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  Вопрос: Посветка VBS Добавлено: 29.07.07 13:31  

Автор вопроса:  Valya | ICQ: 419-283-432 
Как в Richtextbox сделать подсветку синтаксиса VBS (нежелательно без ActiveX)?



  Ответы Всего ответов: 5  

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Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #1 Добавлено: 29.07.07 17:15
Richtextbox позволяет делать текст разноцветным. В принципе это всё что надо. Собрать список ключевых слов, выделить их другим цветом. Также найти текст в ковычках, выделить его тоже другим цветом, потом цифры, спецсимволы, ну и т.д..
Вообщем просто парсинг текста, соответственно нужны функции работы с текстом, и приямые руки.


Номер ответа: 2
Автор ответа:


ICQ: 201502381 

Вопросов: 15
Ответов: 737
 Профиль | | #2 Добавлено: 29.07.07 18:34
Есть пример подсветки синтаксиса паскакаля. Достаточно изменить в коде ключевые слова на нужные.
В модуле:
Public currchar
Public thisLine
Public tstart
Public tend
Public holdtend
Public holdtstart
Public TopLine
Public foundpos
Public commentchar As String
Public longvar As String

Public Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" _
           ;(ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long

Public Function ColorizeWord(Rich1 As RichTextBox, Word As String, color As OLE_COLOR)

      Do Until Rich1.GetLineFromChar(tstart) <> thisLine
            tstart = tstart - 1
            If tstart < 0 Then
                tstart = 0
                Exit Do
            End If

startline = Rich1.GetLineFromChar(Rich1.SelStart)
If Rich1.SelLength > 0 Then Exit Function
Rich1.Enabled = False

tstart = tstart
If tstart = 0 Then
tstart = 1
End If

tstart = tstart - Len(Word)

nowline = Rich1.GetLineFromChar(Rich1.SelStart)
If nowline <> startline Then GoTo endx
holdtstart = tstart + Len(Word)
commentposx = InStr(holdtstart, Rich1.Text, commentchar, vbTextCompare)
If holdtstart < 1 Then
holdtstart = 1
End If

tstart = tstart + Len(Word)
foundpos = InStr(tstart, Rich1.Text, Word, vbTextCompare)
If foundpos > tend Then GoTo endx '''''''''''''''''''''
If foundpos < 1 Then GoTo endx
If foundpos < 2 Then
sletter = ""
sletter = Mid(Rich1.Text, foundpos - 1, 1)
End If
eletter = Mid(Rich1.Text, foundpos + Len(Word), 1)
If foundpos > 0 Then
If foundpos = 1 Then
tstart = tstart - 1
End If

Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
If Word = commentchar Then
 tend = Rich1.SelStart
       Do Until Rich1.GetLineFromChar(tend) <> thisLine
            tend = tend + 1
            If tend > Len(Rich1.Text) Then
                tend = Len(Rich1.Text) + 1
                Exit Do
            End If
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = tend - (foundpos - 1)
Rich1.SelColor = color
Rich1.SelLength = 0
Rich1.SelStart = currchar
Rich1.SelColor = &H0&
Exit Function
Exit Do
End If
If Word = longvar Then
 tend = Rich1.SelStart
       Do Until Rich1.GetLineFromChar(tend) <> thisLine
            tend = tend + 1
            If tend > Len(Rich1.Text) Then
                tend = Len(Rich1.Text) + 1
                Exit Do
            End If

pos = tstart
foundpos = InStr(pos, Rich1.Text, longvar, vbTextCompare)

For i = foundpos To tend
If foundpos < 1 Then Exit For
If i = tend Then Exit For
Rich1.SelStart = i - 1
Rich1.SelLength = 1
If Rich1.SelText = "" Then Exit For
Select Case Asc(Rich1.SelText)
Case 48 To 57
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 36
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 97 To 122
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 65 To 90
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 145
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 146
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 143
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case 143
Rich1.SelColor = color
Case Else
Exit For
End Select


pos = foundpos + 2
Loop While foundpos > 0

GoTo endx
End If

If tstart = 0 Then
tstart = 1
End If
commentposx = InStr(tstart, Rich1.Text, commentchar, vbTextCompare)
If commentposx > 0 Then
If Rich1.SelStart > commentposx Then GoTo endx
End If

If Len(Word) = 1 Then
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = "" And sletter = "" Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If
If eletter = "" And sletter = " " Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If
If eletter = " " And sletter = "" Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If
If eletter = " " And sletter = " " Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If
If eletter = "" And sletter = Chr(10) Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = " " And sletter = Chr(10) Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = Chr(10) And sletter = "" Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = Chr(10) And sletter = " " Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = Chr(10) And sletter = Chr(10) Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = Chr(13) And sletter = Chr(10) Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = Chr(13) And sletter = "" Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

If eletter = Chr(13) And sletter = " " Then
theword = Rich1.SelText
originaltext = Rich1.SelText
theword = LCase(theword)
firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
Rich1.SelText = firstchar & rest
Rich1.SelStart = foundpos - 1
Rich1.SelLength = Len(Word)
Rich1.SelColor = color
End If

Rich1.SelLength = 0
End If
If foundpos = 1 Then
tstart = tstart + 1
End If

Loop While foundpos > 0

Rich1.SelStart = currchar
Rich1.SelColor = &H0&
foundpos = 0
eletter = ""
sletter = ""
Rich1.Enabled = True

End Function

Public Function clearwordcolors(Rich1 As RichTextBox)

If Rich1.SelLength > 0 Then Exit Function
Rich1.Enabled = False
currchar = Rich1.SelStart

thisLine = Rich1.GetLineFromChar(Rich1.SelStart)
'Form1.Caption = KeyCode
tstart = Rich1.SelStart
tend = Rich1.SelStart
With Rich1
      Do Until .GetLineFromChar(tstart) <> thisLine
            tstart = tstart - 1
            If tstart < 0 Then
                tstart = 0
                Exit Do
            End If

       Do Until .GetLineFromChar(tend) <> thisLine
            tend = tend + 1
            If tend > Len(.Text) Then
                tend = Len(.Text) + 1
                Exit Do
            End If

End With
If tstart = 1 Then
tend = tend - 2
End If
If tstart > 1 Then
tstart = tstart + 1
tend = tend - 1
End If
holdtstart = tstart
holdtend = tend
Rich1.SelStart = tstart
Rich1.SelLength = tend - tstart
Rich1.SelColor = &H0&
Rich1.SelLength = 0
Rich1.SelStart = currchar
holdtend = tend
Rich1.Enabled = True

End Function

В форме:
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Rich1.Top = 0
Rich1.Left = 0
Rich1.Width = Me.Width - 150
Rich1.Height = Me.Height - 300
End Sub

Private Sub Rich1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Rich1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
End Sub

Public Sub setcolors()
commentchar = "'"
longvar = "$"
If KeyCode = 13 Then Exit Sub
LockWindowUpdate Me.hWnd
clearwordcolors Rich1
ColorizeWord Rich1, longvar, &H80& 'This is for vars with no fixed lenght e.g (in perl _
it could be $122434 0r $myvarx or $x ..... Always set this ($) as first word to colorize
ColorizeWord Rich1, commentchar, &H8000& 'This char is for comments like this
ColorizeWord Rich1, "var", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "program", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "const", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "label", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "uses", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "exit", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "then", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "goto", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "case", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "select", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "end", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Select Case", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "End select", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "for", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "each", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "loop", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "While", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Until", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "for each", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Next", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "True", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "False", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "sub", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "function", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Integer", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "As", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Private", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Dim", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "else", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "else if", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Public", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Close", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "Open", &H80000002
ColorizeWord Rich1, "End If", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, "If", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, ";(", &H800000
ColorizeWord Rich1, ";)", &H800000

LockWindowUpdate 0&
Rich1.Enabled = True
If Rich1.Visible = True Then
End If
End Sub


Номер ответа: 3
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 419-283-432 

Вопросов: 15
Ответов: 14
 Профиль | | #3 Добавлено: 30.07.07 20:36

А еще малый вопрос а этот код подойдет к 2005?


Номер ответа: 4
Автор ответа:


ICQ: 201502381 

Вопросов: 15
Ответов: 737
 Профиль | | #4 Добавлено: 30.07.07 21:02
Нет. Для .NET можешь использовать пример на C#


Номер ответа: 5
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 419-283-432 

Вопросов: 15
Ответов: 14
 Профиль | | #5 Добавлено: 12.08.07 00:39
Если кому надо, то вот готовый:


Module Module1
    Public currchar
    Public thisLine
    Public tstart
    Public tend
    Public holdtend
    Public holdtstart
    Public TopLine
    Public foundpos
    Public commentchar As String
    Public longvar As String

    Public Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" _
               ;(ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long

    Public Function ColorizeWord(ByVal Rich1 As RichTextBox, ByVal Word As String, ByVal color As ConsoleColor)
        ;Dim startline, nowline, commentposx, sletter, eletter, pos, theword, originaltext, _
        firstchar, rest ', color
        ;Do Until Rich1.GetLineFromCharIndex(tstart) <> thisLine
            tstart = tstart - 1
            If tstart < 0 Then
                tstart = 0
                Exit Do
            End If


        startline = Rich1.GetLineFromCharIndex(Rich1.SelectionStart)
        If Rich1.SelectionLength > 0 Then Exit Function
        Rich1.Enabled = False

        tstart = tstart
        If tstart = 0 Then
            tstart = 1
        End If

        tstart = tstart - Len(Word)

            nowline = Rich1.GetLineFromCharIndex(Rich1.SelectionStart)
            If nowline <> startline Then GoTo endx
            holdtstart = tstart + Len(Word)
            commentposx = InStr(holdtstart, Rich1.Text, commentchar, vbTextCompare)
            If holdtstart < 1 Then
                holdtstart = 1
            End If

            tstart = tstart + Len(Word)
            foundpos = InStr(tstart, Rich1.Text, Word, vbTextCompare)
            If foundpos > tend Then GoTo endx '''''''''''''''''''''
            If foundpos < 1 Then GoTo endx
            If foundpos < 2 Then
                sletter = ""
                sletter = Mid(Rich1.Text, foundpos - 1, 1)
            End If
            eletter = Mid(Rich1.Text, foundpos + Len(Word), 1)
            If foundpos > 0 Then
                If foundpos = 1 Then
                    tstart = tstart - 1
                End If

                Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                If Word = commentchar Then
                    tend = Rich1.SelectionStart
                    ;Do Until Rich1.GetLineFromCharIndex(tend) <> thisLine
                        tend = tend + 1
                        If tend > Len(Rich1.Text) Then
                            tend = Len(Rich1.Text) + 1
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = tend - (foundpos - 1)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Black 'color
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = 0
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = currchar
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Black '&H0&
                    Exit Function
                    Exit Do
                End If
                If Word = longvar Then
                    tend = Rich1.SelectionStart
                    ;Do Until Rich1.GetLineFromCharIndex(tend) <> thisLine
                        tend = tend + 1
                        If tend > Len(Rich1.Text) Then
                            tend = Len(Rich1.Text) + 1
                            Exit Do
                        End If

                    pos = tstart
                        foundpos = InStr(pos, Rich1.Text, longvar, vbTextCompare)
                        ;Dim i
                        For i = foundpos To tend
                            If foundpos < 1 Then Exit For
                            If i = tend Then Exit For
                            Rich1.SelectionStart = i - 1
                            Rich1.SelectionLength = 1
                            If Rich1.SelectedText = "" Then Exit For
                            Select Case Asc(Rich1.SelectedText)
                                Case 48 To 57
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue ' color
                                Case 36
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case 97 To 122
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case 65 To 90
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case 145
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case 146
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case 143
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case 143
                                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                                Case Else
                                    Exit For
                            End Select


                        pos = foundpos + 2
                    Loop While foundpos > 0

                    GoTo endx
                End If

                If tstart = 0 Then
                    tstart = 1
                End If
                commentposx = InStr(tstart, Rich1.Text, commentchar, vbTextCompare)
                If commentposx > 0 Then
                    If Rich1.SelectionStart > commentposx Then GoTo endx
                End If

                If Len(Word) = 1 Then
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = "" And sletter = "" Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If
                If eletter = "" And sletter = " " Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If
                If eletter = " " And sletter = "" Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If
                If eletter = " " And sletter = " " Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If
                If eletter = "" And sletter = Chr(10) Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = " " And sletter = Chr(10) Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = Chr(10) And sletter = "" Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = Chr(10) And sletter = " " Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = Chr(10) And sletter = Chr(10) Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = Chr(13) And sletter = Chr(10) Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = Chr(13) And sletter = "" Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                If eletter = Chr(13) And sletter = " " Then
                    theword = Rich1.SelectedText
                    originaltext = Rich1.SelectedText
                    theword = LCase(theword)
                    firstchar = Mid(theword, 1, 1)
                    rest = Mid(theword, 2, Len(theword))
                    firstchar = UCase(firstchar)
                    Rich1.SelectedText = firstchar & rest
                    Rich1.SelectionStart = foundpos - 1
                    Rich1.SelectionLength = Len(Word)
                    Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Blue
                End If

                Rich1.SelectionLength = 0
            End If
            If foundpos = 1 Then
                tstart = tstart + 1
            End If

        Loop While foundpos > 0

        Rich1.SelectionStart = currchar
        Rich1.SelectionColor = Drawing.Color.Black
        foundpos = 0
        eletter = ""
        sletter = ""
        Rich1.Enabled = True

    End Function

    Public Function clearwordcolors(ByVal Rich1 As RichTextBox)

        If Rich1.SelectionLength > 0 Then Exit Function
        Rich1.Enabled = False
        currchar = Rich1.SelectionStart

        thisLine = Rich1.GetLineFromCharIndex(Rich1.SelectionStart)
        'Form1.Caption = KeyCode
        tstart = Rich1.SelectionStart
        tend = Rich1.SelectionStart
        With Rich1
            ;Do Until .GetLineFromCharIndex(tstart) <> thisLine
                tstart = tstart - 1
                If tstart < 0 Then
                    tstart = 0
                    Exit Do
                End If


            ;Do Until .GetLineFromCharIndex(tend) <> thisLine
                tend = tend + 1
                If tend > Len(.Text) Then
                    tend = Len(.Text) + 1
                    Exit Do
                End If

        End With
        If tstart = 1 Then
            tend = tend - 2
        End If
        If tstart > 1 Then
            tstart = tstart + 1
            tend = tend - 1
        End If
        holdtstart = tstart
        holdtend = tend
        Rich1.SelectionStart = tstart
        Rich1.SelectionLength = tend - tstart
        Rich1.SelectionColor = Color.Black
        Rich1.SelectionLength = 0
        Rich1.SelectionStart = currchar
        holdtend = tend
        Rich1.Enabled = True

    End Function

End Module


Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Rich1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Rich1.KeyUp
    End Sub

    Private Sub Rich1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Rich1.MouseUp
    End Sub
    Public Sub setcolors()
        commentchar = ";"
        longvar = "$"
        'If .KeyCode = 13 Then Exit Sub
        ' LockWindowUpdate(Me.hwnd)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, longvar, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen) 'This is for vars with no fixed lenght e.g (in perl _
        'it could be $122434 0r $myvarx or $x ..... Always set this ($) as first word to colorize
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, commentchar, ConsoleColor.Red) 'This char is for comments like this
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "var", ConsoleColor.DarkGray)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "program", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "const", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "label", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "uses", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "exit", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "then", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "goto", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "case", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "select", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "end", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Select Case", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "End select", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "for", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "each", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "loop", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "While", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Until", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "for each", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Next", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "True", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "False", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "sub", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "function", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Integer", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "As", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Private", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, ";Dim", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "else", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "else if", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Public", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Close", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "Open", &H80000002)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "End If", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, "If", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, ";(", &H800000)
        ColorizeWord(Rich1, ";)", &H800000)

        Rich1.Enabled = True
        If Rich1.Visible = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

End Class


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