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Вопрос: Как получить список пользователей?
Добавлено: 10.01.07 22:43
Автор вопроса: Sacred Phoenix | ICQ: 304238252
Как получить список пользователей локального компьютера? Пока нашёл такой метод: получаем имена пользователей с помощью ф-ции LookupAccountSid, передавая ей значения параметра Sid в разделах ветки HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. Гы :) Есть ли другие методы?
Всего ответов: 7
Номер ответа: 1
Автор ответа:
Вопросов: 130
Ответов: 6602
Профиль | | #1
Добавлено: 10.01.07 23:57
Может это натолкнет на какие-то мысли...
Если интерисует весь код, обращайся, скину (просто он очень большой и дофига не относится к списку пользователей.
ASP (классический), но даже в VB .NET будет работать.
Dim objUser
Dim strIUserName
Dim strIWAMName
Dim strComputerName
strComputerName = GetComputerName()
strIUserName = "IUSR_" + strComputerName
strIWAMName = "IWAM_" + strComputerName
' ADSI call to get the local computer object
Set objContainer = GetObject("WinNT://" + strComputerName )
' ADSI call to get the collection of local users
objContainer.Filter = Array("User"
iUserCount = 0
For Each objUser in objContainer
strUserDisabled = L_YES_TEXT
strUserDisabled = L_NO_TEXT
End If
If ( ( StrComp( objUser.Name, strIUserName,1 ) <> 0 ) AND _
( StrComp( objUser.Name, strIWAMName,1 ) <> 0 ) ) Then
If ( Len( g_sSearchColValue ) <= 0 ) Then
' Search criteria blank, select all rows
iUserCount = iUserCount + 1
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( iUserCount, g_iPageCurrent, USERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then
Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableUser, Array(objUser.Name, objUser.FullName,strUserDisabled))
End If
' Check the Search criteria
Select Case (g_iSearchCol)
If ( InStr(1, objUser.Name, g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then
iUserCount = iUserCount + 1
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( iUserCount, g_iPageCurrent, USERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then
Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableUser, Array(objUser.Name, objUser.FullName,strUserDisabled))
End If
End If
If ( InStr(1, objUser.FullName, g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then
iUserCount = iUserCount + 1
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( iUserCount, g_iPageCurrent, USERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then
Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableUser, Array(objUser.Name, objUser.FullName,strUserDisabled))
End If
End If
Case Else
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Unrecognized search column: " + CStr(g_iSearchCol))
iUserCount = iUserCount + 1
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( iUserCount, g_iPageCurrent, USERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then
Call OTS_AddTableRow( tableUser, Array(objUser.Name, objUser.FullName,strUserDisabled))
End If
End Select
End If
End If
Номер ответа: 2
Автор ответа:
ICQ: 298826769
Вопросов: 53
Ответов: 1732
Профиль | | #2
Добавлено: 11.01.07 00:03
Вот вроде: http://www.vbnet.ru/forum/show.aspx?id=68973
Номер ответа: 3
Автор ответа:
ICQ: 42305746
Вопросов: 2
Ответов: 67
Профиль | | #3
Добавлено: 11.01.07 12:30
инетересно, а API кто-то отменял или нет ))
вот вам та функция которая поможет:
если нужен пример, то дайте знать
Номер ответа: 4
Автор ответа:
ICQ: 42305746
Вопросов: 2
Ответов: 67
Профиль | | #4
Добавлено: 11.01.07 12:31
там просто стандарная фишка что если не указать имя сервера, то все будет браться с локального компа...
Номер ответа: 5
Автор ответа:
Sacred Phoenix
ICQ: 304238252
Вопросов: 52
Ответов: 927
Профиль | | #5
Добавлено: 11.01.07 15:25
2 Brand: спасибо, будем иметь в виду.
2 Bombardier: не, пока не отменяли Насчет этой ф-ции я знаю, тока не смог разобраться с lpBuffer. Скинь пример, плиз!
Номер ответа: 6
Автор ответа:
ICQ: 42305746
Вопросов: 2
Ответов: 67
Профиль | | #6
Добавлено: 11.01.07 16:51
Option Explicit
Public UserList As ListOfUserExt
'API Declarations & Constants
Public Const NERR_Success = 0&
Public Const NERR_Access_Denied = 5&
Public Const NERR_MoreData = 234&
Public Const SHORT_LEVEL = 10&
Public Const EXTENDED_LEVEL = 3&
Public Const USER_ACC_NOPWD_CHANGE = 577&
Public Const USER_ACC_NOPWD_EXPIRE = 66049
Public Const USER_ACC_DISABLED = 515&
Public Const USER_ACC_LOCKED = 529&
name As Long
Password As Long
PasswordAge As Long
Privilege As Long
HomeDir As Long
Comment As Long
Flags As Long
ScriptPath As Long
AuthFlags As Long
FullName As Long
UserComment As Long
Parms As Long
Workstations As Long
LastLogon As Long
LastLogoff As Long
AcctExpires As Long
MaxStorage As Long
UnitsPerWeek As Long
LogonHours As Long
BadPwCount As Long
NumLogons As Long
LogonServer As Long
CountryCode As Long
CodePage As Long
UserID As Long
PrimaryGroupID As Long
Profile As Long
HomeDirDrive As Long
PasswordExpired As Long
End Type
Type UserInfoExt
name As String
Password As String
PasswordAge As String
Privilege As String
HomeDir As String
Comment As String
Flags As Long
NoChangePwd As Boolean
NoExpirePwd As Boolean
AccDisabled As Boolean
AccLocked As Boolean
ScriptPath As String
AuthFlags As Long
FullName As String
UserComment As String
Parms As String
Workstations As String
LastLogon As String
LastLogoff As String
AcctExpires As String
MaxStorage As Long
UnitsPerWeek As Long
LogonHours As String
BadPwCount As Long
NumLogons As Long
LogonServer As String
CountryCode As Long
CodePage As Long
UserID As Long
PrimaryGroupID As Long
Profile As String
HomeDirDrive As String
PasswordExpired As Boolean
End Type
Type ListOfUserExt
Init As Boolean
LastErr As Long
list() As UserInfoExt
End Type
Public Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
 pTo As Any, _
uFrom As Any, _
ByVal lSize As Long)
Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" _
 ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32" _
 ByVal lBuffer& As Long
Declare Function NetUserEnum Lib "netapi32" _
 lpServer As Any, ByVal Level As Long, _
ByVal Filter As Long, lpBuffer As Long, _
ByVal PrefMaxLen As Long, lpEntriesRead As Long, _
lpTotalEntries As Long, lpResumeHandle As Long) As Long
Public Function LongEnumUsers(Server As String, lst As ListBox) As ListOfUserExt
Dim yServer() As Byte, lRetCode As Long
Dim nRead As Long, nTotal As Long
Dim nRet As Long, nResume As Long
Dim PrefMaxLen As Long
Dim i As Long, x As Long
Dim lUserInfo As Long
Dim lUserInfoPtr As Long
Dim UserInfo As UserInfoExt
Dim UserList As ListOfUserExt
yServer = MakeServerName(ByVal Server)
PrefMaxLen = 65536
Form1.MousePointer = 11
nRet = NERR_MoreData
Do While (nRet = NERR_MoreData)
nRet = NetUserEnum(yServer(0), EXTENDED_LEVEL, 2, _
lUserInfo, PrefMaxLen, nRead, _
nTotal, nResume)
If (nRet <> NERR_Success And _
nRet <> NERR_MoreData) Then
UserList.Init = False
UserList.LastErr = nRet
NetError nRet
Exit Do
End If
lUserInfoPtr = lUserInfo
x = 1
Do While x <= nRead
CopyMem tUserInfo, ByVal lUserInfoPtr, Len(tUserInfo)
UserInfo.name = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.name)
UserInfo.Password = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.Password)
UserInfo.PasswordAge = GetNormalTime(tUserInfo.PasswordAge)
Select Case tUserInfo.Privilege
Case 0
UserInfo.Privilege = "Guest"
Case 1
UserInfo.Privilege = "User"
Case 2
UserInfo.Privilege = "Administrator"
End Select
UserInfo.HomeDir = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.HomeDir)
UserInfo.Comment = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.Comment)
UserInfo.Flags = tUserInfo.Flags
UserInfo.NoChangePwd = CBool((tUserInfo.Flags Or USER_ACC_NOPWD_CHANGE) = tUserInfo.Flags)
UserInfo.NoExpirePwd = CBool((tUserInfo.Flags Or USER_ACC_NOPWD_EXPIRE) = tUserInfo.Flags)
UserInfo.AccDisabled = CBool((tUserInfo.Flags Or USER_ACC_DISABLED) = tUserInfo.Flags)
UserInfo.AccLocked = CBool((tUserInfo.Flags Or USER_ACC_LOCKED) = tUserInfo.Flags)
UserInfo.ScriptPath = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.ScriptPath)
UserInfo.AuthFlags = tUserInfo.AuthFlags
UserInfo.FullName = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.FullName)
UserInfo.UserComment = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.UserComment)
UserInfo.Parms = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.Parms)
UserInfo.Workstations = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.Workstations)
UserInfo.LastLogon = tUserInfo.LastLogon
UserInfo.LastLogoff = tUserInfo.LastLogoff
If tUserInfo.AcctExpires = -1& Then
UserInfo.AcctExpires = "Never"
UserInfo.AcctExpires = GetTimeFrom(tUserInfo.AcctExpires)
End If
UserInfo.MaxStorage = tUserInfo.MaxStorage
UserInfo.UnitsPerWeek = tUserInfo.UnitsPerWeek
UserInfo.LogonHours = GetNormalTime(tUserInfo.LogonHours)
UserInfo.BadPwCount = tUserInfo.BadPwCount
UserInfo.NumLogons = tUserInfo.NumLogons
UserInfo.LogonServer = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.LogonServer)
UserInfo.CountryCode = tUserInfo.CountryCode
UserInfo.CodePage = tUserInfo.CodePage
UserInfo.UserID = tUserInfo.UserID
UserInfo.PrimaryGroupID = tUserInfo.PrimaryGroupID
UserInfo.Profile = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.Profile)
UserInfo.HomeDirDrive = PointerToStringW(tUserInfo.HomeDirDrive)
UserInfo.PasswordExpired = CBool(tUserInfo.PasswordExpired)
lst.AddItem UserInfo.name
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve UserList.list(1 To i) As UserInfoExt
UserList.list(i) = UserInfo
x = x + 1
lUserInfoPtr = lUserInfoPtr + Len(tUserInfo)
lRetCode = NetApiBufferFree(lUserInfo)
UserList.Init = (x > 1)
LongEnumUsers = UserList
End Function
Public Function MakeServerName(ByVal ServerName As String)
Dim yServer() As Byte
If ServerName <> "" Then
If InStr(1, ServerName, "\\" = 0 Then
ServerName = "\\" & ServerName
End If
End If
yServer = ServerName & vbNullChar
MakeServerName = yServer
End Function
Public Function NetError(nErr As Long, Optional Ret) As String
Dim Msg As String
If IsMissing(Ret) Then Ret = False
Select Case nErr
Case 5
Msg = "Access Denied!"
Case 1722
Msg = "Server not accessible!"
Case 1326
Msg = " Sie besitzen nicht die Berechtigungen dafьr"
Case Else
Msg = "Error Nr. (" & nErr & " !"
End Select
If Not Ret Then
MsgBox Msg, vbCritical, "Net Error"
NetError = Msg
End If
End Function
Public Function PointerToStringW(lpStringW As Long) As String
Dim buffer() As Byte
Dim nLen As Long
If lpStringW Then
nLen = lstrlenW(lpStringW) * 2
If nLen Then
ReDim buffer(0 To (nLen - 1)) As Byte
CopyMem buffer(0), ByVal lpStringW, nLen
PointerToStringW = buffer
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function GetNormalTime(itime As Long) As String
Dim d As Long
Dim h As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim s As Long
d = Int(itime / 86400)
itime = itime - d * 3600 * 24
h = Int(itime / 3600)
itime = itime - h * 3600
m = Int(itime / 60)
itime = itime - m * 60
s = itime
GetNormalTime = d & "d." & h & "h." & m & "m." & s & "s."
End Function
Public Function GetTimeFrom(itime As Long) As String
GetTimeFrom = DateAdd("s", itime, "1/1/1970"
End Function
Номер ответа: 7
Автор ответа:
ICQ: 42305746
Вопросов: 2
Ответов: 67
Профиль | | #7
Добавлено: 11.01.07 16:54