Visual Basic, .NET, ASP, VBScript


Форум - .NET



  Вопрос: microsoft development environment Добавлено: 25.11.05 14:10  

Автор вопроса:  aleks_prl
в VS 2003 выпадала ошибка
"The Web server reported the following error when attempting to create or open the Web project located at the following URL: 'http://localhost/WebApplicaton'.'A connection with the server could not be established'."

запустил aspnet_regiis.exe -i теперь выпадает
"The class file 'WebForm1.aspx.vb' specified as the codebehind for 'WebForm1.aspx' could not be loaded. Make sure that the codebehind attribute in the page or control directive properly references an existing code behind

как это можно побороть ?


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