Ну не знаю как с сенд стринг, а вот этот пример с миксером работает: -------------------------------------------------- Const MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0 Const MAXPNAMELEN = 32 Const MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS = 64 Const MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS = 16 Const MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE = &H3& Const MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE = &H2& Const MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE = &H0& Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST = &H0& Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS = &H4 Const MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME = &H50030001 Private Declare Function mixerOpen Lib "winmm.dll" (phmx As Long, _ ByVal uMxId As Long, ByVal dwCallback As Long, ByVal dwInstance As Long, _ ByVal fdwOpen As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _ "mixerGetLineInfoA" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxl As MIXERLINE, _ ByVal fdwInfo As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerGetLineControls Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _ "mixerGetLineControlsA" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxlc As MIXERLINECONTROLS, _ ByVal fdwControls As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerSetControlDetails Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal hmxobj _ As Long, pmxcd As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS, ByVal fdwDetails As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerClose Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal hmx As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hmem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hmem As Long) As Long Private Type MIXERCONTROL cbStruct As Long dwControlID As Long dwControlType As Long fdwControl As Long cMultipleItems As Long szShortName As String * MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS szName As String * MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS lMinimum As Long lMaximum As Long reserved(10) As Long End Type Private Type MIXERCONTROLDETAILS cbStruct As Long dwControlID As Long cChannels As Long item As Long cbDetails As Long paDetails As Long End Type Private Type MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED dwValue As Long End Type Private Type MIXERLINE cbStruct As Long dwDestination As Long dwSource As Long dwLineID As Long fdwLine As Long dwUser As Long dwComponentType As Long cChannels As Long cConnections As Long cControls As Long szShortName As String * MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS szName As String * MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS dwType As Long dwDeviceID As Long wMid As Integer wPid As Integer vDriverVersion As Long szPname As String * MAXPNAMELEN End Type Private Type MIXERLINECONTROLS cbStruct As Long dwLineID As Long dwControl As Long cControls As Long cbmxctrl As Long pamxctrl As Long End Type ' Set the master volume level. ' ' VolumeLevel is the level value in percentage (0 = min, 100 = max) ' Returns True if successful Function SetVolume(VolumeLevel As Long) As Boolean Dim hmx As Long Dim uMixerLine As MIXERLINE Dim uMixerControl As MIXERCONTROL Dim uMixerLineControls As MIXERLINECONTROLS Dim uDetails As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS Dim uUnsigned As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED Dim RetValue As Long Dim hmem As Long ' VolumeLevel value must be between 0 and 100 If VolumeLevel < 0 Or VolumeLevel > 100 Then GoTo error ' Open the mixer RetValue = mixerOpen(hmx, 0, 0, 0, 0) If RetValue <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then GoTo error ' Initialize MIXERLINE structure and call mixerGetLineInfo uMixerLine.cbStruct = Len(uMixerLine) uMixerLine.dwComponentType = MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS RetValue = mixerGetLineInfo(hmx, uMixerLine, _ MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE) If RetValue <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then GoTo error ' Initialize MIXERLINECONTROLS strucure and ' call mixerGetLineControls uMixerLineControls.cbStruct = Len(uMixerLineControls) uMixerLineControls.dwLineID = uMixerLine.dwLineID uMixerLineControls.dwControl = MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME uMixerLineControls.cControls = 1 uMixerLineControls.cbmxctrl = Len(uMixerControl) ' Allocate a buffer to receive the properties of the master volume control ' and put his address into uMixerLineControls.pamxctrl hmem = GlobalAlloc(&H40, Len(uMixerControl)) uMixerLineControls.pamxctrl = GlobalLock(hmem) uMixerControl.cbStruct = Len(uMixerControl) RetValue = mixerGetLineControls(hmx, uMixerLineControls, _ MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE) If RetValue <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then GoTo error ' Copy data buffer into the uMixerControl structure CopyMemory uMixerControl, ByVal uMixerLineControls.pamxctrl, _ Len(uMixerControl) GlobalFree hmem hmem = 0 uDetails.item = 0 uDetails.dwControlID = uMixerControl.dwControlID uDetails.cbStruct = Len(uDetails) uDetails.cbDetails = Len(uUnsigned) ' Allocate a buffer in which properties for the volume control are set ' and put his address into uDetails.paDetails hmem = GlobalAlloc(&H40, Len(uUnsigned)) uDetails.paDetails = GlobalLock(hmem) uDetails.cChannels = 1 uUnsigned.dwValue = CLng((VolumeLevel * uMixerControl.lMaximum) / 100) CopyMemory ByVal uDetails.paDetails, uUnsigned, Len(uUnsigned) ' Set new volume level RetValue = mixerSetControlDetails(hmx, uDetails, _ MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE) GlobalFree hmem hmem = 0 If RetValue <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then GoTo error mixerClose hmx ' signal success SetVolume = True Exit Function error: ' An error occurred