Option Explicit
Private Type ScTw
As Long
As Long
End Type
Private Type RGBTriple
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
End Type
Private Type RGBQUAD
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
End Type
Private Type tgaheader
'declare the header
As Byte 'length of image information block
As Byte 'DAC table or BGR format
As Byte 'compressed or uncompressed
As Integer 'first entry in the DAC table
As Integer 'number of colors in the DAC table
As Byte 'entry size in the DAC table
As Integer 'x co-ordinate lower left corner
As Integer 'y co-ordinate lower left corner
As Integer 'image width
As Integer 'image height
As Byte 'number of bits per pixel
As Byte 'image descriptor
End Type
Private Type Palette2
As Byte
As Byte
End Type
Private Type Palette3
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
End Type
Private Type Palette4
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
As Byte
End Type
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory
Lib "kernel32"
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination
As Any, Source
As Any,
ByVal Length
As Long)
Private Orientation
As Integer
Private Ьbergabe()
As Byte
Private BitmapData()
As Byte
Private Header
As tgaheader
'define the header
Private Pal1()
As Palette3
Private Pal2()
As Palette4
Private Pal3()
As Palette2
Private i
As Long
Private nWidth
As Long
Private nHeight
As Long
Private Scales
As Integer
Private Automatic
As Boolean
Private TW
As ScTw
Public Function LoadTGA(
ByVal FileName
As String)
As StdPicture
Dim nFreefile
As Integer
nFreefile = FreeFile
Open FileName
For Binary Lock Write As #nFreefile
Seek #nFreefile, 1
Get #nFreefile, , Header
Close #nFreefile
TW = PixelToTwips(
Select Case Header.pixelsize
Case 8
Read8Bit FileName
Case 16
Read16bit FileName
Case 24
Read24bit FileName
Case 32
Read32bit FileName
End Select
End Function
Private Sub Read8Bit(FileName
As String)
Dim nFreefile
As Integer
Dim nLineSize
As Long
Dim Palette8(0
To 255)
As RGBTriple
Dim PalByte
As Byte
Dim result
As Long
Dim NYSize
As Long
nFreefile = FreeFile
Open FileName
For Binary Lock Write As #nFreefile
Seek #nFreefile, 1
Get #nFreefile, , Header
Select Case Header.entrybits / 8
Case 2
ReDim Pal3(Header.colnumber - 1)
Get #nFreefile, , Pal3
'Palette erstellen
For i = 0
To UBound(Pal3)
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 1) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Blue = 16
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 2) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Blue = Palette8(i).Blue + 8
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 3) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Blue = Palette8(i).Blue + 4
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 4) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Blue = Palette8(i).Blue + 2
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 5) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Blue = Palette8(i).Blue + 1
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 6) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Green = 16
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 7) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Green = Palette8(i).Green + 8
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte1, 8) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Green = Palette8(i).Green + 4
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 1) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Green = Palette8(i).Green + 2
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 2) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Green = Palette8(i).Green + 1
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 3) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Red = 16
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 4) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Red = Palette8(i).Red + 8
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 5) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Red = Palette8(i).Red + 4
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 6) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Red = Palette8(i).Red + 2
If GetByte(Pal3(i).Byte2, 7) = 1
Then Palette8(i).Red = Palette8(i).Red + 1
Palette8(i).Red = Palette8(i).Red * 4
Palette8(i).Green = Palette8(i).Green * 4
Palette8(i).Blue = Palette8(i).Blue * 4
Next i
Case 3
ReDim Pal1(Header.colnumber - 1)
Get #nFreefile, , Pal1
'Farbfolge дndern
For i = 0
To UBound(Pal1)
Palette8(i).Red = Pal1(i).Rot
Palette8(i).Blue = Pal1(i).Blau
Palette8(i).Green = Pal1(i).Grьn
Next i
Case 4
ReDim Pal2(Header.colnumber - 1)
Get #nFreefile, , Pal2
'Farbfolge дndern
For i = 0
To UBound(Pal2)
Palette8(i).Red = Pal2(i).Rot
Palette8(i).Blue = Pal2(i).Blau
Palette8(i).Green = Pal2(i).Grьn
Next i
End Select
ReDim BitmapData(LOF(nFreefile) -
Len(Header) - (
UBound(Pal1) * 3))
Get #nFreefile, , BitmapData()
Orientation = GetByte(Header.descriptor, 3)
Close #nFreefile
With Header
nWidth = .widt - .xvalue
' + 1
nHeight = .Height - .yvalue
' + 1
nLineSize = .widt
End With
ReDim Ьbergabe(
UBound(Palette8) * 3 + 3)
CopyMemory Ьbergabe(0), Palette8(0),
InitColorTable_8 Ьbergabe
If Header.imagetyp = 9
Or Header.imagetyp = 10
BitmapData = DecompressTGA(BitmapData(), 8, nHeight, nWidth)
End If
MakeBitmap BitmapData, nHeight, nLineSize
CreateBitmap_8 BitmapData, nWidth, nHeight, Orientation
End Sub
Private Sub Read16bit(FileName
As String)
Dim nFreefile
As Integer
Dim nLineSize
As Long
Dim Data()
As Byte
nFreefile = FreeFile
Open FileName
For Binary Lock Write As #nFreefile
Seek #nFreefile, 1
Get #nFreefile, , Header
With Header
nWidth = .widt - .xvalue
' + 1
nHeight = .Height - .yvalue
' + 1
nLineSize = .widt * .pixelsize
End With
ReDim Data(LOF(nFreefile) -
Get #nFreefile, , Data()
Orientation = GetByte(Header.descriptor, 3)
Close #nFreefile
If Header.imagetyp = 9
Or Header.imagetyp = 10
ata = DecompressTGA(Data(), 24, nHeight, nWidth)
End If
CreateBitmap_16 Data, nWidth, nHeight, Orientation
End Sub
Private Sub Read24bit(FileName
As String)
Dim nFreefile
As Integer
Dim nLineSize
As Long
Dim Data()
As Byte
Dim quad()
nFreefile = FreeFile
Open FileName
For Binary Lock Write As #nFreefile
Seek #nFreefile, 1
Get #nFreefile, , Header
With Header
nWidth = .widt - .xvalue
' + 1
nHeight = .Height - .yvalue
' + 1
nLineSize = .widt * .pixelsize
End With
ReDim Data(LOF(nFreefile) -
Get #nFreefile, , Data()
Orientation = GetByte(Header.descriptor, 3)
Close #nFreefile
If Header.imagetyp = 9
Or Header.imagetyp = 10
ata = DecompressTGA(Data(), 24, nHeight, nWidth)
End If
'Sort from planes into a bitmap
Dim x
As Long, y
As Long, nStartPos
As Long
ReDim quad(
UBound(Data) / 3)
For x = 0
To UBound(Data) / 3 - 1
With quad(x)
.rgbBlue = Data(x * 3)
.rgbGreen = Data(x * 3 + 1)
.rgbRed = Data(x * 3 + 2)
End With
Next x
ReDim BitmapData(
UBound(quad) * 4 + 4)
CopyMemory BitmapData(0), quad(0),
CreateBitmap_24 BitmapData, nWidth, nHeight, Orientation
End Sub
Private Sub Read32bit(FileName
As String)
Dim nFreefile
As Integer
Dim nLineSize
As Long
Dim Data()
As Byte
Dim quad()
nFreefile = FreeFile
Open FileName
For Binary Lock Write As #nFreefile
Seek #nFreefile, 1
Get #nFreefile, , Header
With Header
nWidth = .widt - .xvalue
' + 1
nHeight = .Height - .yvalue
' + 1
nLineSize = .widt * .pixelsize
End With
ReDim Data(LOF(nFreefile) -
Get #nFreefile, , Data()
Orientation = GetByte(Header.descriptor, 3)
Close #nFreefile
If Header.imagetyp = 9
Or Header.imagetyp = 10
ata = DecompressTGA(Data(), 32, nHeight, nWidth)
End If
'Sort from planes into a bitmap
Dim x
As Long, y
As Long, nStartPos
As Long
ReDim quad(
UBound(Data) / 4)
For x = 0
To UBound(Data) / 4 - 1
With quad(x)
.rgbBlue = Data(x * 4)
.rgbGreen = Data(x * 4 + 1)
.rgbRed = Data(x * 4 + 2)
End With
Next x
ReDim BitmapData(
UBound(quad) * 4 + 4)
CopyMemory BitmapData(0), quad(0),
CreateBitmap_24 BitmapData, nWidth, nHeight, Orientation
End Sub
Private Function DecompressTGA(RLEStream()
As Byte, Bits
As Long, Hцhe
As Long, Breite
As Long)
As Byte()
Dim InitSize
As Long
Dim Temp()
As Byte
Dim n
As Long
Dim k
As Boolean
Dim b
As Long
Dim l
As Long
Dim fertig
As Long
Dim z
As Long
Dim Lдnge
As Long
Dim Byteanzahl
As Long
On Error Resume Next
'For i = 0 To UBound(RLEStream)
'Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 & " " & RLEStream(i)
'Next i
Byteanzahl = Bits / 8
InitSize =
CLng(Hцhe * Breite * Byteanzahl)
ReDim Temp(0
To InitSize)
Do While fertig < InitSize
If l >
Then GoTo Ende
z = 0
If RLEStream(l) > 127
n = RLEStream(l) - 127
For b = 0
To n - 1
CopyMemory Temp(fertig), RLEStream(l + 1), Byteanzahl
fertig = fertig + Byteanzahl
Next b
k =
n = RLEStream(l) + 1
Lдnge = n * Byteanzahl
CopyMemory Temp(fertig), RLEStream(l + 1), Lдnge
k =
z = z + Lдnge
fertig = fertig + z
End If
If k =
True Then
l = Byteanzahl + 1 + l
n = z + (n * Byteanzahl) + 1
l = (n * Byteanzahl + 1) + l
n = z + n
End If
ecompressTGA = Temp
End Function
Private Sub MakeBitmap(ImageArray()
As Byte, Lines
As Long, BytesLine
As Long)
Dim Ьbergabe()
As Byte
Dim GrцЯeBMP
As Long
Dim Zugabe
As Integer
Dim Standort
As Long
Dim nBitmapX
As Long
Dim l
As Long
If (BytesLine)
Mod 4 = 0
'wenn duch 4 teilbar dann ok
nBitmapX = BytesLine - 1
'ansonsten дndern
nBitmapX = (BytesLine \ 4) * 4 + 3
End If
If nBitmapX + 1 <> BytesLine
Zugabe = nBitmapX - BytesLine + 1
End If
GrцЯeBMP = Lines * (nBitmapX + 1) - 1
ReDim Ьbergabe(
CopyMemory Ьbergabe(0), ImageArray(0),
UBound(ImageArray) + 1
ReDim ImageArray(GrцЯeBMP)
For i = 0
To BytesLine * Lines - BytesLine
Step BytesLine
CopyMemory ImageArray(Standort), Ьbergabe(i), BytesLine
Standort = Standort + nBitmapX + 1
Next i
End Sub
Private Function GetByte(Bytes
As Byte, Position
As Long)
As Integer
GetByte = 0
Select Case Position
Case 1
If Bytes
And 128
Then GetByte = 1
Case 2
If Bytes
And 64
Then GetByte = 1
Case 3
If Bytes
And 32
Then GetByte = 1
Case 4
If Bytes
And 16
Then GetByte = 1
Case 5
If Bytes
And 8
Then GetByte = 1
Case 6
If Bytes
And 4
Then GetByte = 1
Case 7
If Bytes
And 2
Then GetByte = 1
Case 8
If Bytes
And 1
Then GetByte = 1
End Select
End Function
Public Function DrawTGA(PicObj
As Object)
DrawBitmap nWidth, nHeight, PicObj, Automatic
End Function
Public Property Get TGAWidth()
As Long
Select Case Scales
Case 0
TGAWidth = nWidth
Case 1
TGAWidth = TW.TwipWidth
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get TGAHeight()
As Long
Select Case Scales
Case 0
TGAHeight = nHeight
Case 1
TGAHeight = TW.TwipHeight
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get Compressed()
As Boolean
Select Case Header.imagetyp
Case 9
Compressed =
Case 10
Compressed =
Case Else
Compressed =
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get Bpp()
As Integer
Bpp =
End Property
Public Property Get IsTGA()
As Boolean
Dim Test
As Boolean
Test =
Select Case Header.imagetyp
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 9
Case 10
Case 11
Case 32
Case 33
Case Else
Test =
End Select
Select Case Header.pixelsize
Case &H8
Case &H10
Case &H18
Case &H20
Case Else
Test =
End Select
IsTGA = Test
End Property
Public Property Get ScaleMode()
As Integer
ScaleMode = Scales
End Property
Public Property Let ScaleMode(
ByVal vNewValue
As Integer)
If vNewValue > 0
Then vNewValue = 1
If vNewValue <> Scales
Scales = vNewValue
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Autoscale()
As Boolean
Autoscale = Automatic
End Property
Public Property Let Autoscale(
ByVal vNewValue
As Boolean)
Automatic = vNewValue
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Automatic =
Scales = 1
End Sub
Private Function PixelToTwips(xwert
As Long, ywert
As Long)
As ScTw
Dim ux
As Long
Dim uy
As Long
Dim XWert1
As Long
Dim yWert1
As Long
ux = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
PixelToTwips.TwipWidth = xwert * ux
uy = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
PixelToTwips.TwipHeight = ywert * uy
End Function