Visual Basic, .NET, ASP, VBA, VBScript
  Библиотека кодов  
  Работа с формой  
  Глобальное изменение размеров формы/контролов  
  Отличный и бесподобный пример, автору которого надо выдавать приз за один из отличнейших примеров. К сожалению, я не знаю ни имени автора, ни сайта, разместившего в первоисточнике этот пример. Что делает пример? Ни много, ни мало, а код в зависимости от изменения размеров формы, меняет размеры всех контролов, расположенных на этой форме!!! Вам надо добавить на форму 2 элемента CommanButton и дополнительный модуль в программу. Запустите программу и попробуйте изменять размеры формы. Впечатляет? В любой момент нажмите на кнопку 1, измените размеры формы и нажмите на кнопку 2. Впечатляет?!?

Private Sub Command1_Click()
SaveFormPosition Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
RestoreFormPosition Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
ResizeForm Me
End Sub


Option Explicit
Type ctrObj
Name As String
Index As Long
Parrent As String
Top As Long
Left As Long
Height As Long
Width As Long
ScaleHeight As Long
ScaleWidth As Long
End Type
Private FormRecord() As ctrObj
Private ControlRecord() As ctrObj
Private MaxForm As Long
Private MaxControl As Long

Private Function ActualPos(plLeft As Long) As Long
If plLeft < 0 Then ActualPos = plLeft + 75000 Else ActualPos = plLeft
End Function

Private Function FindForm(pfrmIn As Form) As Long
Dim i As Long
FindForm = -1
If MaxForm > 0 Then
For i = 0 To (MaxForm - 1)
If FormRecord(i).Name = pfrmIn.Name Then FindForm = i: Exit Function
Next i
End If
End Function

Private Function AddForm(pfrmIn As Form) As Long
Dim FormControl As Control
Dim i As Long
ReDim Preserve FormRecord(MaxForm + 1)
FormRecord(MaxForm).Name = pfrmIn.Name
FormRecord(MaxForm).Top = pfrmIn.Top
FormRecord(MaxForm).Left = pfrmIn.Left
FormRecord(MaxForm).Height = pfrmIn.Height
FormRecord(MaxForm).Width = pfrmIn.Width
FormRecord(MaxForm).ScaleHeight = pfrmIn.ScaleHeight
FormRecord(MaxForm).ScaleWidth = pfrmIn.ScaleWidth
AddForm = MaxForm
MaxForm = MaxForm + 1
For Each FormControl In pfrmIn
i = FindControl(FormControl, pfrmIn.Name)
If i < 0 Then i = AddControl(FormControl, pfrmIn.Name)
Next FormControl
End Function

Private Function FindControl(inControl As Control, inName As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
FindControl = -1
For i = 0 To (MaxControl - 1)
If ControlRecord(i).Parrent = inName Then
If ControlRecord(i).Name = inControl.Name Then
On Error Resume Next
If ControlRecord(i).Index = inControl.Index Then
FindControl = i
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
Next i
End Function

Private Function AddControl(inControl As Control, inName As String) As Long
ReDim Preserve ControlRecord(MaxControl + 1)
On Error Resume Next
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Name = inControl.Name
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Index = inControl.Index
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Parrent = inName
If TypeOf inControl Is Line Then
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Top = inControl.Y1
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Left = ActualPos(inControl.X1)
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Height = inControl.Y2
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Width = ActualPos(inControl.X2)
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Top = inControl.Top
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Left = ActualPos(inControl.Left)
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Height = inControl.Height
ControlRecord(MaxControl).Width = inControl.Width
End If
On Error GoTo 0
AddControl = MaxControl
MaxControl = MaxControl + 1
End Function

Private Function PerWidth(pfrmIn As Form) As Long
Dim i As Long
i = FindForm(pfrmIn)
If i < 0 Then i = AddForm(pfrmIn)
PerWidth = (pfrmIn.ScaleWidth * 100) \ FormRecord(i).ScaleWidth
End Function

Private Function PerHeight(pfrmIn As Form) As Single
Dim i As Long
i = FindForm(pfrmIn)
If i < 0 Then i = AddForm(pfrmIn)
PerHeight = (pfrmIn.ScaleHeight * 100) \ FormRecord(i).ScaleHeight
End Function

Private Sub ResizeControl(inControl As Control, pfrmIn As Form)
Dim i As Long
Dim yRatio, xRatio, lTop, lLeft, lWidth, lHeight As Long
yRatio = PerHeight(pfrmIn)
xRatio = PerWidth(pfrmIn)
i = FindControl(inControl, pfrmIn.Name)
On Error GoTo Moveit
If inControl.Left < 0 Then
lLeft = CLng(((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100) - 75000)
lLeft = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100)
End If
lTop = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Top * yRatio) \ 100)
lWidth = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Width * xRatio) \ 100)
lHeight = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Height * yRatio) \ 100)
On Error GoTo MoveError1
If TypeOf inControl Is Line Then
If inControl.X1 < 0 Then
inControl.X1 = CLng(((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100) - 75000)
inControl.X1 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Left * xRatio) \ 100)
End If
inControl.Y1 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Top * yRatio) \ 100)
If inControl.X2 < 0 Then
inControl.X2 = CLng(((ControlRecord(i).Width * xRatio) \ 100) - 75000)
inControl.X2 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Width * xRatio) \ 100)
End If
inControl.Y2 = CLng((ControlRecord(i).Height * yRatio) \ 100)
If TypeOf inControl Is Timer Then GoTo subExit
inControl.Move lLeft, lTop, lWidth, lHeight
End If
GoTo subExit
On Error GoTo MoveError2
inControl.Move lLeft, lTop, lWidth
GoTo subExit
On Error GoTo subExit
inControl.Move lLeft, lTop
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Public Sub ResizeForm(pfrmIn As Form)
Dim FormControl As Control
Dim isVisible As Boolean
If pfrmIn.Top < 30000 Then
isVisible = pfrmIn.Visible
pfrmIn.Visible = False
For Each FormControl In pfrmIn
ResizeControl FormControl, pfrmIn
Next FormControl
pfrmIn.Visible = isVisible
End If
End Sub

Public Sub SaveFormPosition(pfrmIn As Form)
Dim i As Long
If MaxForm > 0 Then
For i = 0 To (MaxForm - 1)
If FormRecord(i).Name = pfrmIn.Name Then
FormRecord(i).Top = pfrmIn.Top
FormRecord(i).Left = pfrmIn.Left
FormRecord(i).Height = pfrmIn.Height
FormRecord(i).Width = pfrmIn.Width
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
AddForm (pfrmIn)
End If
End Sub

Public Sub RestoreFormPosition(pfrmIn As Form)
Dim i As Long
If MaxForm > 0 Then
For i = 0 To (MaxForm - 1)
If FormRecord(i).Name = pfrmIn.Name Then
If FormRecord(i).Top < 0 Then
pfrmIn.WindowState = 2
ElseIf FormRecord(i).Top < 30000 Then
pfrmIn.WindowState = 0
pfrmIn.Move FormRecord(i).Left, FormRecord(i).Top
pfrmIn.Width = FormRecord(i).Width
pfrmIn.Height = FormRecord(i).Height
pfrmIn.WindowState = 1
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
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