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Вопрос: WMEncoder
Добавлено: 14.03.07 13:03
Автор вопроса: KreAtoR
Кто знает в чем проблема.
Привожу пример с WMEncoder SDK
Editing an Encoded File (Visual Basic)
This example shows how you can:
Edit (post-process) an encoded Windows Media file by trimming the first and last 15 seconds.
Use a configuration file to add display information.
Add an index.
A timer is used to display status and progress information, and an events procedure is used to notify you when the edit process has finished.
You need a form, an input file over 30 seconds long (C:\InputFile.wmv), and a configuration file (provided in the following section).
Configuration File Example
The following text is an example of a simple configuration file. Copy and paste this text into a text file and save it as "C:\ConfigFile.txt" for use with the following example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WMBasicEdit >
<Attributes >
<WMENC_STRING Name="Title" Value="The Title of this file" />
<WMENC_STRING Name="Author" Value="The author's name" />
<WMENC_STRING Name="Copyright" Value="(c) 2002" />
<WMENC_STRING Name="Description" Value="Description of the file." />
<RemoveAllMarkers />
<RemoveAllScripts />
<Scripts >
<Script Type="URL"
Time="0" />
Example Code
Create a form with two labels (Label1 and Label2), a timer with an interval of 100 (Timer1), and a button (Command1).
' Declare global variables.
Dim WithEvents BasicEdit As WMEncBasicEdit
Dim bDone As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Initialize variables.
Timer1.Enabled = False
bDone = False
' Create the WMEncBasicEdit object.
Set BasicEdit = New WMEncBasicEdit
' Specify the input and output files.
BasicEdit.MediaFile = "C:\InputFile.wmv"
BasicEdit.OutputFile = "C:\OutputFile.wmv"
' Specify a configuration file.
BasicEdit.ConfigFile = "C:\ConfigFile.txt"
' Add indexing to the file.
BasicEdit.Index = True
' Trim 15 seconds from the beginning and the end of the file.
BasicEdit.MarkIn = 15000
BasicEdit.MarkOut = BasicEdit.Duration - 15000
End Sub
' This button starts the editing process, the timer, and an events loop.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True
Do Until bDone = True
' Display a message when the process has finished.
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
' This events procedure checks for the end of the editing process.
Private Sub BasicEdit_OnStateChange(ByVal EnumState As _
If EnumState = WMENC_BASICEDIT_STOPPED Then bDone = True
End Sub
' This timer is used to display status and progress information
' while the editing process is running.
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
' Display the run state.
Select Case (BasicEdit.RunState)
Case 1: Label1.Caption = "Running..."
Case 2: Label1.Caption = "Stopped"
End Select
' Display the percentage complete.
Label2.Caption = BasicEdit.ProgressPercent
End Sub
получилось долго но полностью что есть в SDK
теперь о проблеме. В одном окне
Dim WithEvents BasicEdit As WMEncBasicEdit
определяется и создается объект, а вдругом, ну как никрути не создается. Ошибка компиляции при первой строке.
Мол тип не дефенирован и выделяет вот эту строку
Dim WithEvents BasicEdit As WMEncBasicEdit
уже все проверил, все перепроверил, но никак не могу понять. Ну в чем тут загвоздка.
Может чего нехватает, я на это грешу.
Только второе окно в котором не работает делалось как зеркало первого, которое работает.
Кто может плиз подскажите.
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