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Ситуация: Вопрос: P.S. но браузер выдаёт ошибку
Retrieves the data in the specified format from the clipboard through the dataTransfer or clipboardData objects. Syntax Parameters Return Value String. Returns the data in the format retrieved from clipboard through the dataTransfer or clipboardData object. Depending on the information contained in setData, this variable can retrieve a path to an image, text, or an anchor URL. Remarks The getData method enforces cross-frame security and allows data transfers within the same domain only. To the user this means that dragging a selection between different security protocols, such as HTTP and HTTPS, will fail. In addition, dragging a selection between two instances of the browser with different security levels, where the first instance is set to medium and the second is set to high, will fail. Finally, dragging a selection into the browser from another drag-enabled application, such as Microsoft® Word, also will fail. To use the getData method to retrieve data from the clipboard within the oncopy or oncut event, specify window.event.returnValue=false within the event handler script. Картинку в буфере получить нельзя Страница: 1 |
Вопрос: JS
Добавлено: 01.04.04 09:48
Автор вопроса: Vit | Web-сайт:
Требуется показать на странице рисунок из Clipbord'а.
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Добавлено: 02.04.04 21:17
getData Method
sRetrieveData = object.getData(sDataFormat)
sDataFormat Required. String that specifies one of the following data format values: Text Retrieves data formatted as text. URL Retrieves data formatted as a URL.