2fallout: больше никаких доказательств не будет, не в песочнице. доказывать буду тому, у кого есть пбцц 3.хх. дикси. Changes from PB/CC 3.02 to PB/CC 3.03 and from PB/Win 7.02 to PB/Win 7.03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compiler ======== Fixed a case where using CHOOSE, IIF, or SWITCH in combination with the MID$ statement (not the MID$ function) could cause a GPF. Fixed SELECT CASE CONST$ errors with certain string constants. Fixed errors with certain repeated indexed array sub-expressions. $NUL codes might appear in particularly long TRACE lines. Fixed. %PB_EXE was not set unless the #COMPILE meta-statement was used. Fixed. ARRAYATTR works with undimensioned arrays. Correct encoding of ASM imul <register>, <immediate> Correct encoding of certain ASM floating point opcodes involving integers. ASM operands containing CHR$(128-255) codes cause a compile-time error instead of a GPF. Revised the title in the start-up dialog shown if no command line is given. The ERASE statement formerly deallocated dynamic arrays and initialized static arrays. Now, it deallocates both dynamic and static arrays. The RESET statement could cause GPFs under certain circumstances, and could cause memory leaks when used with variants. Fixed. Error with USING$() in a variant assignment. Control image errors accessed from a PB/Win DLL. Calling a SUB or FUNCTION repeatedly from within a different SUB or FUNCTION could cause a GPF, in the case where the called SUB/FUNCTION had fixed-length STRING, fixed-length ASCIIZ, or UDT parameters, and it was called in such a way as to require implicit type conversions for those parameters. Fixed. Specifying a null filespec with the #COMPILE meta-statement causes a syntax error at compile time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help Files ========== Single-line IF revised to include Label and Sub names in Statements list. Colon-before-ELSE comment removed (is now valid syntax). 407 entry missing from index (.CNT) file. "Top" button in "Strings and relational operators" broken. #COMPILE DLL added to "Writing programs in...". Expanded TYPE/UNION topic for member arrays. Added notes on fixed-length, ASCIIZ, and UDT member string to INPUT, LINE INPUT and LINE INPUT#. Typo in UDT array example of Data Types. Expanded FILESCAN's INPUT mode discussions. VAL operations added to BIN$, HEX$, OCT$ Subtitle added to VAL to highlight bin/hex/oct operations Corrected color of some commas and spaces in SEE ALSO sections Command-line compiler operation updated to current behavior (.BAS). Menu topics revised to reorder sequence of operations to more closely match PB/FORMS import behavior. Menu example revised and made PB/Forms-friendly. Creating a Dialog topic revised and more information added. Adding controls revised and expanded. Various variable naming changes "result&" -> "lResult&", "hThread???", etc. Several typos (mismatched variable names/types) in thread and comm sections. Typo in the "results" for the ARRAYATTR example. Editor hot-keys listing for CTRL+Y description incorrect. Typo in MAKDWD example (MAKDRD). TIME$ does not report run-time errors. GET$ missing BASE clause in example. FILEATTR(n,-2) rewritten. Error 516 index/toc entry incorrect. PBRES site link removed. %LBS_MULTIPLESEL revised. FILESCAN syntax updated (wrong bracket symbol, # is optional). Updated Peer forums logo. PARSE$ revised slightly. Paragraph formatting error in "Parameters" topic [COM]. FORMAT$ right-justification example added. %WS_GROUP notes added to CONTROL ADD OPTION. %WS_GROUP notes extended in CONTROL SET OPTION. All THREAD statement topics revised significantly to explain the suspend count. CONTROL ADD LISTBOX used incorrect Win9x item limit value. Missing "ASCIIZ *" in CALL DWORD example. %MB_TASKMODAL discussion added to MSGBOX topics, and various examples. %MB_APPLMODAL and %MB_SYSTEMMODAL discussions revised. RANDOMIZE remarks expanded slightly. LISTBOX GET TEXT expanded to cover multiple-selection listboxes. LISTBOX SELECT updated. TCP OPEN example missing type-specifier and caps. 'buffer' -> 'Buffer$' DIALOG NEW additions and expansions: %WS_CLIPCHILDREN, %WS_OVERLAPPED, %DS_NOFAILCREATE, %DS_3DLOOK, %DS_SETFONT, %WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW. %BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON added to CONTROL ADD BUTTON. %BS_MULTILINE revised in CONTROL ADD BUTTON. %WS_TABSTOP revised throughout CONTROL ADD topics. %WS_BORDER added to CONTROL ADD BUTTON and most others. %WS_GROUP revised throughout. %WS_GROUP added to CONTROL ADD BUTTON and most others. %WS_TABSTOP added to CONTROL ADD topics. %BS_FLAT added to CONTROL ADD CHECK3STATE. %BS_AUTO3STATE added to CONTROL ADD BUTTON/CHECK3STATE. %BS_AUTOCHECKBOX added to CONTROL ADD BUTTON/CHECKBOX. Many additions to the %CBS_ styles. Persistent styles are underlined to differentiate from default styles. %CBS_HASSTRINGS did not indicate persistent style in docs or PB/Forms code. %BS_TOP is an explicitly persistent FRAME style. %BS_ICON and %SS_ICON persistent styles added to default styles table. %SBS_HORZ persistent style added to default styles table. Reordering of some %BS_ table entries. %SS_REALSIZE style removed from docs as DDT does not appear to be using it. CONTROL ADD OPTION example used LABEL. CONTROL ADD FRAME expanded. CONTROL ADD LINE expanded.