bytesOut(iPos), .Domain, lngLen
If dwSize > 1052&
CopyMemory bytesOut(1052), .SubEntryIndex, 4&
CopyMemory bytesOut(1056), .RasDialFunc2CallbackId, 4&
End If
End With
fRasDialParamsToBytes =
Exit Function
'error handling goes here ??
fRasDialParamsToBytes =
End Function
'fRasDialParamsToBytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fSyncronousDial
' Purpose: dial a entry syncronous (meaning wait until conn is established or failed
' Return: the connection handle if the function succeedes, elsewise 0
' Input: the name of the entry to dial
' Remember that if the method returns a non zero connection handle, you must hangup that connection even if the connection fails.
' Usage:
' simple:
' Dim hConn As Long
' hConn = fSyncronousDial(vbNullString, "My Connection"
' if hconn = 0 then
' msgbox "Connection not established!"
' endif
' sample with altered data:
' Dim retVal As Long
' Dim b() As Byte
' Dim myDialParams As tRasDialParams
' Dim lngHConn As Long
' Dim strPhonebook As String
' With myDialParams
' .EntryName = "My Connection"
' .UserName = "Me"
' .Password = "password"
' .PhoneNumber = "0800 123456789"
' End With
' retVal = fRasDialParamsToBytes(myDialParams, b)
' if retVal <>0 then
' fRASErrorHandler (retVal)
' else
' code pauses on next line until connection established or fails
' retVal = RasDial(ByVal 0&, strPhonebook, b(0), 0&, 0&, lngHConn)
' if retVal <> 0 then
' fRasErrorHandler (retVal)
' else
' msgbox "Connection handle: " & cstr(lngHconn)
' endif
' endif
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fSyncronousDial(strPhonebook
As String, strEntryName
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim lngHConn
As Long
retVal = fRasGetEntryDialParams(b, strPhonebook, strEntryName)
If retVal <> 0
fRASErrorHandler (retVal)
fSyncronousDial = 0
Exit Function
End If
' code pauses on next line until connection established or fails
retVal = RasDial(
ByVal 0&, strPhonebook, b(0), 0&, 0&, lngHConn)
If retVal <> 0
fRASErrorHandler (retVal)
fSyncronousDial = 0
Exit Function
End If
fSyncronousDial = lngHConn
End Function
'fSyncronousDial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fASyncronousDial
' Purpose: dial a entry syncronous (meaning wait until conn is established or failed
' Return: the connection handle if the function succeedes, elsewise 0
' Input: the name of the entry to dial
'Remember you have to eventually Hangup the connection if the
'connection's handle value is non-zero .
'Dim hConn As Long
'hConn = fAsyncronousDial(vbNullString, "My Connection"
'The rasConnectionState parameter of the RasDialFunc1 is a long that
'tell us the connection state (see the RasConnState structure for details)
'Warning!: The asynchronous dial uses a callback function. Your
'callback procedure (the RasDailFunc1 procedure) must stay in scope
'until the connection is established, disconnected or fails.
' **********************************************************************
Function fAsyncronousDial(strPhonebook
As String, strEntryName
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim lngHConn
As Long
retVal = fRasGetEntryDialParams(b, strPhonebook, strEntryName)
If retVal <> 0
fRASErrorHandler (retVal)
fAsyncronousDial = 0
Exit Function
End If
retVal = RasDial(
ByVal 0&, strPhonebook, b(0), _
AddressOf RasDialFunc1, lngHConn)
If retVal <> 0
fRASErrorHandler (retVal)
fAsyncronousDial = 0
Exit Function
End If
fAsyncronousDial = lngHConn
End Function
'fASyncronousDial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' RasDialFunc1 is the callback procedure for fASyncronousDial
' **********************************************************************
Sub RasDialFunc1(
ByVal hRasConn
As Long,
ByVal unMsg
As Long, _
ByVal rasConnectionState
As Long,
ByVal dwError
As Long, _
ByVal dwExtendedError
As Long)
' do check for errors
' or check the rasConnectionState
'Debug.Print hRasConn, Hex$(rasConnectionState), dwError
If rasConnectionState = RASCS_Connected
'  ebug.Print "connected"
ElseIf rasConnectionState = RASCS_Disconnected
'  ebug.Print "disconnected"
End If
If dwError <> 0
Then fRASErrorHandler (dwError)
End Sub
'RasDialFunc1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasHangUp
' Purpose: finish an existing dial-up connection
' Return: 0, if disconnect was successfull, otherwise the error-code
' Input: connection handle to hang up
' WaitForDisconnect  true, if you want to wait 'til
' connection is freed, false to return immediately
' Usage:
' Dim hConn As Long
' hConn = fSyncronousDial(vbNullString, "My Connection"
' if hconn = 0 then
' msgbox "Connection not established!"
' else
' if fRasHangUp(hConn) = 0 then
' msgbox "Connection closed successfully!"
' else
' MsgBox "Connection not successfully closed!" & fRasErrorHandler(retVal)
' endif
' endif
' Note: it may take some time for RAS to actually disconnect and
' release ressources.
' It's up to you as to how you decide to handle this, but you should
' wait for Ras to complete it's hangup before closing your app or
' calling the RasDial or RasHangUp again. To do this, Pass true to the
' WaitForDisconnect parameter
' Note 2: If you are using asynchronous dialling you can call the fRasHangUp
' function at any time even before the connection is established.
' If your RasDailFunc1 callback procedure is still in scope
' (connection has not been established or disconnected yet) then you
' should NOT use the WaitForDisconnected = true as this would block your
' RasDialFunc1 procedure. Instead of this monitor the rasConnectionState
' parameter of your RasDailFunc1 function to be RASCS_disconnected!
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasHangUp(
ByVal hRasConn
As Long, WaitForDisconnect
As Boolean)
As Long
Dim rnt
As Long
Dim lngError
As Long
Dim myConnectionStatus
retVal = RasHangUp(hRasConn)
If retVal <> 0
fRasHangUp = retVal
Exit Function
End If
If WaitForDisconnect
Sleep 0&
lngError = fRasGetConnectStatus(hRasConn, myConnectionStatus)
Loop While lngError <> ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
End If
fRasHangUp = 0
End Function
'fRasHangUp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasEnumDevices
' Purpose: returns a list of all RAS capable devices installed on the computer giving their name and devicetype
' Return: 0, if no devices were detected, else the number of devices
' Input: nothing
' Output: a tRasDevInfo structure containing the devices
' Usage:
'  im retVal As Long
'  im clstRasDevInfo() As tRASDEVINFO
' retVal = fRasEnumDevices(clstRasDevInfo)
' For j = 0 To retVal - 1
' Debug.Print clstRasDevInfo(j).DeviceName
' Debug.Print clstRasDevInfo(j).DeviceType
' Next j
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasEnumDevices(clsTRasDevInfo()
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim i
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
Dim lpCDevices
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim dwSize
As Long
retVal = RasEnumDevices(
ByVal 0&, lpCb, lpCDevices)
If lpCDevices = 0
Then Exit Function
dwSize = lpCb \ lpCDevices
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
retVal = RasEnumDevices(b(0), lpCb, lpCDevices)
If lpCDevices = 0
Then Exit Function
ReDim clsTRasDevInfo(lpCDevices - 1)
For i = 0
To lpCDevices - 1
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsTRasDevInfo(i).DeviceType, _
b((i * dwSize) + 4), 17
CopyByteToTrimmedString clsTRasDevInfo(i).DeviceName, _
b((i * dwSize) + 21), dwSize - 21
Next i
fRasEnumDevices = lpCDevices
End Function
'fRasEnumDevices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetConnectStatus
' Purpose: Returning status information about an existing connection
' Return: 0 if the call succeeds, else an error code which can be used with fRasErrorHandler
' Input: a valid handle to an existing connection
' Output: a tRasConnStatus structure
' Usage:
' Dim retVal As Long
' Dim myConnStatus As tRASCONNSTATUS
' retVal = tRasGetConnectStatus(hRasConn, myConnStatus)
' If retVal <> 0 Then fRasErrorHandler(retVal)
' Note: the phone number of the connection is only returned on Windows NT4 windows 2000.
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetConnectStatus(hRasConn
As Long, udttRasConnStatus
As Long
Dim i
As Long
Dim dwSize
As Long
Dim aVarLens
As Variant
Dim b()
As Byte
aVarLens = Array(288&, 160&, 64&
For i = 0
To 2
dwSize = aVarLens(i)
ReDim b(dwSize - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
retVal = RasGetConnectStatus(hRasConn, b(0))
If retVal <> 632
Then Exit For
Next i
fRasGetConnectStatus = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
With udttRasConnStatus
CopyMemory .lRasConnState, b(4), 4
CopyMemory .dwError, b(8), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sDeviceType, b(12), 17&
If dwSize = 64&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sDeviceName, b(29), 33&
ElseIf dwSize = 160&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sDeviceName, b(29), 129&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sDeviceName, b(29), 129&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sNTPhoneNumber, b(158), 129&
End If
End With
End Function
'fRasGetConnectionStatus ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasEnumConnections
' Purpose: enumerate all connections and fill a tRasconn array with the information
' Return: number of existing connections
' Input: nothing
' Output: an Array of tRasConn structure
' Usage:
' Dim nConnections As Long
' Dim myConnections() As tRASCONN
' nConnections = fRasEnumConnections(myConnections)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasEnumConnections(atRasConns()
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim aLens
As Variant
Dim dwSize
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
Dim lpConns
As Long
Dim i
As Long
ReDim b(3)
aLens = Array(692&, 676&, 412&, 32&
For i = 0
To 3
dwSize = aLens(i)
CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
lpCb = 4
retVal = RasEnumConnections(b(0), lpCb, lpConns)
If retVal <> 632
And retVal <> 610
Then Exit For
Next i
fRasEnumConnections = lpConns
If lpConns = 0
Then Exit Function
lpCb = dwSize * lpConns
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), dwSize, 4
retVal = RasEnumConnections(b(0), lpCb, lpConns)
' copy bytes to atRasConns
ReDim atRasConns(lpConns - 1)
For i = 0
To lpConns - 1
With atRasConns(i)
CopyMemory .hRasConn, b(i * dwSize + 4), 4
If dwSize = 32&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sEntryName, b(i * dwSize + 8), 21&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sEntryName, b(i * dwSize + 8), 257&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sDeviceType, b(i * dwSize + 265), 17&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sDeviceName, b(i * dwSize + 282), 129&
If dwSize > 412&
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sPhonebook, b(i * dwSize + 411), 260&
CopyMemory .lngSubEntry, b(i * dwSize + 672), 4
If dwSize > 676&
CopyMemory .guidEntry(0), b(i * dwSize + 676), 16
End If
End If
End If
End With
Next i
End Function
'fRasEnumConnections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetRASAMB
' Purpose: describes the result of a RAS Authentication Message Block
'  which is used by NT 3 and OS/2 1.3 RAS servers)
' Return: 0 if the call succeded, else an error handle
' Input: a valid connection handle
' Output: an Array of tRASAMB structure
' Usage:
' Dim nConn As Long
' Dim vRasAmb As tRASAMB
' nConn = fRasGetRASAMB(nConn,vRasAmb)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetRASAMB(hRasConn
As Long, udttRASAMB
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
lpCb = 28&
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), lpCb, 4
retVal = RasGetProjectionInfo(hRasConn, &H10000, b(0), lpCb)
fRasGetRASAMB = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
With udttRASAMB
CopyMemory .dwError, b(4), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString .sNetBiosError, b(8), 17
CopyMemory .bLana, b(25), 1
End With
End Function
'fRasGetRASAMB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetRASPPPNBF
' Purpose: describes the result of a NetBeui projection
' Return: 0 if the call succeded, else an error handle
' Input: a valid connection handle
' Output: an Array of tRASPPPNBF structure
' Usage:
' Dim nConn As Long
' nConn = fRasGetRASPPPNBF(nConn,vRasAPP)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetRASPPPNBF(hRasConn
As Long, udttRASPPPNBF
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
lpCb = 48&
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), lpCb, 4
retVal = RasGetProjectionInfo(hRasConn, &H803F&, b(0), lpCb)
fRasGetRASPPPNBF = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
CopyMemory .dwError, b(4), 4
CopyMemory .dwNetBiosError, b(8), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString .szNetBiosError, b(12), 17
CopyByteToTrimmedString .szWorkstationName, b(29), 17
CopyMemory .bLana, b(46), 1
End With
End Function
'fRasGetRASPPPNBF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetRASPPPIPX
' Purpose: describes the result of a Internetwork Packet Exchange projection
' Return: 0 if the call succeded, else an error handle
' Input: a valid connection handle
' Output: an Array of tRASPPPIPX structure
' Usage:
' Dim nConn As Long
' nConn = fRasGetRASPPPIPX(nConn,vRasAPP)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetRASPPPIPX(hRasConn
As Long, udttRASPPPIPX
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
lpCb = 24&
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), lpCb, 4
retVal = RasGetProjectionInfo(hRasConn, &H802B&, b(0), lpCb)
fRasGetRASPPPIPX = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
CopyMemory .dwError, b(4), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString .szIpxAddress, b(8), 16
End With
End Function
'fRasGetRASPPPIPX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetRASPPPIP
' Purpose: describes the result of a IP projection
' Return: 0 if the call succeded, else an error handle
' Input: a valid connection handle
' Output: an Array of tRASPPPIP structure
' Usage:
' Dim nConn As Long
' nConn = fRasGetRASPPPIP(nConn,vRasAPP)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetRASPPPIP(hRasConn
As Long, udttRASPPPIP
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
lpCb = 40&
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), lpCb, 4
retVal = RasGetProjectionInfo(hRasConn, &H8021&, b(0), lpCb)
fRasGetRASPPPIP = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
CopyMemory .dwError, b(4), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString .szIpAddress, b(8), 16
CopyByteToTrimmedString .szServerIpAddress, b(24), 16
End With
End Function
'fRasGetRASPPPIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRasGetRASSLIP
' Purpose: describes the result of a serial line ip projection
' Return: 0 if the call succeded, else an error handle
' Input: a valid connection handle
' Output: an Array of tRASSLIP structure
' Usage:
' Dim nConn As Long
' Dim vRasPPP As tRASSlip
' nConn = fRasGetRASSlip(nConn,vRasAPP)
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasGetRASSLIP(hRasConn
As Long, udttRASSLIP
As Long
Dim b()
As Byte
Dim retVal
As Long
Dim lpCb
As Long
lpCb = 24&
ReDim b(lpCb - 1)
CopyMemory b(0), lpCb, 4
retVal = RasGetProjectionInfo(hRasConn, &H20000, b(0), lpCb)
fRasGetRASSLIP = retVal
If retVal <> 0
Then Exit Function
With udttRASSLIP
CopyMemory .dwError, b(4), 4
CopyByteToTrimmedString .szIpAddress, b(8), 16
End With
End Function
'fRasGetRASSLIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Procedure sDLG_AddModem
' Purpose: displays the "Add New Modem" dialog
' this is by far the easiest way to add a new modem
' if you don't want to use the above methods
' Input: n/a
' Return: n/a
' Usage:
' Call sDLG_AddModem
' **********************************************************************
Sub sDLG_AddModem()
Call Shell("RunDLL32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL MODEM.CPL,Modems,Add"
End Sub
'sDLG_AddModem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Procedure sDLG_ConfigModem
' Purpose: displays the "Configure Modem" dialog
' this is by far the easiest way to configure a modem
' if you don't want to use the above methods
' Input: n/a
' Return: n/a
' Usage:
' Call sDLG_ConfigModem
' **********************************************************************
Sub sDLG_ConfigModem()
Call Shell("RunDLL32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL MODEM.CPL,Modems"
End Sub
'sDLG_ConfigModem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRASRenameEntry
' Purpose: renames an existing dial-up connection
' Input: Name of the existing connection,
' new name of the existing connection
' Return: 0, if the function succedes, else RasErrorcode
' Usage:
' Dim retVal As Long
' retVal = fRasRenameEntry("My Connection", "My New Name"
' If retVal <> 0 Then
' MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' End If
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRASRenameEntry(
ByVal OldName
As String,
ByVal NewName
As String,
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
fRASRenameEntry = RasRenameEntry(IIf((IsMissing(strPhonebook) =
True Or stringphonebook = ""
, vbNullString, strPhonebook), OldName, NewName)
End Function
'fRasRenameEntry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRASDeleteEntry
' Purpose: deletes an existing dial-up connection
' Input: Name of the existing connection,
' Return: 0, if the function succedes, else RasErrorcode
' Usage:
' Dim retVal As Long
' retVal = fRasDeleteEntry("My Connection"
' If retVal <> 0 Then
' MsgBox fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' End If
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRASDeleteEntry(
ByVal ConName
As String,
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
fRASDeleteEntry = RasDeleteEntry(IIf((IsMissing(strPhonebook) =
True Or stringphonebook = ""
, vbNullString, strPhonebook), ConName)
End Function
'fRasRenameConnection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRASValidateEntryName
' Purpose: validating an entry
' Input: Name of the entry to check
' Return: 0, if the name is valid and does not exist already
' 123, if the name syntax is invalid
' 183, if the entry name already exists
' else: Errorcode
' Usage:
' Dim retVal As Long
' retVal = fRasValidateEntryName("My New Name"
' If retVal <> 0 Then
' Debug.Print retVal, fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' End If
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRASValidateEntryName(
ByVal EntryName
As String,
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
fRASValidateEntryName = RasValidateEntryName(IIf((IsMissing(strPhonebook) =
True Or stringphonebook = ""
, vbNullString, strPhonebook), EntryName)
End Function
'fRasValidateEntryName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRASCreatePhoneBookEntryDialog
' Purpose: shows the "create new entry" dialog
' Input: handle of your form on which you want to display the dialog modal
' pass 0 if you don't want to display the dialog modal
' Return: 0, if the function succeeds, else 621
' Note: If the user hits the "Cancel" button of the dialog,
' the function still returns 0.
' To know if the dialog was cancelled, you could call
' fRasEnumEntries before and after the dialog
' Usage:
' Dim retVal As Long
' retVal = fRasCreatePhoneBookEntryDialog(0)
' If retVal =621 then
' messagebox "Error"
' elseif retVal=0 then
' messagebox "Succeded"
' else
' messagebox "Unknown Error: " & fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' End If
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Public Function fRasCreatePhoneBookEntryDialog(
ByVal hwnd
As Long,
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
fRasCreatePhoneBookEntryDialog = RasCreatePhonebookEntry(IIf(hwnd = 0, 0&, hwnd), IIf((IsMissing(strPhonebook) =
True Or stringphonebook = ""
, vbNullString, strPhonebook))
End Function
'fRasCreatePhoneBookEntryDialog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' Function fRASEditPhoneBookEntryDialog
' Purpose: shows the "edit phonebook entry" dialog
' Input: handle of your form on which you want to display the dialog modal
' pass 0 if you don't want to display the dialog modal
' the name of an existing entry
' Return: 0, if the function succeeds, else Errorcode
' Usage:
' Dim retVal As Long
' retVal = fRasEditPhoneBookEntryDialog(0, "My Entry"
' if retVal=0 then
' messagebox "Succeded"
' else
' messagebox "Unknown Error: " & fRASErrorHandler(retVal)
' End If
' on NT / 2000 you can specify path and filename of the phonebook to use
' if none is given, default will be used
' on Win9x, this parameter is ignored
' **********************************************************************
Function fRasEditPhoneBookEntryDialog(
ByVal hwnd
As Long,
ByVal EntryName
As String,
Optional strPhonebook
As String)
As Long
Dim retVal
As Long
fRasEditPhoneBookEntryDialog = RasEditPhonebookEntry(IIf(hwnd = 0, 0&, hwnd), IIf((IsMissing(strPhonebook) =
True Or stringphonebook = ""
, vbNullString, strPhonebook), EntryName)
End Function
'fRasEditPhoneBookEntryDialog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' **********************************************************************
' **********************************************************************
' **********************************************************************
' Helper functions
' No need to explain here
' **********************************************************************
' **********************************************************************
' **********************************************************************
Sub CopyByteToTrimmedString(strToCopyTo
As String, bPos
As Byte, lngMaxLen
As Long)
Dim strTemp
As String
Dim lngLen
As Long
strTemp =
String(lngMaxLen + 1, 0)
ByVal strTemp, bPos, lngMaxLen
lngLen = InStr(strTemp, Chr$(0)) - 1
strToCopyTo = Left$(strTemp, lngLen)
End Sub
Sub CopyStringToByte(bPos
As Byte, strToCopy
As String, lngMaxLen
As Long)
Dim lngLen
As Long
lngLen = Len(strToCopy)
If lngLen = 0
Exit Sub
ElseIf lngLen > lngMaxLen
lngLen = lngMaxLen
End If
CopyMemory bPos,
ByVal strToCopy, lngLen
End Sub