---System Menu hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(Me.hwnd,0) ---Menu GetMenu ---SubMenu hSubMnu = GetSubMenu(hMenu,0) ---Check IsMenu ---Exmpl 'Download the full source+pictures+.. at http://www.allapi.net/php/dlman/dm.cgi?id=bitmenu.zip&action=download Private Declare Function GetMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetMenuItemID Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetSubMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ModifyMenu Lib "user32" Alias "ModifyMenuA" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal wIDNewItem As Long, ByVal lpString As Any) As Long Const MF_BITMAP = 4 Const MF_CHECKED = 8 Private Sub Form_Load() 'KPD-Team 1998 'URL: http://www.allapi.net/ 'E-Mail: KPDTeam@Allapi.net Dim hMenu As Long, hSubMenu As Long, lngID As Long 'Get the handle of the form's menu hMenu = GetMenu(Me.hWnd) 'Get the handle of the form's submenu hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0) 'Change first item (index=0) picBitmaps(0).Picture = picBitmaps(0).Image lngID = GetMenuItemID(hSubMenu, 0) Call ModifyMenu(hMenu, lngID, MF_BITMAP, lngID, CLng(picBitmaps(0).Picture)) 'Change second item (index=1) picBitmaps(1).Picture = picBitmaps(1).Image lngID = GetMenuItemID(hSubMenu, 1) Call ModifyMenu(hMenu, lngID, MF_BITMAP, lngID, CLng(picBitmaps(1).Picture)) 'Change third item (index=2) picBitmaps(2).Picture = picBitmaps(2).Image lngID = GetMenuItemID(hSubMenu, 2) Call ModifyMenu(hMenu, lngID, MF_BITMAP, lngID, CLng(picBitmaps(2).Picture)) mnuBitmap1.Checked = True End Sub Private Sub mnuBitmap1_Click() mnuBitmap1.Checked = Not mnuBitmap1.Checked End Sub Private Sub mnuBitmapEnd_Click() End End Sub ---Пример спер из АПИ-гайда))