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Вопрос: Regex.Replace
Добавлено: 10.11.08 07:22
Автор вопроса: Фeнягz | Web-сайт: atauenis.narod.ru
Делаю библиотеку для html-разметки кода.
Не вышло сделать замену чисел при помощи Regex.Replace на html-код. Теги содержат информацию о цвете (числа то есть), и благополучно заменяют цифры тегов html.
Есть специалисты по регулярным выражениям?
Номер ответа: 7Автор ответа:
АдминистраторICQ: 278109632 Вопросов: 42Ответов: 3949
Web-сайт: domkratt.com Профиль | | #7
Добавлено: 11.11.08 02:11
Зачем вообще такие сложности? Сделай таблицу стилей, в именах классов чтоб цифр не было. И все. Подключаешь потом к странице, ну и форматируешь код тегами <span class='digit'></span> или <div clacc='keyword'></div>. У меня вот тут на форуме как раз так подсветка организована. Погляди исходный код страницы вот в этом месте:
Function CreateProcessAsUser(ByVal UserName As String , ByVal Domain As String , ByVal Password As String , ByVal CommandLine As String ) As Long
Dim hToken As Long
SI.cb = Len(SI)
If Not LogonUser(UserName, Domain, Password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, hToken) Then Stop
Debug.Print Err.LastDllError
If Not CreateProcessAsUserA(hToken, vbNullString, CommandLine, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, False , NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, SI, PI) Then Exit Function
CreateProcessAsUser = PI.hProcess
End Function
Номер ответа: 8Автор ответа: Фeнягz
Вопросов: 2Ответов: 62
Web-сайт: atauenis.narod.ru Профиль | | #8
Добавлено: 11.11.08 02:56
Skywalker пишет:
6 раз прочитал сообщение, но так и не понял, что там написано
Говорю, при написании подглядывал сюда. Взял откудато на codeproject.com
Но там форматирование реализовано очень поверхностно и меня это не удовлетворило.
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
namespace CodeFormatter
public class FontStyle
public string Style = null ;
public FontStyle() {}
public FontStyle(string Style)
this .Style = Style;
public string BeginTag
return "<font" +
(string )((Style != null ) ? " " + Style + ">" : ">" );
public string EndTag
return "</font>" ;
public class PageStyle
public FontStyle Font = new FontStyle("color=\" black\" face=\" Courier New \" size=\" 2\"" );
public string Style = null ;
public PageStyle() {}
public PageStyle(string Style)
this .Style = Style;
public string BeginTag
return "<table" +
(string )((Style != null ) ? " " + Style + ">" : ">" ) +
"<tr><td><pre>" + Font.BeginTag;
public string EndTag
return Font.EndTag + "</pre></td></tr></table>" ;
public class CodeToHTML
public class CodeStyle
public PageStyle Page = new PageStyle();
public FontStyle Comment = new FontStyle("color=\" green\"" );
public FontStyle Keyword = new FontStyle("color=\" blue\"" );
public FontStyle XmlTag = new FontStyle("color=\" maroon\"" );
public CodeStyle() {}
private bool showFileName = false ;
private string language = "" ;
private CodeStyle codeStyle = new CodeStyle();
public CodeStyle Style
return codeStyle;
codeStyle = value;
private int tabSize = 4;
public int TabSize
return tabSize;
tabSize = value;
public bool ShowFileName
return showFileName;
showFileName = value;
public string Language
return language;
language = value;
private void SetLanguageFromFileName(string filePath)
// Find the current language from the file extension
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(filePath);
string fileExt = info.Extension.ToLower().Trim(new char []{
switch (fileExt)
case ProgrammingLanguage.VB:
language = ProgrammingLanguage.VB;
break ;
case ProgrammingLanguage.CSharp:
language = ProgrammingLanguage.CSharp;
break ;
case ProgrammingLanguage.JSharp:
language = ProgrammingLanguage.JSharp;
break ;
public string RenderFile(string filePath)
// errors?
this .SetLanguageFromFileName(filePath);
return Render(File.OpenText(filePath));
public void RenderFile(string filePath, string outputFilePath)
// Render and throw error
this .SetLanguageFromFileName(filePath);
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath);
public string RetabAndTrim(string inputString)
string tab = "" ;
for (int i = 0; i < tabSize; i++)
tab += " " ;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(builder);
// Split into a string array for processing
inputString = inputString.Replace("\r\n" , "\r" );
inputString = inputString.Replace("\n\r" , "\r" );
string [] lines = inputString.Split(new char []{
foreach (string line in lines)
string output = line;
output = output.TrimEnd(new char []{
output = output.Replace(tab, "\t" );
output = output.TrimStart(new char []{
return writer.ToString();
public void RetabAndTrimFile(string filePath, string outputFilePath)
StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(filePath);
string output = this .RetabAndTrim(reader.ReadToEnd());
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath);
public string Render(StreamReader textReader)
return Render(textReader.ReadToEnd());
public string Render(string inputString)
string tab = "" ;
for (int i = 0; i < tabSize; i++)
tab += " " ;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(builder);
// Split into a string array for processing
inputString = inputString.Replace("\r\n" , "\r" );
inputString = inputString.Replace("\n\r" , "\r" );
inputString = inputString.Replace("\t" , tab);
string [] lines = inputString.Split(new char []{
// Process the language
switch (language.Trim().ToLower())
case ProgrammingLanguage.CSharp:
foreach (string line in lines)
writer.WriteLine(this .FixCSLine(line));
break ;
case ProgrammingLanguage.JSharp:
foreach (string line in lines)
writer.WriteLine(this .FixJSLine(line));
break ;
case ProgrammingLanguage.VB:
foreach (string line in lines)
writer.WriteLine(this .FixVBLine(line));
break ;
default :
bool isInScriptBlock = false ;
bool isInMultiLine = false ;
foreach (string line in lines)
language = this .GetLanguageFromLine(line, language);
if (this .IsScriptBlockTagStart(line))
writer.WriteLine(this .FixASPXLine(line));
isInScriptBlock = true ;
if (this .IsScriptBlockTagEnd(line))
writer.WriteLine(this .FixASPXLine(line));
isInScriptBlock = false ;
if (this .IsMultiLineTagStart(line) &
isInMultiLine == false )
writer.Write("<font color=blue><b>" +
isInMultiLine = true ;
if (this .IsMultiLineTagEnd(line)
& isInMultiLine == true )
writer.Write(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(line) +
"</b></font>" );
isInMultiLine = false ;
if (isInMultiLine)
if (isInScriptBlock)
switch (language.Trim().ToLower())
case ProgrammingLanguage.CSharp:
writer.WriteLine(this .FixCSLine(line));
break ;
case ProgrammingLanguage.JSharp:
writer.WriteLine(this .FixJSLine(line));
break ;
case ProgrammingLanguage.VB:
writer.WriteLine(this .FixVBLine(line));
break ;
default :
writer.WriteLine(this .FixVBLine(line));
break ;
writer.WriteLine(this .FixASPXLine(line));
// aspx-page sorted out
break ;
return writer.ToString();
private string GetLanguageFromLine(string line, string defaultLang)
// Returns name of the language
string returnString = defaultLang;
if (line.Length == 0)
return returnString;
Match langMatch = Regex.Match(line,
@"(?i)<%@\s*Page\s*.*Language\s*=\s*" "(?<lang>[^" "]+)" "" );
if (langMatch.Success)
returnString = langMatch.Groups["lang" ].ToString();
langMatch = Regex.Match(line,
@"(?i)(?=.*runat\s*=\s*" "?server" "?)" +
@"<script.*language\s*=\s*" "(?<lang>[^" "]+)" ".*>" );
if (langMatch.Success)
returnString = langMatch.Groups["lang" ].ToString();
langMatch = Regex.Match(line,
@"(?i)<%@\s*WebService\s*.*Language\s*=\s*" "?(?<lang>[^" "]+)" "?" );
if (langMatch.Success)
returnString = langMatch.Groups["lang" ].ToString();
// "CS" instead of "C#" ?
if (returnString == "CS" )
returnString = ProgrammingLanguage.CSharp;
return returnString;
private string FixCSLine(string line)
string outLine = line;
if (line.Length == 0)
return line;
outLine = Regex.Replace(line, @"(?i)(\t)" , " " );
outLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(outLine);
string [] keywords =
"private" , "protected" , "public" , "namespace" , "class" ,
"break" , "for" , "if" , "else" , "while" , "switch" , "case" ,
"using" , "return" , "null" , "void" , "int" , "bool" , "string" ,
"float" , "this" , "new" , "true" , "false" , "const" , "static" , "base" ,
"foreach" , "in" , "try" , "catch" , "get" , "set" , "char" , "default"
string combinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + string .Join("|" , keywords) + ")" ;
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine,
@"\b" + combinedKeywords + @"\b(?<!//.*)" ,
codeStyle.Keyword.BeginTag + "${keyword}" + codeStyle.Keyword.EndTag);
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine,
"(?<comment>//.*$)" ,
codeStyle.Comment.BeginTag + "${comment}" + codeStyle.Comment.EndTag);
return outLine;
private string FixJSLine(string line)
string outLine = line;
if (line.Length == 0)
return line;
outLine = Regex.Replace(line, @"(?i)(\t)" , " " );
outLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(outLine);
string [] keywords =
"private" , "protected" , "public" , "namespace" , "class" ,
"var" , "for" , "if" , "else" , "while" , "switch" , "case" ,
"using" , "get" , "return" , "null" , "void" , "int" , "string" ,
"float" , "this" , "set" , "new" , "true" , "false" , "const" ,
"static" , "package" , "function" , "internal" , "extends" ,
"super" , "import" , "default" , "break" , "try" , "catch" , "finally"
string combinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + string .Join("|" , keywords) + ")" ;
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine,
@"\b" + combinedKeywords + @"\b(?<!//.*)" ,
codeStyle.Keyword.BeginTag + "${keyword}" + codeStyle.Keyword.EndTag);
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine,
"(?<comment>//.*$)" ,
codeStyle.Comment.BeginTag + "${comment}" + codeStyle.Comment.EndTag);
return outLine;
private string FixVBLine(string line)
string outLine = line;
if (line.Length == 0)
return line;
outLine = Regex.Replace(line, @"(?i)(\t)" , " " );
outLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(outLine);
string [] keywords =
"AddressOf" , "Delegate" , "Optional" , "ByVal" , "ByRef" , "Decimal" ,
"Boolean" , "Option" , "Compare" , "Binary" , "Text" , "On" , "Off" ,
"Explicit" , "Strict" , "Private" , "Protected" , "Public" , "End Namespace" ,
"Namespace" , "End Class" , "Exit" , "Class" , "Goto" , "Try" , "Catch" ,
"End Try" , "For" , "End If" , "If" , "Else" , "ElseIf" , "Next" , "While" ,
"And" , "Do" , "Loop" , "Dim" , "As" , "End Select" , "Select" , "Case" , "Or" ,
"Imports" , "Then" , "Integer" , "Long" , "String" , "Overloads" , "True" ,
"Overrides" , "End Property" , "End Sub" , "End Function" , "Sub" , "Me" ,
"Function" , "End Get" , "End Set" , "Get" , "Friend" , "Inherits" ,
"Implements" , "Return" , "Not" , "New" , "Shared" , "Nothing" , "Finally" ,
"False" , "Me" , "My" , "MyBase" , "End Enum" , "Enum" };
string combinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + string .Join("|" , keywords) + ")" ;
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine,
@"(?i)\b" + combinedKeywords + @"\b(?<!'.*)" ,
codeStyle.Keyword.BeginTag + "${keyword}" + codeStyle.Keyword.EndTag);
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine,
"(?<comment>'(?![^']*").*$)" ,
codeStyle.Comment.BeginTag + "${comment}" + codeStyle.Comment.EndTag);
return outLine;
private string FixASPXLine(string line)
string outLine = line;
string searchExp = null ;
string replaceExp = null ;
if (line.Length == 0)
return line;
// Search for \t and replace it with 4 spaces
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, @"(?i)(\t)" , " " );
outLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(outLine);
// Single line comment or #include references.
searchExp = "(?i)(?<a>(^.*))(?<b>(<!--))(?<c>(.*))(?<d>(-->))(?<e>(.*))" ;
replaceExp = "${a}" + codeStyle.Comment.BeginTag +
"${b}${c}${d}" + codeStyle.Comment.EndTag + "${e}" ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
// Colorize <%@ <type>
searchExp = "(?i)" + "(?<a>(<%@))" + "(?<b>(.*))" + "(?<c>(%>))" ;
replaceExp = "<font color=blue><b>${a}${b}${c}</b></font>" ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
// Colorize <%# <type>
searchExp = "(?i)" + "(?<a>(<%#))" + "(?<b>(.*))" + "(?<c>(%>))" ;
replaceExp = "${a}" + "<font color=red><b>" + "${b}" + "</b></font>" + "${c}" ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
// Colorize tag <type>
searchExp =
"(?i)" +
"(?<a>(<)(?!%)(?!/?asp:)(?!/?template)(?!/?property)(?!/?ibuyspy:)(/|!)?)" +
@"(?<b>[^;\s&]+)" + @"(?<c>(\s|>|\Z))" ;
replaceExp = "${a}" +
codeStyle.XmlTag.BeginTag + "${b}" + codeStyle.XmlTag.EndTag + "${c}" ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
// Colorize asp:|template for runat=server tags <type>
searchExp = "(?i)(?<a></?)(?<b>(asp:|template|property|IBuySpy:).*)(?<c>>)?" ;
replaceExp = "${a}" + codeStyle.Keyword.BeginTag + "<b>${b}</b>" +
codeStyle.Keyword.EndTag + "${c}" ;
if (Regex.IsMatch( outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
// Colorize begin of tag char (s) "<" ,"</" ,"<%"
searchExp = "(?i)(?<a>(<)(/|!|%)?)" ;
replaceExp = codeStyle.Keyword.BeginTag + "${a}" + codeStyle.Keyword.EndTag;
if (Regex.IsMatch( outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
// Colorize end of tag char (s) ">" ,"/>"
searchExp = "(?i)(?<a>(/|%)?(>))" ;
replaceExp = codeStyle.Keyword.BeginTag + "${a}" + codeStyle.Keyword.EndTag;
if (Regex.IsMatch( outLine, searchExp))
outLine = Regex.Replace(outLine, searchExp, replaceExp);
return outLine;
private bool IsScriptBlockTagStart(string line)
bool returnCode = false ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"<script.*runat=" "?server" "?.*>" ))
returnCode = true ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"(?i)<%@\s*WebService" ))
returnCode = true ;
return returnCode;
private bool IsScriptBlockTagEnd(string line)
bool returnCode = false ;
if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "</script.*>" ))
returnCode = true ;
return returnCode;
private bool IsMultiLineTagStart(string line)
bool returnCode = false ;
string outLine = null ;
string searchExp =
"(?i)(?!.*>)(?<a></?)(?<b>(asp:|template|property|IBuySpy:).*)" ;
outLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( line );
if (Regex.IsMatch(outLine, searchExp))
returnCode = true ;
return returnCode;
private bool IsMultiLineTagEnd(string line)
bool returnCode = false ;
string outLine = null ;
string searchExp = "(?i)>" ;
outLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(line);
if (Regex.IsMatch( outLine, searchExp))
returnCode = true ;
return returnCode;
private class ProgrammingLanguage
public const string VB = "vb" ;
public const string CSharp = "cs" ;
public const string JSharp = "js" ;
public static void Test(string inputFilePath, string outputFilePath,
int tabSize, CodeToHTML.CodeStyle style)
CodeToHTML converter = new CodeToHTML();
converter.TabSize = tabSize;
converter.Style = style;
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(inputFilePath);
string tempFileName = fi.Name;
fi = new FileInfo(outputFilePath);
string tempFixedFilePath = fi.FullName.Replace(fi.Name, "" ) +
converter.RetabAndTrimFile(inputFilePath, tempFixedFilePath);
converter.RenderFile(tempFixedFilePath, outputFilePath);
Executioner пишет:
У меня вот тут на форуме как раз так подсветка организована.
Ну, цифры форматируются как обычный текст. Однако это ж ориентировано на отображение, а у меня на генерацию html.
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