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Вопрос: Гравицапа
Добавлено: 21.07.09 18:19
Автор вопроса: ☺♣FIO♣☺
Кто имел опыт с гравицапой? Как это сделать в vb?
Номер ответа: 4 Автор ответа:
User Unknown
![](images/starGold.gif) ![](images/starGold.gif) ![](images/starGold.gif)
Вечный Юзер!
ICQ: uu@jabber.cz ![номер uu@jabber.cz](http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/online.dll?icq=uu@jabber.cz&img=5)
Вопросов: 120 Ответов: 3302
Профиль | | #4
Добавлено: 21.07.09 20:56
А хрен его знает что это такое. Компилировать и запускать на свой страх и риск. Я просто оставлю это здесь (Form1.frm):
- VERSION 5.00
- Begin VB.Form Form1
- Caption = "Form1"
- ClientHeight = 3195
- ClientLeft = 60
- ClientTop = 345
- ClientWidth = 4680
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- ScaleHeight = 3195
- ScaleWidth = 4680
- StartUpPosition = 3
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- VERLET = 2
- End Enum
- Private Type POINT2D
- X As Double
- Y As Double
- End Type
- Private Type VECTOR2D
- X As Double
- Y As Double
- End Type
- Private Type FORCE2D
- End Type
- Private Type TORQUE2D
- Net As Double
- End Type
- Private Type PHYSICS2D
- Position As POINT2D
- Velocity As VECTOR2D
- Acceleration As VECTOR2D
- Angle As Double
- Angular_Velocity As Double
- Angular_Acceleration As Double
- Force As FORCE2D
- Torque As TORQUE2D
- Mass As Double
- One_Over_Mass As Double
- Inertia As Double
- One_Over_Inertia As Double
- Elasticity As Double
- Momentum As VECTOR2D
- Impulse As VECTOR2D
- Angular_Momentum As VECTOR2D
- Angular_Impulse As VECTOR2D
- Scalar As Double
- Friction_Coefficient As Double
- Drag_Coefficient As Double
- Area As Double
- End Type
- Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As Currency) As Long
- Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As Currency) As Long
- Private Const EARTH_GRAVITY As Double = 9.80665
- Private Const AIR_DENSITY As Double = 1.125
- Private Const POUNDS_TO_KG As Double = 0.45359237
- Private Const ONE_KGF_CM_TO_NEWTONS_CM As Double = 9.80665
- Private Const TWO_KGF_CM_TO_NEWTONS_CM As Double = 9.80665 * 2
- Private Const THREE_KGF_CM_TO_NEWTONS_CM As Double = 9.80665 * 3
- Private Const FOUR_KGF_CM_TO_NEWTONS_CM As Double = 9.80665 * 4
- Private Ticks_Per_Second As Currency
- Private Start_Time As Currency
- Private Milliseconds As Currency
- Private Get_Frames_Per_Second As Long
- Private Frame_Count As Long
- Private Running As Boolean
- Private Time As Double
- Private Delta_Time As Currency
- Private Accumulator As Double
- Private Obj As PHYSICS2D
- Private Time_Step As Double
- Private Neutral_Flag As Boolean
- Private Key_State As Long, Key_Flag As Long
- Private Flag As Boolean
- Private Old_Position As POINT2D
- Private Sub Main()
- With Me
- .ScaleMode = 3
- .AutoRedraw = True
- .BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
- .ForeColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
- End With
- With Obj
- .Mass = 10 * POUNDS_TO_KG
- .One_Over_Mass = 1 / .Mass
- .Position.X = Me.ScaleWidth / 2
- .Position.Y = 0
- .Velocity.X = 3
- .Velocity.Y = 0
- .Acceleration.X = 0
- .Acceleration.Y = 0
- .Force.Net.X = 0
- .Force.Net.Y = Calculate_Gravitational_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY) - Calculate_Air_Resistance(.Drag_Coefficient, AIR_DENSITY, .Area, .Velocity.Y)
- .Scalar = 1000
- .Elasticity = 0.7
- .Friction_Coefficient = 0.7
- .Drag_Coefficient = 0.47
- .Area = 1
- End With
- Time_Step = 1 / 1000
- Running = True
- QueryPerformanceFrequency Ticks_Per_Second
- Milliseconds = Time
- Neutral_Flag = True
- Game_Loop
- End Sub
- Private Sub Game_Loop()
- Do While Running = True
- DoEvents
- Lock_Framerate 60
- Cls
- Old_Position.X = Obj.Position.X
- Old_Position.Y = Obj.Position.Y
- Delta_Time = Get_Elapsed_Time_Per_Frame
- If Delta_Time > 0.25 Then Delta_Time = 0.25
- Accumulator = Accumulator + Delta_Time
- While (Accumulator >= Time_Step)
- Accumulator = Accumulator - Time_Step
- Integrate2D Obj, Time_Step, FORTH_ORDER_RUNGE_KUTTA
- Time = Time + Time_Step
- Wend
- Check_Collision Obj
- Render
- Loop
- End Sub
- Private Function Calculate_Normal_Force(m As Double, g As Double) As Double
- Calculate_Normal_Force = m * g
- End Function
- Private Function Calculate_Frictional_Force(u As Double, N As Double) As Double
- Calculate_Frictional_Force = u * N
- End Function
- Private Function Calculate_Gravitational_Force(m As Double, g As Double) As Double
- Calculate_Gravitational_Force = m * g
- End Function
- Private Function Calculate_Air_Resistance(C As Double, p As Double, Area As Double, v As Double)
- Calculate_Air_Resistance = (C * p * Area * (v * v)) * 0.5
- End Function
- Private Sub Lock_Framerate(Target_FPS As Long)
- Static Last_Time As Currency
- Dim Current_Time As Currency
- Dim FPS As Double
- Do
- QueryPerformanceCounter Current_Time
- FPS = Ticks_Per_Second / (Current_Time - Last_Time)
- Loop While (FPS > Target_FPS)
- QueryPerformanceCounter Last_Time
- End Sub
- Private Function Get_Elapsed_Time_Per_Frame() As Double
- Static Last_Time As Currency
- Static Current_Time As Currency
- QueryPerformanceCounter Current_Time
- Get_Elapsed_Time_Per_Frame = (Current_Time - Last_Time) / Ticks_Per_Second
- QueryPerformanceCounter Last_Time
- End Function
- Private Function Get_Elapsed_Seconds() As Double
- Dim Last_Time As Currency
- Dim Current_Time As Currency
- QueryPerformanceCounter Current_Time
- Get_Elapsed_Seconds = (Current_Time - Last_Time) / Ticks_Per_Second
- QueryPerformanceCounter Last_Time
- End Function
- Private Function Get_FPS(Optional ByVal Elapsed_Frames As Long = 1) As Long
- Static Last_Time As Currency
- Dim Current_Time As Currency
- QueryPerformanceCounter Current_Time
- Get_FPS = Int(Elapsed_Frames * Ticks_Per_Second / (Current_Time - Last_Time))
- QueryPerformanceCounter Last_Time
- End Function
- Private Sub Integrate2D(Obj As PHYSICS2D, dt As Double, Integrator As CONST_INTEGRATOR)
- Dim Old_Position As POINT2D
- Dim Old_Velocity As POINT2D
- Dim Old_Acceleration As POINT2D
- Dim Old_Angle As Double
- Dim Old_Angular_Velocity As Double
- Dim Old_Angular_Acceleration As Double
- Dim k1 As POINT2D, k2 As POINT2D, k3 As POINT2D, k4 As POINT2D
- Dim l1 As VECTOR2D, l2 As VECTOR2D, l3 As VECTOR2D, l4 As VECTOR2D
- Dim m1 As Double, m2 As Double, m3 As Double, m4 As Double
- Dim n1 As Double, n2 As Double, n3 As Double, n4 As Double
- With Obj
- .Acceleration.X = .Force.Net.X * .One_Over_Mass
- .Acceleration.Y = .Force.Net.Y * .One_Over_Mass
- .Angular_Acceleration = .Torque.Net * .One_Over_Inertia
- Select Case Integrator
- .Position.X = .Position.X + .Velocity.X * dt * .Scalar
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X + .Acceleration.X * dt
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + .Velocity.Y * dt * .Scalar
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y + .Acceleration.Y * dt
- .Angle = .Angle + .Angular_Velocity * dt
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angular_Velocity + .Angular_Acceleration * dt
- .Position.X = .Position.X + .Velocity.X * dt + 0.5 * .Acceleration.X * dt * dt * .Scalar
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X + .Acceleration.X * dt
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + .Velocity.Y * dt + 0.5 * .Acceleration.Y * dt * dt * .Scalar
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y + .Acceleration.Y * dt
- .Angle = .Angle + .Angular_Velocity * dt + 0.5 * .Angular_Acceleration * dt * dt
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angular_Velocity + .Angular_Acceleration * dt
- .Velocity.X = .Position.X - Old_Position.X + .Acceleration.X * dt * dt * .Scalar
- Old_Position.X = .Position.X
- .Position.X = .Position.X + .Velocity.X
- .Velocity.Y = .Position.Y - Old_Position.Y + .Acceleration.Y * dt * dt * .Scalar
- Old_Position.Y = .Position.Y
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + .Velocity.Y
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angle - Old_Angle + .Angular_Acceleration * dt * dt
- Old_Angle = .Angle
- .Angle = .Angle + .Angular_Velocity
- Old_Acceleration.X = .Acceleration.X
- .Position.X = .Position.X + .Velocity.X * dt + 0.5 * Old_Acceleration.X * dt * dt * .Scalar
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X + 0.5 * (Old_Acceleration.X + .Acceleration.X) * dt
- Old_Acceleration.Y = .Acceleration.Y
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + .Velocity.Y * dt + 0.5 * Old_Acceleration.Y * dt * dt * .Scalar
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y + 0.5 * (Old_Acceleration.Y + .Acceleration.Y) * dt
- Old_Angular_Acceleration = .Angular_Acceleration
- .Angle = .Angle + .Angular_Velocity * dt + 0.5 + Old_Angular_Acceleration * dt * dt
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angular_Velocity + 0.5 * (Old_Angular_Acceleration + .Angular_Acceleration) * dt
- k1.X = dt * .Velocity.X
- k1.Y = dt * .Velocity.Y
- l1.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l1.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- k2.X = dt * (.Velocity.X + k1.X / 2)
- k2.Y = dt * (.Velocity.Y + k1.Y / 2)
- l2.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l2.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- m1 = dt * .Angular_Velocity
- n1 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- m2 = dt * (.Angular_Velocity + m1 / 2)
- n2 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- .Position.X = .Position.X + k2.X * .Scalar
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + k2.Y * .Scalar
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X + l2.X
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y + l2.Y
- .Angle = .Angle + m2
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angular_Velocity + n2
- k1.X = dt * .Velocity.X
- k1.Y = dt * .Velocity.Y
- l1.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l1.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- k2.X = dt * (.Velocity.X + k1.X / 2)
- k2.Y = dt * (.Velocity.Y + k1.Y / 2)
- l2.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l2.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- k3.X = dt * (.Velocity.X - k1.X + 2 * k2.X)
- k3.Y = dt * (.Velocity.Y - k1.Y + 2 * k2.Y)
- l3.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l3.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- m1 = dt * .Angular_Velocity
- n1 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- m2 = dt * (.Angular_Velocity * m1 / 2)
- n2 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- m3 = dt * (.Angular_Velocity - m1 + 2 * m2)
- n3 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- .Position.X = .Position.X + k1.X * 1 / 6 + k2.X * 2 / 3 + k3.X * 1 / 6 * .Scalar
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + k1.Y * 1 / 6 + k2.Y * 2 / 3 + k3.Y * 1 / 6 * .Scalar
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X + l1.X * 1 / 6 + l2.X * 2 / 3 + l3.X * 1 / 6
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y + l1.Y * 1 / 6 + l2.Y * 2 / 3 + l3.Y * 1 / 6
- .Angle = .Angle + m1 * 1 / 6 + m2 * 2 / 3 + m3 * 1 / 6
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angular_Velocity + n1 * 1 / 6 + n2 * 2 / 3 + n3 * 1 / 6
- k1.X = dt * .Velocity.X
- k1.Y = dt * .Velocity.Y
- l1.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l1.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- k2.X = dt * (.Velocity.X + k1.X / 2)
- k2.Y = dt * (.Velocity.Y + k1.Y / 2)
- l2.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l2.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- k3.X = dt * (.Velocity.X + k2.X / 2)
- k3.Y = dt * (.Velocity.Y + k2.Y / 2)
- l3.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l3.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- k4.X = dt * (.Velocity.X + k3.X)
- k4.Y = dt * (.Velocity.Y + k3.Y)
- l4.X = dt * .Acceleration.X
- l4.Y = dt * .Acceleration.Y
- m1 = dt * .Angular_Velocity
- n1 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- m2 = dt * (.Angular_Velocity + m1 / 2)
- n2 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- m3 = dt * (.Angular_Velocity + m2 / 2)
- n3 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- m4 = dt * (.Angular_Velocity + m3)
- n4 = dt * .Angular_Acceleration
- .Position.X = .Position.X + k1.X / 6 + k2.X / 3 + k3.X / 3 + k4.X / 6 * .Scalar
- .Position.Y = .Position.Y + k1.Y / 6 + k2.Y / 3 + k3.Y / 3 + k4.Y / 6 * .Scalar
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X + l1.X / 6 + l2.X / 3 + l3.X / 3 + l4.X / 6
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y + l1.Y / 6 + l2.Y / 3 + l3.Y / 3 + l4.Y / 6
- .Angle = .Angle + m1 / 6 + m2 / 3 + m3 / 3 + m4 / 6
- .Angular_Velocity = .Angular_Velocity + n1 / 6 + n2 / 3 + n3 / 3 + n4 / 6
- End Select
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Clear()
- Me.Cls
- End Sub
- Private Function Check_Collision(Obj As PHYSICS2D)
- Const MIN As Double = 0.4
- With Obj
- Dim I As Boolean
- If .Position.X - Old_Position.X > 0 Then
- I = True
- ElseIf .Position.X - Old_Position.X < 0 Then
- I = False
- End If
- If .Position.Y >= 175 Then
- .Position.Y = 175
- .Velocity.Y = .Velocity.Y * -.Elasticity
- If .Velocity.Y >= 0 Then
- If .Velocity.Y <= MIN Then
- .Velocity.Y = 0
- .Force.Net.Y = 0
- End If
- Else
- If .Velocity.Y >= -MIN Then
- .Velocity.Y = 0
- .Force.Net.Y = 0
- End If
- End If
- If I = True Then
- .Force.Net.X = -Calculate_Frictional_Force(.Friction_Coefficient, Calculate_Normal_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY))
- If .Velocity.X <= MIN Then
- .Velocity.X = 0
- .Force.Net.X = 0
- End If
- Else
- .Force.Net.X = Calculate_Frictional_Force(.Friction_Coefficient, Calculate_Normal_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY))
- If .Velocity.X >= -MIN Then
- .Velocity.X = 0
- .Force.Net.X = 0
- End If
- End If
- Else
- .Force.Net.X = 0
- End If
- If .Position.X >= 275 Then
- .Position.X = 275
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X * -.Elasticity
- .Force.Net.Y = EARTH_GRAVITY + Calculate_Frictional_Force(.Friction_Coefficient, Calculate_Normal_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY)) - Calculate_Air_Resistance(.Drag_Coefficient, AIR_DENSITY, .Area, .Velocity.Y)
- Else
- .Force.Net.Y = Calculate_Gravitational_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY) - Calculate_Air_Resistance(.Drag_Coefficient, AIR_DENSITY, .Area, .Velocity.Y)
- End If
- If .Position.X <= 30 Then
- .Position.X = 30
- .Velocity.X = .Velocity.X * -.Elasticity
- .Force.Net.Y = EARTH_GRAVITY + Calculate_Frictional_Force(.Friction_Coefficient, Calculate_Normal_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY)) - Calculate_Air_Resistance(.Drag_Coefficient, AIR_DENSITY, .Area, .Velocity.Y)
- Else
- .Force.Net.Y = Calculate_Gravitational_Force(.Mass, EARTH_GRAVITY) - Calculate_Air_Resistance(.Drag_Coefficient, AIR_DENSITY, .Area, .Velocity.Y)
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Private Sub Render()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim X As Double, Y As Double
- X = Obj.Position.X
- Y = Obj.Position.Y
- Circle (X, Y), 15, RGB(0, 255, 0)
- Line (0, 190)-(Me.ScaleWidth, 190), RGB(0, 255, 0)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Close_Program()
- Running = False
- Unload Me
- End
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Activate()
- Main
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
- Running = False
- End Sub
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