И еще, может кто-то знает ТОЧНО, как определить скока файлов в аттаче и как определить начало содержания файла аттача?
Attribute VB_Name = "mBase64"
Option Explicit
Private aDecTab(255)
As Integer
Private Const sEncTab
As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
Public Function EncodeStr64(
ByRef sInput
As String)
As String
Dim sOutput
As String, sLast
As String
Dim b(2)
As Byte
Dim j
As Integer
Dim i
As Long, nLen
As Long, nQuants
As Long
Dim iIndex
As Long
nLen = Len(sInput)
nQuants = nLen \ 3
sOutput =
String(nQuants * 4, " "
For i = 0
To nQuants - vbNull
For j = 0
To 2
b(j) = VBA.Asc(VBA.
Mid$(sInput, (i * 3) + j + vbNull, vbNull))
Mid(sOutput, iIndex + vbNull, 4) = EncodeQuantum(b)
iIndex = iIndex + 4
Select Case nLen
Mod 3
Case 0
sLast = vbNullString
Case 1
b(0) = VBA.Asc(VBA.
Mid$(sInput, nLen, vbNull))
b(1) = 0&
b(2) = 0&
sLast = EncodeQuantum(b)
sLast = VBA.Left$(sLast, 2) & "=="
Case 2
b(0) = VBA.Asc(VBA.
Mid$(sInput, nLen - vbNull, vbNull))
b(1) = VBA.Asc(VBA.
Mid$(sInput, nLen, vbNull))
b(2) = 0&
sLast = EncodeQuantum(b)
sLast = VBA.Left(sLast, 3) & "="
End Select
EncodeStr64 = sOutput & sLast
End Function
Public Function DecodeStr64(
ByRef sEncoded
As String)
As String
Dim d(3)
As Byte
Dim c
As Byte
Dim di
As Integer
Dim i
As Long
Dim nLen
As Long
Dim iIndex
As Long
nLen = Len(sEncoded)
ecodeStr64 =
String((nLen \ 4) * 3, " "
Call MakeDecTab
For i = vbNull
To Len(sEncoded)
c = VBA.
Mid$(sEncoded, i, vbNull)))
c = aDecTab(c)
If c >= 0&
d(di) = c
di = di + vbNull
If di = 4
Mid$(DecodeStr64, iIndex + vbNull, 3) = DecodeQuantum(d)
iIndex = iIndex + 3
If d(3) = 64
ecodeStr64 = VBA.Left(DecodeStr64, VBA.
Len(DecodeStr64) - vbNull)
iIndex = iIndex - vbNull
End If
If d(2) = 64
ecodeStr64 = VBA.Left(DecodeStr64, VBA.
Len(DecodeStr64) - vbNull)
iIndex = iIndex - vbNull
End If
di = 0&
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function EncodeQuantum(
ByRef b()
As Byte)
As String
Dim c
As Integer
c = SHR2(b(0))
And &H3F
EncodeQuantum = EncodeQuantum & VBA.
Mid$(sEncTab, c + vbNull, vbNull)
c = SHL4(b(0)
And &H3)
Or (SHR4(b(1))
And &HF)
EncodeQuantum = EncodeQuantum & VBA.
Mid$(sEncTab, c + vbNull, vbNull)
c = SHL2(b(1)
And &HF)
Or (SHR6(b(2))
And &H3)
EncodeQuantum = EncodeQuantum & VBA.
Mid$(sEncTab, c + vbNull, vbNull)
c = b(2)
And &H3F
EncodeQuantum = EncodeQuantum & VBA.
Mid$(sEncTab, c + vbNull, vbNull)
End Function
Private Function DecodeQuantum(
ByRef d()
As Byte)
As String
Dim c
As Long
c = SHL2(d(0))
Or (SHR4(d(1))
And &H3)
ecodeQuantum = DecodeQuantum & VBA.Chr$(c)
c = SHL4(d(1)
And &HF)
Or (SHR2(d(2))
And &HF)
ecodeQuantum = DecodeQuantum & VBA.Chr$(c)
c = SHL6(d(2)
And &H3)
Or d(3)
ecodeQuantum = DecodeQuantum & VBA.Chr$(c)
End Function
Private Function MakeDecTab()
Dim t
As Integer
Dim c
As Integer
For c = 0
To 255
aDecTab(c) = &HFFF
For c = VBA.Asc("A"
To VBA.Asc("Z"
aDecTab(c) = t
t = t + vbNull
For c = VBA.Asc("a"
To VBA.Asc("z"
aDecTab(c) = t
t = t + vbNull
For c = VBA.Asc("0"
To VBA.Asc("9"
aDecTab(c) = t
t = t + vbNull
c = Asc("+"
aDecTab(c) = t
t = t + vbNull
c = Asc("/"
aDecTab(c) = t
t = t + vbNull
c = Asc("="
aDecTab(c) = t
End Function
Private Function SHL2(
ByVal bytValue
As Byte)
As Byte
SHL2 = (bytValue * &H4)
And &HFF
End Function
Private Function SHL4(
ByVal bytValue
As Byte)
As Byte
SHL4 = (bytValue * &H10)
And &HFF
End Function
Private Function SHL6(
ByVal bytValue
As Byte)
As Byte
SHL6 = (bytValue * &H40)
And &HFF
End Function
Private Function SHR2(
ByVal bytValue
As Byte)
As Byte
SHR2 = bytValue \ &H4
End Function
Private Function SHR4(
ByVal bytValue
As Byte)
As Byte
SHR4 = bytValue \ &H10
End Function
Private Function SHR6(
ByVal bytValue
As Byte)
As Byte
SHR6 = bytValue \ &H40
End Function