Страница: 1 |
Вопрос: Помощь в сохранении файла
Добавлено: 24.08.11 16:45
Автор вопроса: Олег
Проблема (собственно и задача).
Есть 6 файлов, которые хранятся на сервере.
Но так, что зайти на сервер и как файлы я их посмотреть не могу.
А если ввожу http://********/cdp/garant.crl, то выводится окошко, в котором предлагается открыть или сохранить этот файл!
Задача состоит в том, что проверить срок действия сертификатов и их доступность.
Всего 6 ссылок.
Какой командой в VBS можно это описать, чтобы он хотя бы мне на комп их сохранил, а дальше я бы сам парился с командой CERTUTIL. (Не знаю как, но погуглю)
У меня windows 7. Есть ли варианты использовать команды internetexplorer.application для поставленной задачи?
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Navigate "http://*******/cdp/garant.crl"
While objIE.Busy
Wscript.Sleep 50
objIE.Visible = 1
'objIE.ExecWB 4, 2 'сохранение
Выдает ошибку в третьей строке, (но все равно перед этим выполняет открытие сертификата с сервера) так как после открытия .crl автоматически закрывается браузер и уже код ссылается на закрытый objIE.
Как сохранить crl?
Может сразу в файл при помощи certutil?
Номер ответа: 4 Автор ответа:
![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif)
Вопросов: 4 Ответов: 10
Профиль | | #4
Добавлено: 06.09.11 12:37
Разобрался с друзьями.
Вот код.
На скачивание файла + обработку в txt + поиск по тексту + плюс перевод в дату + отсыл на почту.
- strFileURL = "http://********/garant.crl"
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = "GE" & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand1 = "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.crl "
- Set objExec1 = objShell.Exec(strCommand1)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 600
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec1.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("GEgarant.txt", True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- strFileURL = "http://********/garant2.crl"
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = "GE" & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand2 = "certutil -split C:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.crl "
- Set objExec2 = objShell.Exec(strCommand2)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec2.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("GEgarant2.txt", True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- strFileURL = "http://********/garant.crl"
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = "CA1" & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand3 = "certutil -split C:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.crl "
- Set objExec3 = objShell.Exec(strCommand3)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec3.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("CA1garant.txt", True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- strFileURL = "http://*******/garant2.crl"
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = "CA1" & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand4 = "certutil -split C:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.crl "
- Set objExec4 = objShell.Exec(strCommand4)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec4.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("CA1garant2.txt", True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- strFileURL = "********/garant.crl"
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = "CA2" & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand5 = "certutil -split C:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.crl "
- Set objExec5 = objShell.Exec(strCommand5)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec5.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("CA2garant.txt", True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- strFileURL = "http://********/garant2.crl"
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = "CA2" & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand6 = "certutil -split C:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.crl "
- Set objExec6 = objShell.Exec(strCommand6)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec6.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("CA2garant2.txt", True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- Dim fName_1
- Dim fName_2
- Dim fName_3
- Dim fName_4
- Dim fName_5
- Dim fName_6
- Dim objFSO_1
- Dim txtFile_1
- Dim txtFile_2
- Dim txtFile_3
- Dim txtFile_4
- Dim txtFile_5
- Dim txtFile_6
- Dim strLine_1
- Dim strLine_2
- Dim strLine_3
- Dim strLine_4
- Dim strLine_5
- Dim strLine_6
- Dim strMsg
- Dim strMsg_1
- Dim strMsg_2
- Dim strMsg_3
- Dim strMsg_4
- Dim strMsg_5
- Dim strMsg_6
- Dim objCDO_1
- Dim Conf_1
- fName_1 = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.txt"
- fName_2 = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.txt"
- fName_3 = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.txt"
- fName_4 = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.txt"
- fName_5 = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.txt"
- fName_6 = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.txt"
- Set objFSO_1= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set txtFile_1 = objFSO_1.OpenTextFile(fName_1)
- Do While Not txtFile_1.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile_1.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- strLine_1 = txtFile_1.ReadLine
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile_1.Close
- Set objFSO_2= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set txtFile_2 = objFSO_2.OpenTextFile(fName_2)
- Do While Not txtFile_2.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile_2.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- strLine_2 = txtFile_2.ReadLine
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile_2.Close
- Set objFSO_3= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set txtFile_3 = objFSO_3.OpenTextFile(fName_3)
- Do While Not txtFile_3.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile_3.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- strLine_3 = txtFile_3.ReadLine
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile_3.Close
- Set objFSO_4= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set txtFile_4 = objFSO_4.OpenTextFile(fName_4)
- Do While Not txtFile_4.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile_4.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- strLine_4 = txtFile_4.ReadLine
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile_4.Close
- Set objFSO_5= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set txtFile_5 = objFSO_5.OpenTextFile(fName_5)
- Do While Not txtFile_5.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile_5.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- strLine_5 = txtFile_5.ReadLine
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile_5.Close
- Set objFSO_6= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set txtFile_6 = objFSO_6.OpenTextFile(fName_6)
- Do While Not txtFile_6.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile_6.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- strLine_6 = txtFile_6.ReadLine
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile_6.Close
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_1, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_1 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_1 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_2, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_2 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_2 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_3, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_3 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_3 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_4, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_4 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_4 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_5, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_5 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_5 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_6, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_6 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_6 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If (strMsg_1 = "Не просрочена") and (strMsg_2 = "Не просрочена") and (strMsg_3 = "Не просрочена") and (strMsg_4 = "Не просрочена") and (strMsg_5 = "Не просрочена") and (strMsg_6 = "Не просрочена") then
- strMsg = "Не просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg = "Просрочена"
- End If
- Set objCDO_1 = WScript.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
- objCDO_1.From = "От кого"
- objCDO_1.To = "Кому, Кому1"
- objCDO_1.Subject = "Проверка CRL"
- objCDO_1.HTMLBody = strMsg
- Set Conf_1 = objCDO_1.Configuration
- Conf_1("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
- Conf_1("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp сервер"
- Conf_1("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 0
- Conf_1("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
- Conf_1.Fields.Update
- objCDO_1.Send
- Set objFSO_1 = Nothing
- Set objCDO_1 = Nothing
- WScript.Quit
Теперь осталось его красиво упаковать в процедуры.
Помогите, товарищи
Номер ответа: 5 Автор ответа:
![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif)
Вопросов: 4 Ответов: 10
Профиль | | #5
Добавлено: 07.09.11 16:52
Люди Вторую часть упаковал в процедуры (После кода, который скачивает и преобразовывает файлы в *.txt).
Вроде получилось так:
Теперь хочу первую половину добить.
Пишу процедуру, так как она все равно ничего не возвращает.(Если не ошибаюсь)
- SAVEFILE ("http://garantexpress.ru/cdp/garant.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.crl", "GEgarant.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://garantexpress.ru/cdp/garant2.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.crl", "GEgarant2.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp/garant.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.crl", "CA1garant.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp/garant2.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.crl", "CA1garant2.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp2/garant.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.crl", "CA2garant.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp2/garant2.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.crl", "CA2garant2.txt")
- Sub SAVEFILE(URL1, Base_Name, Command, TXT)
- strFileURL = URL1
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = Base_Name & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand1 = Command
- Set objExec1 = objShell.Exec(strCommand1)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(objExec1.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(TXT, True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- End Sub
- SAVEFILE ("http://garantexpress.ru/cdp/garant.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.crl", "GEgarant.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://garantexpress.ru/cdp/garant2.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.crl", "GEgarant2.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp/garant.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.crl", "CA1garant.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp/garant2.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.crl", "CA1garant2.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp2/garant.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.crl", "CA2garant.txt")
- SAVEFILE ("http://ca.garant.ru/cdp2/garant2.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.crl", "CA2garant2.txt")
Ошибку выдает на последнюю скобку первого запуска процедуры. В чем ошибка у меня?
Номер ответа: 7 Автор ответа:
![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif)
Вопросов: 4 Ответов: 10
Профиль | | #7
Добавлено: 08.09.11 10:31
Надо было скобки убрать из SUB в начале.
- SAVEFILE "http://garantexpress.ru/cdp/garant.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.crl", objExec1, "GEgarant.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://garantexpress.ru/cdp/garant2.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.crl", objExec2, "GEgarant2.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://ca.garant.ru/cdp/garant.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.crl", objExec3, "CA1garant.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://ca.garant.ru/cdp/garant2.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.crl", objExec4, "CA1garant2.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://ca.garant.ru/cdp2/garant.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.crl", objExec5, "CA2garant.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://ca.garant.ru/cdp2/garant2.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.crl", objExec6, "CA2garant2.txt"
- Sub SAVEFILE(URL1, Base_Name, Command, OBJ1, TXT)
- strFileURL = URL1
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = Base_Name & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand1 = Command
- Set OBJ1 = objShell.Exec(strCommand1)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(OBJ1.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(TXT, True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- End Sub
Начало работает отлично!
Тут я ошибся с концом! Почему то ошибку выдает:
- STR1=ReadLineTXT(fName_1)
- STR2=ReadLineTXT(fName_2)
- STR3=ReadLineTXT(fName_3)
- STR4=ReadLineTXT(fName_4)
- STR5=ReadLineTXT(fName_5)
- STR6=ReadLineTXT(fName_6)
- Function SMS(STR)
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(STR, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- SMS = "Просрочена"
- Else
- SMS = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- End function
- strMsg_1=SMS(STR1)
- strMsg_2=SMS(STR2)
- strMsg_3=SMS(STR3)
- strMsg_4=SMS(STR4)
- strMsg_5=SMS(STR5)
- strMsg_6=SMS(STR6)
В чем там при цикле может быть ошибка?
Говорит про Cdate. Можете попробовать мой код.
А вот так работает нормально!
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_1, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_1 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_1 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_2, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_2 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_2 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_3, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_3 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_3 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_4, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_4 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_4 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_5, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_5 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_5 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(strLine_6, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- strMsg_6 = "Просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg_6 = "Не просрочена"
- End If
Номер ответа: 8 Автор ответа:
![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif) ![](images/starGray.gif)
Вопросов: 4 Ответов: 10
Профиль | | #8
Добавлено: 09.09.11 14:29
- SAVEFILE "http://*****1/garant.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.crl", objExec1, "GEgarant.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://*****1/garant2.crl", "GE", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.crl", objExec2, "GEgarant2.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://*****2/garant.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.crl", objExec3, "CA1garant.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://*****2/garant2.crl", "CA1", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.crl", objExec4, "CA1garant2.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://*****3/garant.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.crl", objExec5, "CA2garant.txt"
- SAVEFILE "http://*****3/garant2.crl", "CA2", "certutil -split c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.crl", objExec6, "CA2garant2.txt"
- Sub SAVEFILE(URL1, Base_Name, Command, OBJ1, TXT)
- strFileURL = URL1
- URL = Split(StrReverse(strFileURL), "/")
- basename = Base_Name & StrReverse(URL(0))
- strHDLocation = "C:\scriptcheckcrl\" & basename
- Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false
- objXMLHTTP.send()
- If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
- Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- objADOStream.Open
- objADOStream.Type = 1
- objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
- objADOStream.Position = 0
- Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation
- objADOStream.Close
- Set objADOStream = Nothing
- End if
- Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
- Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- strCommand1 = Command
- Set OBJ1 = objShell.Exec(strCommand1)
- While objExec1.Status = 0
- WScript.Sleep 20
- Wend
- strOutput = Replace(OBJ1.StdOut.ReadAll, VbCrLf & "CertUtil: -split command completed successfully.", "")
- With WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(TXT, True)
- .Write strOutput
- .Close
- End With
- End Sub
- Dim fName(5)
- Dim objFSO
- Dim i
- Dim txtFile
- Dim ReadLineTXT
- Dim checkLic
- Dim strMsg
- Dim objCDO
- Dim Conf
- Dim DataCrl(5)
- fName(0) = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant.txt"
- fName(1) = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\GEgarant2.txt"
- fName(2) = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant.txt"
- fName(3) = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA1garant2.txt"
- fName(4) = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant.txt"
- fName(5) = "c:\scriptcheckcrl\CA2garant2.txt"
- Set objFSO= WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- For i = 0 To UBound(fName)
- Set txtFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fName(i))
- Do While Not txtFile.AtEndOfStream
- If InStr(txtFile.ReadLine, "Следующая публикация CRL") Then
- ReadLineTXT = txtFile.ReadLine
- checkLic = checkLic + SMS(ReadLineTXT)
- DataCrl(i) = ReadLineTXT
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- txtFile.Close
- Next
- Function SMS(STR)
- If DateDiff("n", CDate(Replace(STR, "г.", "")), Now) > 9 Then
- SMS = 0
- Else
- SMS = 1
- End If
- End Function
- If checkLic = 6 Then
- strMsg = "Не просрочена"
- Else
- strMsg = "Просрочена"
- End If
- Set objCDO = WScript.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
- objCDO.From = "ОТ КОГО"
- objCDO.To = "КОМУ"
- objCDO.Subject = "Проверка CRL"
- objCDO.HTMLBody = strMsg & "<br>" & "<br>" & "GEgarant.txt" & DataCrl(0) & "<br>" & "GEgarant2.txt" & DataCrl(1) & "<br>" & "CA1garant.txt" & DataCrl(2) & "<br>" & "CA1garant2.txt" & DataCrl(3) & "<br>" & "CA2garant.txt" & DataCrl(4) & "<br>" & "CA2garant2.txt" & DataCrl(5)
- Set Conf = objCDO.Configuration
- Conf("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
- Conf("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp сервер"
- Conf("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 0
- Conf("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
- Conf.Fields.Update
- objCDO.Send
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- Set objCDO = Nothing
- WScript.Quit
Объясните только, почсему в папке ещё создается Blob0_0.crl ???
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