Как узнать процент соответствия двух строк |
Функция Simil возвращает процент соответствия двух строк. Private b1() As Byte
Private b2() As Byte
Public Function Simil(String1 As String, String2 As String) As Double
Dim l1 As Long
Dim l2 As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim r As Double
If UCase(String1) = UCase(String2) Then
r = 1
l1 = Len(String1)
l2 = Len(String2)
If l1 = 0 Or l2 = 0 Then
r = 0
ReDim b1(1 To l1): ReDim b2(1 To l2)
For l = 1 To l1
b1(l) = Asc(UCase(Mid(String1, l, 1)))
For l = 1 To l2
b2(l) = Asc(UCase(Mid(String2, l, 1)))
r = SubSim(1, l1, 1, l2) / (l1 + l2) * 2
End If
End If
Simil = r
Erase b1
Erase b2
End Function
Private Function SubSim(st1 As Long, end1 As Long, st2 As Long, end2 As Long)
As Long
Dim c1 As Long
Dim c2 As Long
Dim ns1 As Long
Dim ns2 As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim max As Long
If st1 > end1 Or st2 > end2 Or st1 <= 0 Or st2 <= 0 Then Exit Function
For c1 = st1 To end1
For c2 = st2 To end2
i = 0
Do Until b1(c1 + i) <> b2(c2 + i)
i = i + 1
If i > max Then
ns1 = c1
ns2 = c2
max = i
End If
If c1 + i > end1 Or c2 + i > end2 Then Exit Do
max = max + SubSim(ns1 + max, end1, ns2 + max, end2)
max = max + SubSim(st1, ns1 - 1, st2, ns2 - 1)
SubSim = max
End Function