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Вопрос: ListView item - картинка, subitem - картинка. Как?
Добавлено: 18.05.06 11:01
Автор вопроса: Elfebet
Нужна в listiview запихнуть 2 картинки. listiview должен быть в стиле this.listView1.View = View.Details;.
Так вот, картинку в listview1.items кинуть можна, а надо еще картинку добавить в listview1.items.SubItems. как добавить картинку в SubItems ума не приложу, я видел что такое возможно, но как это сделать подскажите плиз? (желательно с примером)
Номер ответа: 1 Автор ответа: SRV
ICQ: 254226129
Вопросов: 30 Ответов: 107
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Добавлено: 18.05.06 11:40
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
' build our column headers
With lstListView.ColumnHeaders
.Add , , "", 400, , "S"
.Add , , "", 400, , "Flag"
.Add , , "", 400, , "Clip"
.Add , , "", 400, , "A"
.Add , , "", 400, , "Bolt"
.Add , , "Subject", 3000
.Add , , "ate", 1000, , "own"
.Add , , "Time", 1000
.Add , , "Size", 1000
End With
' set the default sort to the date column
lstListView.Sorted = True
lstListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending
lstListView.SortKey = 5
' just to show this off
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
' ignore resize errors
On Error Resume Next
' resize the listview
lstListView.Move 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub lstListView_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
' make sure the list has sorting enabled
lstListView.Sorted = True
If lstListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending Then
' if it's currently asc then desc it
lstListView.SortOrder = lvwDescending
' if it's currently desc then asc it
lstListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending
End If
' only change the icon if there isn't one there
' or it's an arrow
If lstListView.ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = 0 Or _
lstListView.ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "Up" Then
lstListView.ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "own"
GoTo ClearAllOthers
End If
' only change the icon if there isn't one there
' or it's an arrow
If lstListView.ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = 0 Or _
lstListView.ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "own" Then
lstListView.ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "Up"
GoTo ClearAllOthers
End If
' setup a counter variable
 im lngIndex As Long
' loop through all of the column headers
For lngIndex = 1 To lstListView.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1
' except the current one
If lngIndex <> ColumnHeader.Index Then
' and if it has an 'up' or 'down' then
If lstListView.ColumnHeaders(lngIndex).Icon = "Up" Or _
lstListView.ColumnHeaders(lngIndex).Icon = "own" Then
' dectroy it's icon
lstListView.ColumnHeaders(lngIndex).Icon = 0
End If
End If
Next lngIndex
End Sub
Private Sub LoadList()
' add some junk items to the list
' see function 'AddToListView' for the details
AddToListView "Re: Feliz Navidad", "22/12/99", "0:18", "8K", False, True
AddToListView "Feliz Navidad", "20/12/99", "13:02", "263K", True, False, True
AddToListView "Feliz Navid...aggggg", "13/12/99", "22:02", "28K", True
AddToListView "Re; web", "19/11/99", "18:38", "5K", True
AddToListView "Rases de datos de liber-Swiss", "05/05/99", "9:59", "865K", True, True
AddToListView "Re; Boomerang... Contestacion", "02/04/99", "11:16", "5K", True
AddToListView "RV:", "12/03/99", "2:41", "676K", True, True
AddToListView "RV: Esto es BUENISIMO...!!!", "27/02/99", "9:24", "3K", True
' refresh the lsitview and select the first item
lstListView.ListItems.Item(1).Selected = True
End Sub
Private Function AddToListView(strSubject As String, _
strDate As String, _
strTime As String, _
strSize As String, _
Optional bolMailRead As Boolean, _
Optional bolPaperClip As Boolean, _
Optional bolShowR As Boolean)
' Note: i did not handle the second (flag) and fifth (bolt) columns
' because the image you sent sisn't have them in it. But I'm sure
' that from this code you can figure it out easily.
' setup a variable to use to build an item
 im lstEntry As ListItem
' set the icon to the first item
If bolMailRead = True Then
Set lstEntry = lstListView.ListItems.Add(, , " ", "Mail_Read"
Set lstEntry = lstListView.ListItems.Add(, , " ", "Mail_New"
End If
' build the first two children
lstEntry.SubItems(1) = ""
lstEntry.SubItems(2) = ""
' if we wanted a 'clip' then set the clip
If bolPaperClip = True Then lstEntry.ListSubItems.Item(2).ReportIcon = "Clip"
' build another blank child
lstEntry.SubItems(3) = ""
' if we wanted an 'r' then set the r
If bolShowR = True Then lstEntry.ListSubItems.Item(3).ReportIcon = "R"
' build another blank child
lstEntry.SubItems(4) = ""
' set the items to teh desired values
lstEntry.SubItems(5) = strSubject
lstEntry.SubItems(6) = strDate
lstEntry.SubItems(7) = strTime
lstEntry.SubItems(8) = strSize
End Function
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